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So easy to solve scourge problem ...


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Yo PvP devs, add 1/2s cast time on every scourge skill except f5 and all problems will vanish, no unpredictable condy bombs, actually possibility to interrupt.

Other way could be , you could limit condy aplication on a person 1skill per second , that would help against condy bomber classes overall

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> @Vertep.2498 said:

> good point to show condi power kitten how is feeling power reaper where every his skill have so long cast time


Power Reaper cast times = Condi Reaper cast times.

A better comparison would be power Scourge vs. condi Scourge.


As for nerfs...

-Scourge already got a few hits recently. Dhuumfire (where almost all of the burns come from) seems to have an internal cooldown for Scourge (not sure if it's a bug or not) so they can't spam all skills to cause an instant burst with burns anymore. They have to wait a few secs between using each of their F-skills if they want the burns to happen. Again.. not sure if bug or not.

-You can LOS their shades. So if you're standing in a shade... and the enemy scourge can't see you, the shade can't hurt you no matter how many buttons they mash. So yes... get out of the scourge's line of sight! :bleep_bloop:

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Or you could just stand on terrain slightly off-kilter from the Scourge itself and the shades can't hit you at all... "obstructed" "obstructed" "obstructed" "obstructed" "obstructed" "obstructed" "obstructed" "obstructed" "obstructed"


Or play a Ranger and eliminate each scourge in less than 10 seconds, problem solved.


What play a ranger?? Oh my I can't do that.. Rangers are useless...... um yea.....

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> @Rufo.3716 said:

> Why is everybody complaining about scourge when mirage puts more condis quicker than a scourge can even dream of. 25 stacks of confusion plus a few others in less than 1 sec.

Well , mesmer is not as deadly , cause it applys 2-3 condys , scourge applys like full list , and to clear right ones takes actually ages

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> @Duzik.9137 said:

> > @Rufo.3716 said:

> > Why is everybody complaining about scourge when mirage puts more condis quicker than a scourge can even dream of. 25 stacks of confusion plus a few others in less than 1 sec.

> Well , mesmer is not as deadly , cause it applys 2-3 condys , scourge applys like full list , and to clear right ones takes actually ages


This and mirages don't have good condi clear themselves.

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> @Hooglese.4860 said:

> > @Duzik.9137 said:

> > > @Rufo.3716 said:

> > > Why is everybody complaining about scourge when mirage puts more condis quicker than a scourge can even dream of. 25 stacks of confusion plus a few others in less than 1 sec.

> > Well , mesmer is not as deadly , cause it applys 2-3 condys , scourge applys like full list , and to clear right ones takes actually ages


> This and mirages don't have good condi clear themselves.


They also don't cover entire point with death puddles.

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> @Hooglese.4860 said:

> > @Duzik.9137 said:

> > > @Rufo.3716 said:

> > > Why is everybody complaining about scourge when mirage puts more condis quicker than a scourge can even dream of. 25 stacks of confusion plus a few others in less than 1 sec.

> > Well , mesmer is not as deadly , cause it applys 2-3 condys , scourge applys like full list , and to clear right ones takes actually ages


> This and mirages don't have good condi clear themselves.


Lolwut? Instant aoe cleanse 3 and 3 conditions is not gud enuf?

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> @Rufo.3716 said:

> Why is everybody complaining about scourge when mirage puts more condis quicker than a scourge can even dream of. 25 stacks of confusion plus a few others in less than 1 sec.


yeah at all good point if you dont have more than 2 scourges in enemy team at all this isnt that horrible until they split on different point and you have nobody in group with who can attack from distance while mesmer just uhh..will bomb you without good visible alerts "dont stay here!" or something how we have this with scourge


you can also kite scourge to force him to spam most of his skills around you and then can easier take down him whiel also mesmer just spam evade with stealth and target break and then bombing you from nowhere from stealth and this is just gg as you will waste more time and skills to attack nothing instead of mirage while almost all your attacks will hit this scourge

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> @Duzik.9137 said:

> Yo PvP devs, add 1/2s cast time on every scourge skill except f5 and all problems will vanish, no unpredictable condy bombs, actually possibility to interrupt.

> Other way could be , you could limit condy aplication on a person 1skill per second , that would help against condy bomber classes overall


They have a hidden ICD from what I have heard in terms of putting condis. Seems like it is 1s long. Spamming f1-4skill one after the other really fast = 1 or 2 condi's, while f1>1sec>2>1sec>f3>1sec>f4 put on all 5.

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