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Flying Sausage skin for Griffon


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This is exactly the kind of skins I hope anet will make. I am completely uninterested in different dyed versions of existing skins. A skin should make you feel like its a unique mount that just happen to have same game mechanic as the old ones.


For example, the meteor glider don't feel like a glider. It share every game aspect of gliders but the impact of landing is emphasized, which in wvw create a different feel compared to ordinary gliders.

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I think what you see with gliders are the boundaries of immersion breaking screenclutter. Inside that, anything goes even for mounts. The sausage is not going to happen, at least I hope so, same goes for Nyancat.

What we will most likely see will be 2k Gems skins or bundles, extra big and flashy(think Eaglespirit or Comet glider), childish and cutesy(think Valentine's Wings or plushies), impractical but "funny"(Rooster glider) and all sorts of whacky stuff I would never wear.

I'm sure there will be:

- a Mount-o-Tron bundle

- Wintersday Mounts, Decorated for the season and farting snowflakes and/or Toy Mounts

- Valentines Mounts, Basic skin, 2-3 Dye channels, farting hearts or roses

- Lunar New Year Mounts, either a bundle: Basic Skin, 3 Dye channels, some chinese looking decoration, might be partially transparent and/or, since it's the year of the dog, a single overpriced Jackal skin

- Kinda racial looking mounts, in the way some Outfits are kinda designed with a certain in game cultural style in mind


What I would actually appreciate simpler skins as long as they're dyeable right, i.e. have 3 or 4 channels.

For example:

- Warpainted Mounts, Basic skins with warpaint painted on them to look extra fierce or whatever

- Beasts of Tyria Mounts, A skin for each Mount, models would be Animals from the open world, Young Wyvern-->Griffon, Moa-->Raptor etc.

- Guild Mounts, Basic skin, some decoration or banner showing the guild's emblem

- Racial Mounts(the easy road), Basic skins with racial saddles.


But it's all a matter of personal taste and I think more options are always better than sticking to just one style or direction with skins.


What worries me more is the aquisition they will give us. I fear, better say, I am almost certain, seeing how things went with gliders, that the skins will be a gemstore exclusive thing, no in game method of getting the mounts besides maybe a set of skins they will call lagendary which is, of course, accompanied with the legendary grind for time mats and everything else(think Ascension, Ad Infinitum, Warthingy from WvW).

Having Mount skins, as well as Glider skins, as a reward for things in game would be a great incentive for players to play content. I understand ANet is a business and they have to make money. But they also should have some interest in ppl actually playing the game every now and then. No one wants to buy those fancy gemstore items if there's no one else to show them off to, right? I'm all in for them putting the fancy, flashy, funny, whacky stuff in the gemstore, I just really wish that there will be some mounts obtainable in game(no, farm gold-->gold to gems-->gems to mounts doesn't count ;))

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> @lokh.2695 said:

> I think what you see with gliders are the boundaries of immersion breaking screenclutter. Inside that, anything goes even for mounts. The sausage is not going to happen, at least I hope so, same goes for Nyancat.

> What we will most likely see will be 2k Gems skins or bundles, extra big and flashy(think Eaglespirit or Comet glider), childish and cutesy(think Valentine's Wings or plushies), impractical but "funny"(Rooster glider) and all sorts of whacky stuff I would never wear.

> I'm sure there will be:

> - a Mount-o-Tron bundle

> - Wintersday Mounts, Decorated for the season and farting snowflakes and/or Toy Mounts

> - Valentines Mounts, Basic skin, 2-3 Dye channels, farting hearts or roses

> - Lunar New Year Mounts, either a bundle: Basic Skin, 3 Dye channels, some chinese looking decoration, might be partially transparent and/or, since it's the year of the dog, a single overpriced Jackal skin

> - Kinda racial looking mounts, in the way some Outfits are kinda designed with a certain in game cultural style in mind


> What I would actually appreciate simpler skins as long as they're dyeable right, i.e. have 3 or 4 channels.

> For example:

> - Warpainted Mounts, Basic skins with warpaint painted on them to look extra fierce or whatever

> - Beasts of Tyria Mounts, A skin for each Mount, models would be Animals from the open world, Young Wyvern-->Griffon, Moa-->Raptor etc.

> - Guild Mounts, Basic skin, some decoration or banner showing the guild's emblem

> - Racial Mounts(the easy road), Basic skins with racial saddles.


> But it's all a matter of personal taste and I think more options are always better than sticking to just one style or direction with skins.


> What worries me more is the aquisition they will give us. I fear, better say, I am almost certain, seeing how things went with gliders, that the skins will be a gemstore exclusive thing, no in game method of getting the mounts besides maybe a set of skins they will call lagendary which is, of course, accompanied with the legendary grind for time mats and everything else(think Ascension, Ad Infinitum, Warthingy from WvW).

> Having Mount skins, as well as Glider skins, as a reward for things in game would be a great incentive for players to play content. I understand ANet is a business and they have to make money. But they also should have some interest in ppl actually playing the game every now and then. No one wants to buy those fancy gemstore items if there's no one else to show them off to, right? I'm all in for them putting the fancy, flashy, funny, whacky stuff in the gemstore, I just really wish that there will be some mounts obtainable in game(no, farm gold-->gold to gems-->gems to mounts doesn't count ;))


A plush Griffon that farts snowflakes? Yes please!

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Is this the correct thread for absurd mount suggestions? Ah, great, I knew it :)

How about a wintersday griffon skin suggestion....a santa sleigh pulled by gift skritt:

![Wintersday skritt sleigh](https://i.imgur.com/Hc5uc2X.jpg)

The sled skids could have little asuragates with sparkly effects for all those who love to sit on their mount in the city so that they can be seen....


[imgur link in case something breaks](https://i.imgur.com/Hc5uc2X.jpg)

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