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Mounts feel useless

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> So far, the only argument made here is, "mounts should be in WvW because that seems fun." I support the sentiment.


> That doesn't mean it would be worth ANet's time to figure out how to completely rebalance mobility, deal with special mount abilities, account for non-PoF owners, ensure that there are sufficient gaps between objectives so that a 40-person zerg can't run the map, and so on. That's all a lot more work than it sounds.


> PS I hope the OP removes the factually incorrect claims made in the initial post. Mounts are usable _everywhere_ in the game _except_ WvW, pre-PoF stories, and small map instances (including PvP, dungeons, fractals, & existing raids — all areas where there's no room for mount travel).


you say mounts are usable **everywhere** and then proceed to list how most of the game you cant use mounts as i stated in my OP lol.


you cant use mounts in dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp, wvw, you can use them in cities and pve maps. If you count each game mode as one aspect of the game, that's 7 total aspects of the game and you can only use mounts in 2/7 of those aspects of the whole game. If you count cities as pve maps (which I would) then in actuality, you can only use mounts in 1/6th of the the total available types of game modes that gw2 offers. Its even worse that you cant use them in spvp lobby which is sort of a city, and yes, I'm aware pve maps are a huge % of the game as a whole.


Only being able to use mounts in 1/6th of the available game modes makes mounts fairly useless.... Or at best extremely limited in use.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Its even worse that you cant use them in spvp lobby which is sort of a city, and yes, I'm aware pve maps are a huge % of the game as a whole.


> Only being able to use mounts in 1/6th of the available game modes makes mounts fairly useless.... Or at best extremely limited in use.


You can use them in the spvp lobby just fine.

You understand that pve maps are a huge % of the game yet you still say that mounts aren't available at "most" of the game?

The mounts are available nearly everywhere with very small exceptions, the vast majority of the game's content supports and uses mounts, it's only a very tiny minority of instanced content and pvp modes that doesn't.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > So far, the only argument made here is, "mounts should be in WvW because that seems fun." I support the sentiment.

> >

> > That doesn't mean it would be worth ANet's time to figure out how to completely rebalance mobility, deal with special mount abilities, account for non-PoF owners, ensure that there are sufficient gaps between objectives so that a 40-person zerg can't run the map, and so on. That's all a lot more work than it sounds.

> >

> > PS I hope the OP removes the factually incorrect claims made in the initial post. Mounts are usable _everywhere_ in the game _except_ WvW, pre-PoF stories, and small map instances (including PvP, dungeons, fractals, & existing raids — all areas where there's no room for mount travel).


> you say mounts are usable **everywhere** and then proceed to list how most of the game you cant use mounts as i stated in my OP lol.


> you cant use mounts in dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp, wvw, you can use them in cities and pve maps. If you count each game mode as one aspect of the game, that's 7 total aspects of the game and you can only use mounts in 2/7 of those aspects of the whole game. If you count cities as pve maps (which I would) then in actuality, you can only use mounts in 1/6th of the the total available types of game modes that gw2 offers. Its even worse that you cant use them in spvp lobby which is sort of a city, and yes, I'm aware pve maps are a huge % of the game as a whole.


> Only being able to use mounts in 1/6th of the available game modes makes mounts fairly useless.... Or at best extremely limited in use.


Movement is a big part of the game so adding mounts to every game mode seems like a good idea.

But then again when the content is PvP based, players should trade some part of their build to get the more movement. It would be really bad if the buffed tank/dmg guardian can outrun a mobility based thief.


P.S. There are many waypoints in PvE but soo little in the other game mods, maybe they should add **moar** waypoints in WvW and Sky Hammer?

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > Every class has a 25 percent speed and swiftness.


> Guardians would like to have a word with you... And before you say "Use your staff" remember that Arena Net changed Guardians Symbols to buff per tick instead of a single instance... So if I actually want a meaningful ammount of swiftness from the symbol, I need to actually stand on it for the duration, which mean I'm wasting time standing instead of running.






Guardians should learn their own skills before start talking.

And the meaning of the word "TRADE".


You don't want to use utility skills in order to have swiftness?

Nor reduced cd on em?

Nor to stack on staff to get your free swiftness aoe buff?

Nor to use runes which give 25% movement speed?


You can trade for swiftness if you want.

And if you play in a squad there won't be problems with swiftness to begin with.


For solo roaming there are better classes in terms of movement, yes.

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