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What do the Revenant's echoes of legends know?

Daniel Handler.4816

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1. How much knowledge do the echoes retain from their original self?

2. How much knowledge do channeled echoes gain of the world, and by what method?


For instance, during idle conversation Ventari asks "Is it true that my words have inspired an entire race?"

* Is there an original in the mists that learned of their influence and this was passed on to the echoes?

* Are thoughts and memories passed to the echo during channeling?

* Something else?

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Hidden Arcana: Role-Playing the Revenant (Here's a link because phone editing doesn't have a URL insert option that I can see: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/hidden-arcana-role-playing-the-revenant/) is still the most detailed post on revenant lore in my opinion. But to answer your question, we don't really know.


The way I role-play it is that a revenant has an extra 'Witcher Sense' that they can toggle to see things that other people would normally miss. That extra sensory perception comes from the entity that sees through its own range of senses—basically a set of special eyes. The extent of their knowledge and relationship with the channeler varies from character to character but mine rarely hears her legend's voice in her head and knows only as much as the legend is willing to share so there's room for ambiguity.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> If Glint knew anything, she certainly didn't share anything durring the PoF story. This either implies they either can't or won't interfare in the world beyond sharing the powers they had in life.

This makes me wonder, did she foresee things dealing with others beyond her death, and thus the only future she could not see was dealing with herself? Or was she unable to see anything past her death?

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