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[Suggestion] New Daily Login Reward System


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The only reason Mystic Coins are worth "Gold" is because of their insane scarcity. It's a supply and demand issue and clearly these people harvesting on multiple accounts have done nothing towards the supply or the items simply wouldn't be worth a gold any more. Remove them from daily log in and the price will rocket up, it requires a ton of these things for legendary weapons.


And hell I make more off Pact Scouting Materials and those are basically log-in items as well. Log in, waypoint buy.




In fact we got a good week coming up with 28g for 40 scouting mats.


Actually, Laurels make me an insane amount each month as well, between 30 and 50g depending on the market. I feel like you have some out of focus shady business going on for wanting to manipulate the coin prices when there are SO many other easy, log-in style gold makers.

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> @Zohane.7208 said:

> I have to say I'm confused; is the OP suggesting to rip out the potential for people who so wish to make a few gold from the daily login simply because a few players with multiple accounts make the staggering amount of 60g per account per month?

> The reward for the 3 dailies, which can be accomplished almost as fast, is 2g per day, plus some stuff - should we remove those rewards as well? Or replace them with things that can't generate any gold?

> What about the materials I can gather from nodes in the open World? They easily generate a couple of gold per day, so should all materials be account bound lest someone make some money?

> Or what about people with more than "reasonable" game time, should they be forced to log out after 30 minutes?


> Ok, ok, so I'm on a hyperbole here, but it's still the same kinds of reasoning.


> Needless to say I'm 100% against this madness.


Better yet, let's also make home instances only available to the account and not shareable. I mean, I take my alt account into my main's home instance every day and harvest all 22+ nodes on both accounts. See, I'm the guy the OP says he hates, because I have 2 accounts and I do login on both of them every day. I'm the evilest person in the world. MUWAHAHAHAHA! BOW BEFORE YOUR EVIL MASTER!


Seriously, I just looked. The gold I have on both accounts comes from playing the game on both accounts. Not just logging in, collecting the login reward, and selling everything on the alt. You know what I'm doing with all that extra, sick mats and golds I'm getting with that second account? Effectively single-handedly leveling a guild hall up. When I started working on the GH a bit over a year ago, we were sitting down around level 17 or 18. Today, and I just checked, I'm sitting at level 36 - and expect to hit 37, if not 38, by this weekend. If I didn't have that alt account, I'd be at least 10 levels lower. Oh, and in that time, I also donated over 200 ley-line infused tools to two other guilds, completed the HoT collections for Warrior, Mesmer, Necromancer, Ranger, Guardian, Revenant, and Elementalist, plus Engineer and Ranger on my Alt account. Add up the amount of mystic coins that took.


You're right, OP, there is a problem with GW2. But, the problem is NOT people logging in and making gold off of the login rewards on alt accounts.

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I have an alt account that i log into. I support both accounts with both accounts.


I might be working on an item on the main account and transfer over mats. if the main account does not have enough. I also do the same for the alt account.

Just because I have 2 accounts does not mean that I am abusing the system. I do not play all the time on the alt account but I will log on for the reward. I don't sell the items, I use them. I am not making gold on anything in the game except what I get from open world play.


The reward system is a nice way to make me log on to both accounts and then decide what one I want to play for a bit before real life butts in.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:


> @"IndigoSundown.5419" : You probably don't get any of what i wrote, though the concept is simple.

> It's not a dislike for MC, it's a dislike for reward, in terms of golds, without playing the game, which can be used as a way of sustain in terms of earnings ( and the fact that you can do it with multiple accounts in order to give your main more rewards ).



And here we go. Attacking someone's credibility if you cannot counter their arguments has been around as long as debate has. Are you of the belief that people don't see through tactics like that?


I did not say that I believe you dislike MC's. You made that up. What I said was...


> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:


> 3) The only negative impact I'm seeing is the OP's dislike for the idea of people getting MC's this way.





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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> >

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" : You probably don't get any of what i wrote, though the concept is simple.

> > It's not a dislike for MC, it's a dislike for reward, in terms of golds, without playing the game, which can be used as a way of sustain in terms of earnings ( and the fact that you can do it with multiple accounts in order to give your main more rewards ).

> >


> And here we go. Attacking someone's credibility if you cannot counter their arguments has been around as long as debate has. Are you of the belief that people don't see through tactics like that?


> I did not say that I believe you dislike MC's. You made that up. What I said was...


> > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> >

> > 3) The only negative impact I'm seeing is the OP's dislike for the idea of people getting MC's this way.


Try again.

I didn't quote any part of your post cause it was something related to everything you wrote which has not that much sense.

But let's quote point by point since you want to decide what should i have quoted from you.


> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:


> 1) More crafting? No, thanks. Crafting is mind-numbing and about as boring as it gets. With Anet's approach to crafting anything valuable, the possibility of needing another spreadsheet to keep track of what's needed to make MC's seems likely. As Fleshie's sig (used to?) say, "Be careful what you ask for, ANet might give it to you."


Your point of view, and i do respect it.


> 2) Changing the system is questionable unless the use of alt accounts is having a negative impact on something. Just how large is the impact of alt accounts? How many players have multiple accounts and use them for farming? If that number is small, the overall impact on the game would be small. If that number is large, then what is the negative impact? Who loses? People who want more coins than they get each month can buy these MC's. If a large number of coins are introduced this way each month, then added supply contributes to offsetting demand, which helps keeps MC prices in equilibrium.


Alt accounts provide bonuses to owner's main account by simply multy login ( and then once per week claim all ).

It's not that you don't see the point, is that you don't want to see it ( if some uses more accounts in order to get golds why should i care? MC will cost even less! ... really ).


However, since you tried to think about, if a large number of coin would be introduced every day/month/week, the price would be even lower.

Which means that, though players make money with coins, there are not enough.

Would be way better to have other way to get em, _by playing_ the game i mean.


> 3) The only negative impact I'm seeing is the OP's dislike for the idea of people getting MC's this way. Since I don't care if some people are making gold this way (no, I only have one account), don't mind the little bit of extra gold I get from selling mine and despise crafting as implemented by ANet, I have no motive for wanting the OP's change.


Here's the point. I modified the sheet **in order to remove MC, LAURELS and CRAFTING MATERIALS** ( everything gold free related which came in mind while i was doing the draft ). Some didn't read the whole thread nor the disclaimer, other like you instead were obsessed with MC instead of thinking about the whole point, which is getting free gold by doing nothing instead of something linked to the account.


So yeah, you didn't read the whole post, and still made assumption about my reply.

There's no need for me to attack your credibility.


> 4) The current MC coin faucet is also beneficial for players without alt accounts. It remains to be seen whether the OP's proposal would make the game better for these people, or worse. This is largely so because "create some way to craft MC's" is vague. With that in mind, I'm going to go with leave the system as is.


Having a DL which gives you 50/60g every 28 days is also beneficial for players without alt accounts!

I am truly amazed... i mean i didn't notice it!


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If your goal is to get ANet to change the current system, it's a good idea to try to understand how the system benefits the community. Insisting that it's bad doesn't make it bad and worse (for the OP), it only shows ANet that the suggestion isn't thought through all the way. If the OP is interested in having a discussion, there are many people willing to take part. For now, it seems they are more interested in trying to undermine arguments by criticizing the person making them.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:


> Alt accounts provide bonuses to owner's main account by simply multy login ( and then once per week claim all ).


Yes, I know how the system works.


> It's not that you don't see the point, is that you don't want to see it ( if some uses more accounts in order to get golds why should i care? MC will cost even less! ... really ).


Not what I said.


> However, since you tried to think about, if a large number of coin would be introduced every day/month/week, the price would be even lower.

> Which means that, though players make money with coins, there are not enough.

> Would be way better to have other way to get em, _by playing_ the game i mean.


On the issue, I have no problem with MC's -- or the other stuff -- being made available via "playing the game." Before I agree to anything I'd want to know how those would be gained. There are already too many rewarding things locked in content I find unappealing, so you'll perhaps understand why I might be against moving those rewards from a universal access system to a proprietary one. For that matter, adding MC's (or whatever) as rewards for play does not require removing them from the login rewards.


> Here's the point. I modified the sheet **in order to remove MC, LAURELS and CRAFTING MATERIALS** (everything gold free related which came in mind while i was doing the draft). Some didn't read the whole thread nor the disclaimer, other like you instead were obsessed with MC instead of thinking about the whole point, which is getting free gold by doing nothing instead of something linked to the account.


Yes, I get it. I've gotten it for some time. To you, getting stuff via login rewards that can be sold is something undesirable. I focused on MC's because those are the most visible item. So what? You want to belittle my points and assume I didn't get yours because I do not agree with you. Why do I disagree? I don't mind that people use these reward currencies to get gold. Lest we forget, your argument about why this practice is bad is that you don't like it.


> Because i don't like the idea that players receive a reward which is worth gold by simply log in.

> Rewards should be something which provide a support to player (account bound currencies which could help players to play, or simply receive stuff from content they don't like to play).


While you are welcome to state your opinion, that's all this is, an opinion. You make no attempt to examine _why_ the current system presents a problem. It certainly does not provide a lot of what players must have to make most of the desirable stuff the game puts forth as carrots. So, it's not that the system encourages people not to play the game (now that would be a problem, imo). Without any analysis of why this is a problem in any objective way, we're left with the assumption that the problem is in your perception of the system, not in the system itself. If you want more broad-based support, you'd need to present more cogent arguments, rather than assuming that people who disagree with you are not understanding your points.


Meanwhile, two of your replacement currencies, Shards and Karma, are available in such abundance that they neither help players play nor give them stuff from content they don't like to play. ANet doesn't seem to get that people do not really value these rewards (of course, there are always exceptions to any generalization). You want to replace things people like getting with things they don't care about. Surprise, you're getting some push-back.


There's also:


> Unbound magic as other things could be replaced by guild commendations, spvp shards, wvw tokens, etc... ( a box which allow the player to choose between would be great ).


I have no interest in seeing PvP rewards, WvW rewards, dungeon tokens and guild commendations -- all of which are rewards for playing the game -- available via login.


> 1. **Reward players for playing** instead of log in with different accounts for easy rewards.


To be honest, I liked the daily system better when the dailies were more general, and most or all of the login rewards were gained by completing the dailies. Why restrict a "rewards only via play" system only to things that can be sold?


> 2. A **specific recipe in order to get Mystic coin**, which are now mostly related to daily login ( since not all players do the other specific task which award with some coins ). **Laurels to TX materials will also be removed** in order to prevent players from getting rich by trading laurels.


Recipe means crafting. I'd rather see anything else if Anet chose to listen to your proposal.

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Even with the proposed changes to removed indirect methods of gold acquisition, they leave on the table Tomes but then also go on and add "Dungeon/HoT currency, Karma and Ob shards" all things that are indirect money.....


At this point im pretty much sold on the fact that the OP just generally wants the rich to stay rich and intended to break systems with no regard for anyone but themselves.

It would be comical if this was posted when the forums had downvoting enabled, im sure it would have about 40 or 50 downvotes by now.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> Even with the proposed changes to removed indirect methods of gold acquisition, they leave on the table Tomes but then also go on and add "Dungeon/HoT currency, Karma and Ob shards" all things that are indirect money.....


> At this point im pretty much sold on the fact that the OP just generally wants the rich to stay rich and intended to break systems with no regard for anyone but themselves.

> It would be comical if this was posted when the forums had downvoting enabled, im sure it would have about 40 or 50 downvotes by now.


More than 50.

You understimate what happens when you try to take golds from players by nerfing something ( you are right that karma and tokens can be converted into golds, but the difference with the current System would have been definitive ).


But even so, i just wanted to share my thoughts about the current daily login System.


To be honest I do also have issues with luck since i have capped and got 2 whole capped characters full of exotic essences.


Also tomes are not really a thing for many veterans, though I don't dislike spirit shards, so i do agree with those who suggested some modifies or extra options about these 2 rewards.


But as said, i decided to talk only about what was my primary concern ( and also was ready for this shitstorm ;) ).

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?

> > >

> > > The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.

> > >

> > > And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

> > > I mean, it's more like "kitten man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".

> >

> > You keep on missing the goal of _login_ rewards; they are for ... logging in, not for playing.

> > Again, please take the time to understand ANet's goal in providing a single source for m-coins and making it equally available to veterans and new players.

> >


> It is only meant to show stakeholders how many players to play everyday ( and it's something which could be extend to f2p players too if the rewards would be bound on account, like other games. So there couldn't be any loss of login to begin with ).


> Btw, you have to chose a side dude.

> First you find strange that poor players will be even poor and rich players slightly less rich, trying to being a sort of robin hood, then you side with ANET pov.


If Log-in Rewards are _only_ offered for the sole purpose of having metrics to show stakeholders how many players log in each day, why in the world are Log-In Rewards not offered to Play4Free players? Oh!, there must be other reasons for Log-In Rewards, else they would have been changed long, long ago, no?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?

> > > >

> > > > The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.

> > > >

> > > > And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

> > > > I mean, it's more like "kitten man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".

> > >

> > > You keep on missing the goal of _login_ rewards; they are for ... logging in, not for playing.

> > > Again, please take the time to understand ANet's goal in providing a single source for m-coins and making it equally available to veterans and new players.

> > >

> >

> > It is only meant to show stakeholders how many players to play everyday ( and it's something which could be extend to f2p players too if the rewards would be bound on account, like other games. So there couldn't be any loss of login to begin with ).

> >

> > Btw, you have to chose a side dude.

> > First you find strange that poor players will be even poor and rich players slightly less rich, trying to being a sort of robin hood, then you side with ANET pov.


> If Log-in Rewards are _only_ offered for the sole purpose of having metrics to show stakeholders how many players log in each day, why in the world are Log-In Rewards not offered to Play4Free players? Oh!, there must be other reasons for Log-In Rewards, else they would have been changed long, long ago, no?


Have i really to explain him the problem related to offering this specific dl to f2p accounts?

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> @Halan.8951 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @notebene.3190 said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > Everything I agree except the mystic coin and the spirit shards.

> > > > Keep your mangy Spirit Shards as I can get them easily whether in PoF or Central (will probably never get enough points in HoT to ever get the last 2 masteries I need).

> > > > I have no other way to get mystic coins so no. No no no.

> > >

> > > It seems like the whole point of the post was to take mystic coins from people though. Those are the red changes. So if you don't agree with the mystic coin changes, then presumably, you do not agree with the idea? Unless I read that wrong?

> > >

> > > I personally don't like it at all. What, exactly, is wrong with getting mystic coins? :/

> >

> > The dungeon currency I was fine with. Seems at times hard to get people for those and I need them for certain items/armour I want.


> Just solo-queue in unranked pvp (Stronghold is fun!) and use Dungeon Reward track.


Since I was small, I never had an interest in any kind of competitive gaming.

Stronghold (that's the one in killing the red/blue side's commander, right?) is the most tolerable of PvP/WvW but still gets boring to me after a few runs. For me whethert winning or losing it's just "oh well" situation for me.

The next problem is the reward track goes up super super suuuuuuuper slow just to get one armour piece. My reward track been on Cardacus for about a year now and never fully completed yet.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > > PS you still want to offer people stuff for free, like dungeon tokens, unbound magic, etc. How does that square off with "if you don't play, you don't gain"?

> > > > >

> > > > > The difference is that is something which could be converted by playing into something else, while the current rewards are just click > sell on TP.

> > > > >

> > > > > And I am not the one who said "yeah let's give more stuff to those who play more".

> > > > > I mean, it's more like "kitten man is not that obvious that those who play are the ones who get?".

> > > >

> > > > You keep on missing the goal of _login_ rewards; they are for ... logging in, not for playing.

> > > > Again, please take the time to understand ANet's goal in providing a single source for m-coins and making it equally available to veterans and new players.

> > > >

> > >

> > > It is only meant to show stakeholders how many players to play everyday ( and it's something which could be extend to f2p players too if the rewards would be bound on account, like other games. So there couldn't be any loss of login to begin with ).

> > >

> > > Btw, you have to chose a side dude.

> > > First you find strange that poor players will be even poor and rich players slightly less rich, trying to being a sort of robin hood, then you side with ANET pov.

> >

> > If Log-in Rewards are _only_ offered for the sole purpose of having metrics to show stakeholders how many players log in each day, why in the world are Log-In Rewards not offered to Play4Free players? Oh!, there must be other reasons for Log-In Rewards, else they would have been changed long, long ago, no?


> Have i really to explain him the problem related to offering this specific dl to f2p accounts?


Then, why say "It is only meant to show stakeholders how many player to play everyday"....your words, not mine. Obviously, it's not, or P4F would have access.


Or, maybe statements are made just for effect, and the OP really means something else?

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