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Which PvE content do you like the most?

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A combination of the two open world options for me. As an activity to do, I tend to prefer map wide meta maps, world bosses etc. But there are a lot of times where I'll just do some relaxed roaming around, seeing if I come across any interesting people, do some JPs, or see if I can find things that I've never noticed before. Other times I'll just find a nice spot with a good view and chill out until someone calls for some help with something in map chat.


I wouldn't mind doing fractals and dungeons more regularly, but at the moment I just do a few every now and then. Raiding I've been meaning to try more, but I find it hard to commit the time to a run, and I still don't think I'm at the required skill level for raids.

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I love exploring, coming across an event and random players doing it. We all band together and get it done. Such a nice feeling in that. Or for example that kind of mini dungeon of forgotten you can jackal warp into with chests? Met a random Guardian and we cleared it, great fun.


Though I do also love the temp events like Karka, which they would happen again, and I love world bosses and meta events, I just think HoT went the wrong way and it becomes more stressful trying to get into maps and complete events with stale mechanics after a few times trying.


Tequatl is fun because you get to actually fight, AB is half fun because the reward is great but the mechanics are poor and Night time meta is not fun because its so complex getting to each boss. Dragon stand is ok until the final encounter.


I think PVE pipps and chests like WvW would be amazing, maybe a way to give events more of a purpose along with smaller metas in PoF maps.

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I picked small scale persistent world as it's mostly what I do when I play. I would do more:


1) Large scale persistent world stuff if I could turn down the dazzling technicolor dream-coat on the bosses to levels where it did not give me a headache.

2) Story, if I could complete steps without having to start the instance over and over until the client decides not to DC during the exposition stages at or near the end.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> I picked small scale persistent world as it's mostly what I do when I play. I would do more:


> 1) Large scale persistent world stuff if I could turn down the dazzling technicolor dream-coat on the bosses to levels where it did not give me a headache.

> 2) Story, if I could complete steps without having to start the instance over and over until the client decides not to DC during the exposition stages at or near the end.





I would have said story instances if it werent for the frequent disconnects near the end.

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I like small scale open world including bosses and meta events that downscale so that they are soloable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Any event that does not downscale so that it can be done solo is a failure of game design!!!!!!!!


Sorry but I don't play to just be another cog which is why I abhor ALL MMO instances.

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I prefer exploration, but meta events/bosses can be fun sometimes. If there wasn't rewards, I'd skip the story missions completely. I find the plot uninteresting, the characters shallow/unlikable, any thematic content at odds with my opinions, the dialogue painful, and I don't even get to have control of the character I created. I can't stand "the commander". This isn't to say that any of it is objectively bad, but it is designed for my polar opposite. Some of the lore(ie the six, the dragons, etc) can be interesting, at times, so I try to focus on that. A lot of the open-world content is made more interesting by the lore.

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> @Loboling.5293 said:

> Interesting collection missions like the gryphon are my favorite. I had so much fun doing that.


Oh I totally agree these are fantastic! The Griffon collection, and also the cultivated vine things from season 2 are super fun to do for me.. Scavenger hunt stuff ftw..

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> Huh, that's interesting, as of right now, more people (17%) enjoy *just* the open world meta events than enjoy Fractals and Raiding combined (16%). How about that.


Yeah, those numbers, if truly representative, would be a solid argument for increasing resource allocation for fractals and raids.

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I like large scale events a lot. Silverwastes, and the HOT maps. At least the way the HOT maps was at the beginning. Only thing is that they could be more player driven. Also like other events too, exploring a with a new character and jump on to an event as I go. I can go on some fractals or a dungeon from time to time, but i have had a few other projects going recently, so havent had much time doing it regularly. Right now im on getting the griffon mount :)

Also trying to keep all my weaponry legendary, on my main at least.

I hope there will be some more maps that works in the same fashion as Silverwastes in the future. For exploration Dry Top might be interesting.

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It's all the above for me. I enjoy playing the full range of what PvE has to offer. I'm always excited for new story progression, do the occasional world boss, reset Teq (taking a break from that right now, but for the majority of time since the Tequatl Rising patch I've done it on a daily basis) and exploration (10 world completions at the moment). I used to do a lot of dungeon runs with my guild, but that's a long time ago now. Daily Fractals is what we do these days. And I love Raids as well, though my static guild group has fallen apart last year and I've not found a new one yet, nor have I ventured pugging them (kind of dreading what experience that will be). I enjoy JP's, the questlines of various collections. A bit of "farming" here and there (I do not enjoy long periods of repetitive activity, hence the quotation marks) for legendaries, but I'm taking my sweet time for that. PvE has many things to offer, and the most important part for me is just doing what I enjoy in any given moment and not feel forced to do anything in particular.

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Open world, both small and large scales. I don't like instanced content. But I understand that many people like raids, so there must be new raids as well for them.

I personally dislike raids because it's very limited to few meta builds in raid community's heads. I dislike meta followers, so I automatically dislike raids.

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