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Whats the point in having divisons?


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> @Coolguy.8702 said:

> If plat 2+ players can be paired against gold 2 players, ive seen this happen 7 out of 10 games today and its very frustrating for both sides, might as well just remove the divisons and be done with it


At a minimum at least show people's divisions during the match so you know what players need to be protected. I'm in gold 2 and it is somewhat frustrating because some matches I'll be against top 250 players, and then then next match it is vs. silver. So the first couple fights you need to feel the team out to see if you think they are good or not. Also the variability of skill on a team is way too high. I had a match last night vs. a Mesmer that was consistently wining 2v1s against my team. However, there were three other players on their team that were so bad our team ended up winning.

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To separate some Quaggans from other Quaggans. Quaggan find matchmaking horrible, for example they once paired 1st person vs Quaggan, when poor Quaggan has 200 points less that given person, but Oooo.... Quaggan understands. Its population problem, and there aren't enough high ranked players to make fair matches. Quaggan remembers hour ques in first season, it was so bad people in higher divisions qued with bronzes just to cheat system and reduce their que times.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @Coolguy.8702 said:

> > If plat 2+ players can be paired against gold 2 players, ive seen this happen 7 out of 10 games today and its very frustrating for both sides, might as well just remove the divisons and be done with it


> At a minimum at least show people's divisions during the match so you know what players need to be protected. I'm in gold 2 and it is somewhat frustrating because some matches I'll be against top 250 players, and then then next match it is vs. silver. So the first couple fights you need to feel the team out to see if you think they are good or not. Also the variability of skill on a team is way too high. I had a match last night vs. a Mesmer that was consistently wining 2v1s against my team. However, there were three other players on their team that were so bad our team ended up winning.


I’ve noticed that it seems to be feast or famine in my matches lately in gold. Either my team is completely crushed or we completely crush the other team. Also same for individual fights. I’m either obliterated or I completely destroy the opponent.


I like close games. Even if I lose. If it’s close I don’t care too much about winning or losing because it was fun. Same with individual fights over a point. I like a good fight that is fairly evenly matched. Could go either way. Gets the heart pumping.


But it’s kind of lame when I just look at the enemy and they drop dead. Or the other way around. (Hyperbole, but gives you the picture).


Is this due to their being too wide a range of rating for the player pool of s particular match?

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In all seriousness, an open-pool scene with normalized participation rewards might end up being a lot healthier foe GW2 PvP. The only concrete change that the tier system has impressed upon GW2 PvP is a new habit of player match manipulation in order to farm titles. Player skill tiers (especially within a game as low-pop as GW2's PvP base) are best left determined by the players themselves. Players who are good at a game will naturally gravitate toward each other and form teams which will compete with other teams. Both Team Fortress 2 and SSBM are examples of what can happen if a player base is responsible for managing a game's competitive formats. On the other hand, Anet's PvP system for GW2 has subverted and undermined this natural process with things like a dysfunctional tier system which employs a horrific MMR system along with party limitations to prevent groups of players from consistently playing together at all (no long streaks with similar teammates or rematches/run-backs).


Remove tiers and implement a solo-queue along with a team-queue again (like how it was back at launch). No tiers and solo/team-only options would broaden out the playerbase a little more, and it might even facilitate faster queue pops (no more tier match-ups to process). The game is already very poorly-balanced. This tier system is probably the primary source of all the game's salt. There shouldn't be anything at risk in a game with so much dependence on team class comp and build choice over in-game execution. Gut the salt mines and keep the rewards and tourneys, and you're left with a much more natural experience for the players.

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