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wvw skilllag


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for about three weeks we had virtually no skilllag on eu, even in 3-way fights. The /ip command also showed a different address. Now for a few weeks the skillag has "returned". Can we go back to the way it was when we didn't have any lag? Don't know exactly what happened but the difference(s) were very significant and have been noticed by pretty much everyone on my server at least.

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I've been getting skill lag and fps drops all over the place without any particular rhyme nor reason. Sometimes things run smoothly like it used to, other times I feel like I'm on the verge of getting timed out. Perhaps it's whatever server that's hosting the maps for fractals, wvw, open world pve, raids, etc. where the lag crops up. Whatever's causing it seems to be more systemic rather than localized, in any case.

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> @arnitheking.8427 said:

> for about three weeks we had virtually no skilllag on eu, even in 3-way fights. The /ip command also showed a different address. Now for a few weeks the skillag has "returned". Can we go back to the way it was when we didn't have any lag? Don't know exactly what happened but the difference(s) were very significant and have been noticed by pretty much everyone on my server at least.


okay i thought i was the only one experiencing no issues during the last couple of weeks... until monday november 13


no skill lag was such a new experience. felt like a completely new game.

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> @arnitheking.8427 said:

> for about three weeks we had virtually no skilllag on eu, even in 3-way fights.


I noticed this also but coincidently I had bought a new computer at the same time, so I was wondering if that was why I was not experiencing any skill lag, but then yeah recently skilllag reared its ugly head once again, hopefully they have a fix in the pipeline.



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> @RodOfDeath.5247 said:

> Yeah, getting really old when you roam and highly depend on certain activation of skills.



The best part is when it feels my character is rooted to the ground like it proc'd ancient seed and nothing happens on screen while the enemy lays skills like diarrhea and then connection finally syncs and you are greeted by unavoidable death as it unloads on you in an instant. As I've said before, players are not what I'm fighting, my enemy is the lag itself. Once in a while when I'm moving I seem to be blocked by invisible walls as well, I'm guessing this is another sync issue.

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> @DemonSeed.3528 said:

> > @RodOfDeath.5247 said:

> > Yeah, getting really old when you roam and highly depend on certain activation of skills.

> >


> The best part is when it feels my character is rooted to the ground like it proc'd ancient seed and nothing happens on screen while the enemy lays skills like diarrhea and then connection finally syncs and you are greeted by unavoidable death as it unloads on you in an instant. As I've said before, players are not what I'm fighting, my enemy is the lag itself. Once in a while when I'm moving I seem to be blocked by invisible walls as well, I'm guessing this is another sync issue.


Between the lag and out of control conditions I can see why a lot of players have left this game.

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> @arnitheking.8427 said:

> for about three weeks we had virtually no skilllag on eu, even in 3-way fights. The /ip command also showed a different address. Now for a few weeks the skillag has "returned". Can we go back to the way it was when we didn't have any lag? Don't know exactly what happened but the difference(s) were very significant and have been noticed by pretty much everyone on my server at least.


Anet knows there are problems with their "leased" servers but refuse to comment, address or move to gaming optimized services.


We are being scammed, bigtime.

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