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Allow Us To Purchase WxP in the Gemstore.

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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Quite a few of my friends have low wxp as they have just started to play the game, and thought it would be a cool idea to be able to purchase some wxp to unlock the more vital wvw masteries right away, such as siege bunker or the one that let's you carry more supply.


It takes a lot of grinding to get these masteries unlocked, and I think Anet could make a lot of money by allowing us to purchase wxp levels or have a chest, where when you open it, it gives you a random amount of wxp (anywhere from 1/2 rank to 3 ranks for 250-400 gems).


Personally I would like to be able to get the r 2000 chest piece but I still have a long ways to go, so I could see people who want rewards enjoying this as well. I think any alternative to grinding wxp at this point would be a welcome addition, and most new comers I've talked too seem to agree.


We already have the option to get legendary armor from raids with money as lots of groups offer paid clears, this is along those same lines.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> We already have the option to get legendary armor from raids with money as lots of groups offer paid clears, this is along those same lines.


The equivalent would be people spending gold to get carried in zergs in EotM, to build up wXP. That's actually available to your "quite a few friends" already, for a total cost of nothing.



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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Quite a few of my friends have low wxp as they have just started to play the game, and thought it would be a cool idea to be able to purchase some wxp to unlock the more vital wvw masteries right away, such as siege bunker or the one that let's you carry more supply.


> It takes a lot of grinding to get these masteries unlocked, and I think Anet could make a lot of money by allowing us to purchase wxp levels or have a chest, where when you open it, it gives you a random amount of wxp (anywhere from 1/2 rank to 3 ranks for 250-400 gems).


> Personally I would like to be able to get the r 2000 chest piece but I still have a long ways to go, so I could see people who want rewards enjoying this as well. I think any alternative to grinding wxp at this point would be a welcome addition, and most new comers I've talked too seem to agree.


> We already have the option to get legendary armor from raids with money as lots of groups offer paid clears, this is along those same lines.


Uh, no.


There are enough 'false' Diamonds now.

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I like/hate this.


I like it because my guild only runs around 3-6 people in wvw and most don't have mastery on a lot of the absolute needs when havocing. And being wvw has become an orange dot fest so a zerg can run down a few roamers, any trait that helps is a must.


I hate it because anet would like it for all the wrong reasons with this loot box microtransaction behavior by the gaming industry.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> JL -- I can't tell if you're posting this seriously or having a little joke. (If I had to take a wager, I'd call the latter, honestly.)


> Can you maybe give us a little insight on what motivated your post? 'Cause right now, I'm looking at this with question marks in the sky. :dizzy:


It just seems like we can buy so many things in the gemstore, im not sure why not this. The rewards you get from wxp are comparable to the rewards from raiding, and you're allowed to buy raid runs to get all the achieves and legendary armor by buying them from other players.


A lot of the masteries enhance wvw gameplay, this is similar to unlocking all the waypoints in pve which you can already do in the gemstore. So i figured why not have it help you unlock the wvw masteries or help you to get the rewards you want faster. (similar to unlocking pve waypoints).


in addition we can already buy heroic boosters which if you play wvw with them on, is essentially granting free levels and we can already purchase them on the gemstore so why not levels outright?


we are also able to purchase lvl 80 boosts in pve, which is essentially the same thing as this. Lots of other mmos offer similar things which grant free levels or quests to be completed by paying in the online store.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > JL -- I can't tell if you're posting this seriously or having a little joke. (If I had to take a wager, I'd call the latter, honestly.)

> >

> > Can you maybe give us a little insight on what motivated your post? 'Cause right now, I'm looking at this with question marks in the sky. :dizzy:


> It just seems like we can buy so many things in the gemstore, im not sure why not this. The rewards you get from wxp are comparable to the rewards from raiding, and you're allowed to buy raid runs to get all the achieves and legendary armor by buying them from other players.


> A lot of the masteries enhance wvw gameplay, this is similar to unlocking all the waypoints in pve which you can already do in the gemstore. So i figured why not have it help you unlock the wvw masteries or help you to get the rewards you want faster. (similar to unlocking pve waypoints).


> in addition we can already buy heroic boosters which if you play wvw with them on, is essentially granting free levels and we can already purchase them on the gemstore so why not levels outright?


> we are also able to purchase lvl 80 boosts in pve, which is essentially the same thing as this. Lots of other mmos offer similar things which grant free levels or quests to be completed by paying in the online store.


Buying raids is paying someone else to run the raid for you while you do no help at all. Buying WxP with gems does not pay someone else in game the ability to earn your WxP for you.


WvW masteries are not like waypoints. WvW masteries show that a player has put forth some combination of time playing and effort to learn WvW. Waypoints do not show any kind of mastery of open world PvE. It takes no time at all to run around and unlock them all and it doesn't take any skill to do so.


Heroic boosters increase the rate at which you earn WxP, doesn't make it go away. Your idea makes it go away.


I personally think the level 80 boosters should be items purchased in game in Level 80 areas. That way a player has to level up at least one character to level 80 before they use it or be really skilled enough to run a level 2 player to that area. Just because they offer one bad way for new players to bypass learning a game mode, doesn't mean I should be for another one being added.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029"

I know you follow a lot of posts, and truly I do not think that the Dev team ignores the forum.


I also figure there is another reason you posted here, on THIS thread.


But to a lot of people in the WvW section, your posting on this posters thread, just will feed that fire.


There are threads in here that we take seriously, but even after 60-80 posts, with some good suggestions, nary a peep.


Not complaining, but JL's post above all those?

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> Brilliant! Pay to win is exactly what this poor, neglected game mode needs


While I don't believe that we should be able to buy WxP in the cash shop, it's hardly pay to win, or at least, it's not more pay to win than say getting a level 80 booster in the cash shop. Level 80 booster lets you unlock traits as a level 80 character. But everyone can get to level 80 without buying anything. It's a time saver. This is the same sort of thing, you're paying cash to save time. It's like the waypoint packs.


It's not making you more powerful than someone else. It's getting you levels faster. I'm not sure I see why this would be pay to win;

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> > @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > Brilliant! Pay to win is exactly what this poor, neglected game mode needs


> While I don't believe that we should be able to buy WxP in the cash shop, it's hardly pay to win, or at least, it's not more pay to win than say getting a level 80 booster in the cash shop. Level 80 booster lets you unlock traits as a level 80 character. But everyone can get to level 80 without buying anything. It's a time saver. This is the same sort of thing, you're paying cash to save time. It's like the waypoint packs.


> It's not making you more powerful than someone else. It's getting you levels faster. I'm not sure I see why this would be pay to win;


Actually it unlocks quite a few WvW masteries. If it were to be offered once someone passes 1100 rank, maybe. Even then, it defeats what has been perceived as the reason for the rank gate.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Vayne.8563 said:

> > > @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > > Brilliant! Pay to win is exactly what this poor, neglected game mode needs

> >

> > While I don't believe that we should be able to buy WxP in the cash shop, it's hardly pay to win, or at least, it's not more pay to win than say getting a level 80 booster in the cash shop. Level 80 booster lets you unlock traits as a level 80 character. But everyone can get to level 80 without buying anything. It's a time saver. This is the same sort of thing, you're paying cash to save time. It's like the waypoint packs.

> >

> > It's not making you more powerful than someone else. It's getting you levels faster. I'm not sure I see why this would be pay to win;


> Actually it unlocks quite a few WvW masteries. If it were to be offered once someone passes 1100 rank, maybe. Even then, it defeats what has been perceived as the reason for the rank gate.



I was thinking about a starter pack rather than something you can buy infinitedly. The point is it's still just a speed up for progression just like a leveling boost. You simply make it a starter thing to catch people up, not something you can let them go to max level on.


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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Vayne.8563 said:

> > > > @"K THEN.5162" said:

> > > > Brilliant! Pay to win is exactly what this poor, neglected game mode needs

> > >

> > > While I don't believe that we should be able to buy WxP in the cash shop, it's hardly pay to win, or at least, it's not more pay to win than say getting a level 80 booster in the cash shop. Level 80 booster lets you unlock traits as a level 80 character. But everyone can get to level 80 without buying anything. It's a time saver. This is the same sort of thing, you're paying cash to save time. It's like the waypoint packs.

> > >

> > > It's not making you more powerful than someone else. It's getting you levels faster. I'm not sure I see why this would be pay to win;

> >

> > Actually it unlocks quite a few WvW masteries. If it were to be offered once someone passes 1100 rank, maybe. Even then, it defeats what has been perceived as the reason for the rank gate.

> >


> I was thinking about a starter pack rather than something you can buy infinitedly. The point is it's still just a speed up for progression just like a leveling boost. You simply make it a starter thing to catch people up, not something you can let them go to max level on.



They can buy boosters. It helps with WxP gain, and speeds up reward tracks.

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The candy corn gobbler is nice for stacking boosts/buffs! :) but if you go into pvp it takes some of the buffs/boosts off :( I forgot about that and lost hrs of buffs I worked hard to stack with a LOT of candy corn gobbling ( most of the time it transformed me into a tonic form and lol you can't fight in that form like you usually can )


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> @"Gaile Gray.6029"

> I know you follow a lot of posts, and truly I do not think that the Dev team ignores the forum.


> I also figure there is another reason you posted here, on THIS thread.


> But to a lot of people in the WvW section, your posting on this posters thread, just will feed that fire.


> There are threads in here that we take seriously, but even after 60-80 posts, with some good suggestions, nary a peep.


> Not complaining, but JL's post above all those?


There is the thought of potential revenue generating from the gemstone directly relating to WvW, while we speculate that they generate a load from server transfers.


Gaile's response is a complete spit to the face of wvw and the community. It has me looking all over the sky with question marks.

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Who are these mysterious people op keeps referring to? It just sounds like a disguised way to get to rank 2k for the shiny. It might benefit New comers and possibly motivate them if they could get abilities unlocked quicker but I also dread spies on alts that can max supply/build and waste supps quicker. I remember in the past other games have implemented double XP weekends or 'hours of power' for gaining XP. We have most of what's needed though from guild potion and other consumables. Maybe just something to speed process for those between 0-500 or 1000 but not for above. Honestly it seems fine the way it is though. Many ways to level, just need to play.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> JL -- I can't tell if you're posting this seriously or having a little joke. (If I had to take a wager, I'd call the latter, honestly.)


> Can you maybe give us a little insight on what motivated your post? 'Cause right now, I'm looking at this with question marks in the sky. :dizzy:


I have an idea regarding legendary stuffs from wvw : make the title Ultimate Dominator and diamond rank a requirement for the Backpack. xD

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> @aandiarie.7195 said:

> The candy corn gobbler is nice for stacking boosts/buffs! :) but if you go into pvp it takes some of the buffs/boosts off :( I forgot about that and lost hrs of buffs I worked hard to stack with a LOT of candy corn gobbling ( most of the time it transformed me into a tonic form and lol you can't fight in that form like you usually can )



I don't know why they don't just disable them in PvP and put a pause on the timer instead of just removing them...

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> We already have the option to get legendary armor from raids with money as lots of groups offer paid clears, this is along those same lines.


Getting leg armor only from buying paid clears takes an absurd amount of money, I don't think anyone will go for it.

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