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Afk for rewards question.


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Do i have to do it? Or will i be given the remaining ticks worth of chest progress and track progress if i exit the map or log out?


Because now when i'm done playing WvW i have to afk until the t6 participation falls under 2 because that way i'm still getting pips and reward track. Do i lose that if i log out?


Cause yesterday, i left my character to afk but i fell asleep in the meantime and the server booted me for inactivity as it should. When i logged on, i couldn't see if i got any rewards, no chests were waiting to be opened above the minimap...


What's the mechanics of this? How does this work?

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Imagine the time saved if you just logged out and went to bed. You only get about 3 ticks for pips and the participation drops pretty fast with the progress being not worth talking about below 3. Stop worrying about it and log off if you’re tired, if a game is really causing you to lose sleep it’s time to give up the game.


If I remember correctly it’s 10-15 mins to degrade down to 0 participation from T6 btw so time yourself accordingly, if you just flipped a camp and have 10 mins grace then you can afk (so long as you aren’t booted for inactivity) for 15mins possibly 20 mins.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> Imagine the time saved if you just logged out and went to bed. You only get about 3 ticks for pips and the participation drops pretty fast with the progress being not worth talking about below 3. Stop worrying about it and log off if you’re tired, if a game is really causing you to lose sleep it’s time to give up the game.


> If I remember correctly it’s 10-15 mins to degrade down to 0 participation from T6 btw so time yourself accordingly, if you just flipped a camp and have 10 mins grace then you can afk (so long as you aren’t booted for inactivity) for 15mins possibly 20 mins.


Correct @"apharma.3741" It's 15 minutes from wherever you are to 0 participation. But from tier 6 to below tier three it is about 10 minutes once you start degrading which is dependent on your last point of activity gain. (Capping camps/towers/keeps and killing players all give you 10 minutes)


@"Veprovina.4876" if you ARE concerned about your remaining participation ticks, the least obstructive (and least potentially problematic) way to get them all is to go to Obsidean Sanctum, putting your heal skill on auto cast and auto running into a wall, and walking away from your game.


You can't gain participation, nor can you SEE how much participation while in Obsidean Sanctum, but you definately get the pips and progress towards your tracks while there.


This way, you aren't potentially taking up a spot that might be needed,

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> What's the mechanics of this? How does this work?


When you are in a WvW map the game checks your participation every time the frame timer (big countdown at top of the screen) hits zero. If you are logged out you don't get any reward.


Participation have one odd rule. It ticks down in real time regardless where you are. If your personal participation timer is at 10m and you logout and take a shower, only to log in again after 8m, you will notice that your participation is now 2m. You did not get any rewards for those lost 8 minutes, but you are not at zero participation which is a rather neat feature.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> Imagine the time saved if you just logged out and went to bed. You only get about 3 ticks for pips and the participation drops pretty fast with the progress being not worth talking about below 3. Stop worrying about it and log off if you’re tired, if a game is really causing you to lose sleep it’s time to give up the game.


> If I remember correctly it’s 10-15 mins to degrade down to 0 participation from T6 btw so time yourself accordingly, if you just flipped a camp and have 10 mins grace then you can afk (so long as you aren’t booted for inactivity) for 15mins possibly 20 mins.


Yeah, this usually doesn't happen, i usually just go do something else when i'm done with WvW, but this time i lied down to bed and was on my phone so i just forgot about GW2 running and drifted to sleep. Don't worry i'm not losing sleep over the game it just happened. But it raised a question so i thought i'd ask.


And since i can't play any hardcore amounts of time required to go diamond and max tickets each week, every pip counts lol. That's why i do it like that. I know it's not a lot, but it helps, and i'm working towards legendary armor so yeah... It'll take a year or so.


@"Strider Pj.2193" Thanks for the tip! Maybe i'll do that next time. And thank you @"Belorn.2659" for the explanation. Yes, that is quite handy.


All in all, with my limited time to play, i tend to afk at the end of my session to squeeze out those last few pips before goin to do something else, i don't usually go to sleep after so it's ok for me to leave GW2 running a bit more while i start doing work on my computer. I mean, i wanted to get the ascended rings from WvW but seeing as how long you need to grind for the ascendeds then converting them to legendary, i can't waste any memories or skirmish claims on anything else.


It would be great if i can max out rewards each week, but i don't have the time to wait for 4 pips per tick i usually get. +1 cause i finished wood last week and +3 cause my server sucks. Yay... No matter, once i rank up in WvW that gives you +1 pip per tick every few ranks so by the time i'm ranked enough for legendary, it should go faster at least.


Also, slight digression, what's the difference between Triamphant armor and Mistforged Triumphant armor? Can i get the mistforged one as an upgrade after i get the triumphant armor or do i need to craft mistforged from scratch just like the triumphant version? Or is the mistforged just a skin? I can't seem to find a definitive answer to this, only that it requires rank 1800 or something and that i need to unlock previous armor. So... I need to craft the triumphant one and be 1800 and then it will unlock or do i only need to have triumphant version unlocked and then i can start crafting mistforged version instead of triumphant version once i'm sufficient rank?

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Mistforged is a different skin. Some feel it looks better and it DOES have some effects.


> Both are valid as precursors to the Legendary armor.


> To get the mistforged, it is only some additional skirmish tickets after the triumphant. (Something else also I believe) but not more tokens.


So i don't have to craft grandmaster marks for the mistforged or do i need to choose either mistforged or triumphant?

Cause i only have the mask unlocked from the reward track, and it shows up at the skirmish vendor under the triumphant armor. Mistforged is locked cause i'm not enough rank yet so i can't see if i only need skirmish tickets or tailor's marks too.


EDIT: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero's_armor

It doesn't say anything except how many skirmish tickets i need for the full set and what rank i need to be.

That's why i'm confused.


EDIT2: Nevermind, found the answer, i don't need grandmaster marks and in fact need to purchase the triumphant armor first.



Looks like i can buy it after i convert the standard one to legendary too so that's cool.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Mistforged is a different skin. Some feel it looks better and it DOES have some effects.

> >

> > Both are valid as precursors to the Legendary armor.

> >

> > To get the mistforged, it is only some additional skirmish tickets after the triumphant. (Something else also I believe) but not more tokens.


> So i don't have to craft grandmaster marks for the mistforged or do i need to choose either mistforged or triumphant?

> Cause i only have the mask unlocked from the reward track, and it shows up at the skirmish vendor under the triumphant armor. Mistforged is locked cause i'm not enough rank yet so i can't see if i only need skirmish tickets or tailor's marks too.


This may not be the only answer, but it is the one I know:

I unlocked the ascended triumphant by getting the triumphant exotics through the tracks. I crafted the triumphant with marks and tickets (and something lol), which allows me to purchase the mistforged with tickets, once the rank requirement is met.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > Mistforged is a different skin. Some feel it looks better and it DOES have some effects.

> > >

> > > Both are valid as precursors to the Legendary armor.

> > >

> > > To get the mistforged, it is only some additional skirmish tickets after the triumphant. (Something else also I believe) but not more tokens.

> >

> > So i don't have to craft grandmaster marks for the mistforged or do i need to choose either mistforged or triumphant?

> > Cause i only have the mask unlocked from the reward track, and it shows up at the skirmish vendor under the triumphant armor. Mistforged is locked cause i'm not enough rank yet so i can't see if i only need skirmish tickets or tailor's marks too.


> This may not be the only answer, but it is the one I know:

> I unlocked the ascended triumphant by getting the triumphant exotics through the tracks. I crafted the triumphant with marks and tickets (and something lol), which allows me to purchase the mistforged with tickets, once the rank requirement is met.



Yes, this seems to be the intended chain of events. You have to craft the triumphant one with marks to even unlock the mistforged one.

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> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> Hit the windows menu --> type cmd


> The command prompt window should now be open. Type:


> shutdown -s -t 700


> Go to bed.


> This will tell the computer to shut off in 700 seconds. It will kick you for being idle after 600 seconds of inactivity.


Wow. That's actually a great idea! :open_mouth:

Canni put the computer to sleep instead with this command or a simmilar one?

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> And since i can't play any hardcore amounts of time required to go diamond and max tickets each week, every pip counts lol. That's why i do it like that. I know it's not a lot, but it helps, and i'm working towards legendary armor so yeah... It'll take a year or so.

Legendary armor isnt particularly impressive and you arent *required* to go diamond every week. Once you rank up it'll go pretty fast anyway. A couple of hours outmanned on DBL as usual is like 1-2 chest tiers. Maybe I am lucky because my server hate DBL lol.


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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > Hit the windows menu --> type cmd

> >

> > The command prompt window should now be open. Type:

> >

> > shutdown -s -t 700

> >

> > Go to bed.

> >

> > This will tell the computer to shut off in 700 seconds. It will kick you for being idle after 600 seconds of inactivity.


> Wow. That's actually a great idea! :open_mouth:

> Canni put the computer to sleep instead with this command or a simmilar one?


I've never tried. Googling command prompt sleep might reveal a similar concept.

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> @apharma.3741 said:

> Stop worrying about it and log off if you’re tired, if a game is really causing you to lose sleep it’s time to give up the game.


Wow. I would never have been gaming in the first place if I'd followed that kind of advice.

In french we say somethin like "Moins tu dors plus t'es fort" which could be translated to something like "The less you sleep the stronger you are" but you loose the nice rhyme.


Giving remaining pipe on log off would be a cool QOL improvement for crowded servers.


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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > And since i can't play any hardcore amounts of time required to go diamond and max tickets each week, every pip counts lol. That's why i do it like that. I know it's not a lot, but it helps, and i'm working towards legendary armor so yeah... It'll take a year or so.

> Legendary armor isnt particularly impressive and you arent *required* to go diamond every week. Once you rank up it'll go pretty fast anyway. A couple of hours outmanned on DBL as usual is like 1-2 chest tiers. Maybe I am lucky because my server hate DBL lol.



Yeah, when i'm done with following the commander or roamin or whatever i'm doing, i try to afk on an outnumbered map. Those extra pips are nice. :smile:


> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > > Hit the windows menu --> type cmd

> > >

> > > The command prompt window should now be open. Type:

> > >

> > > shutdown -s -t 700

> > >

> > > Go to bed.

> > >

> > > This will tell the computer to shut off in 700 seconds. It will kick you for being idle after 600 seconds of inactivity.

> >

> > Wow. That's actually a great idea! :open_mouth:

> > Canni put the computer to sleep instead with this command or a simmilar one?


> I've never tried. Googling command prompt sleep might reveal a similar concept.


I will, of nothing else, there's probably a 3rd party software that can do this. Still, if i play before bed, i leave it afk while i'm getting ready, so by the time i'm ready for bed, i got all the remaining pips anyway.

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It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.


Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.


Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.


> Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.


> Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.


Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> >

> > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> >

> > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.


> Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.


Yeah, but your game and your computer have to be running that time, and there's afk players using a slot in the map.

If anet ever adresses WvW at all (they're not particularly interested in anything except fractals or raids it seems), pips and rewards should be looked at at some point, i mean, i don't mind the grind that much, but i have to spend close to half an hour for the participation to go down after i'm done playing essentially... So far, that isn't interrupting my normal routine, but i can see it being annoying for people.


Maybe let us get all the rewards instantly when we leave map, then make participation impossible for the exact amount of wind down time left, like if you had T6 participation, you leave to LA and get all the pips, chests, reward tracks (QoL window details your earnings), then you get a participation cooldown of 25 minutes or however long it would have taken you to afk a map. That way, you can't just barge right in and earn participation again, exploiting the system, and the maps are free for players who are actually helping. After 25 minutes, you can enter WvW again.


Something like that.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> > >

> > > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> > >

> > > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.

> >

> > Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.


> Yeah, but your game and your computer have to be running that time, and there's afk players using a slot in the map.

> If anet ever adresses WvW at all (they're not particularly interested in anything except fractals or raids it seems), pips and rewards should be looked at at some point, i mean, i don't mind the grind that much, but i have to spend close to half an hour for the participation to go down after i'm done playing essentially... So far, that isn't interrupting my normal routine, but i can see it being annoying for people.


> Maybe let us get all the rewards instantly when we leave map, then make participation impossible for the exact amount of wind down time left, like if you had T6 participation, you leave to LA and get all the pips, chests, reward tracks (QoL window details your earnings), then you get a participation cooldown of 25 minutes or however long it would have taken you to afk a map. That way, you can't just barge right in and earn participation again, exploiting the system, and the maps are free for players who are actually helping. After 25 minutes, you can enter WvW again.


> Something like that.


Ok... which requires more programming.


Or people could do what has been suggested multiple times to go to OS.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> > > >

> > > > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> > > >

> > > > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.

> > >

> > > Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.

> >

> > Yeah, but your game and your computer have to be running that time, and there's afk players using a slot in the map.

> > If anet ever adresses WvW at all (they're not particularly interested in anything except fractals or raids it seems), pips and rewards should be looked at at some point, i mean, i don't mind the grind that much, but i have to spend close to half an hour for the participation to go down after i'm done playing essentially... So far, that isn't interrupting my normal routine, but i can see it being annoying for people.

> >

> > Maybe let us get all the rewards instantly when we leave map, then make participation impossible for the exact amount of wind down time left, like if you had T6 participation, you leave to LA and get all the pips, chests, reward tracks (QoL window details your earnings), then you get a participation cooldown of 25 minutes or however long it would have taken you to afk a map. That way, you can't just barge right in and earn participation again, exploiting the system, and the maps are free for players who are actually helping. After 25 minutes, you can enter WvW again.

> >

> > Something like that.


> Ok... which requires more programming.


> Or people could do what has been suggested multiple times to go to OS.


Well, that's what i'm doing for now bu WvW kinda feels pushed aside compared to other content so if they can program entire fractals, raids, living worlds, i'm sure some WvW love from Anet wouldn't require them to break the bank. :wink:


Anyway. Thanks all who replied!

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> > >

> > > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> > >

> > > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.

> >

> > Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.


> Yeah, but your game and your computer have to be running that time, and there's afk players using a slot in the map.

> If anet ever adresses WvW at all (they're not particularly interested in anything except fractals or raids it seems), pips and rewards should be looked at at some point, i mean, i don't mind the grind that much, but i have to spend close to half an hour for the participation to go down after i'm done playing essentially... So far, that isn't interrupting my normal routine, but i can see it being annoying for people.


> Maybe let us get all the rewards instantly when we leave map, then make participation impossible for the exact amount of wind down time left, like if you had T6 participation, you leave to LA and get all the pips, chests, reward tracks (QoL window details your earnings), then you get a participation cooldown of 25 minutes or however long it would have taken you to afk a map. That way, you can't just barge right in and earn participation again, exploiting the system, and the maps are free for players who are actually helping. After 25 minutes, you can enter WvW again.


> Something like that.


I think the best solution would be to make participation only degrade while logged in and in WvW. That way you can safely leave WvW whenever you like and when you re-enter you don't have to gather participation from 0 again, but start at full participation or whatever participation level you were at when logging out. Also I can't imagine that this is too difficult to program.

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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> > > >

> > > > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> > > >

> > > > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.

> > >

> > > Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.

> >

> > Yeah, but your game and your computer have to be running that time, and there's afk players using a slot in the map.

> > If anet ever adresses WvW at all (they're not particularly interested in anything except fractals or raids it seems), pips and rewards should be looked at at some point, i mean, i don't mind the grind that much, but i have to spend close to half an hour for the participation to go down after i'm done playing essentially... So far, that isn't interrupting my normal routine, but i can see it being annoying for people.

> >

> > Maybe let us get all the rewards instantly when we leave map, then make participation impossible for the exact amount of wind down time left, like if you had T6 participation, you leave to LA and get all the pips, chests, reward tracks (QoL window details your earnings), then you get a participation cooldown of 25 minutes or however long it would have taken you to afk a map. That way, you can't just barge right in and earn participation again, exploiting the system, and the maps are free for players who are actually helping. After 25 minutes, you can enter WvW again.

> >

> > Something like that.


> I think the best solution would be to make participation only degrade while logged in and in WvW. That way you can safely leave WvW whenever you like and when you re-enter you don't have to gather participation from 0 again, but start at full participation or whatever participation level you were at when logging out. Also I can't imagine that this is too difficult to program.


That would be ideal yes, and i also think easier to program, but i believe Anet wants us to gather participation all over again because timegating. If we were at T6 all the time, we'd finish pips and reward tracks sooner per week, and then people who have real life priorities could actually have a chance at getting WvW rewards like legendaries, and we don't want that, do we anet? :tongue: Because raids. Anet loves their raids, even when no one but an extremely small fraction of the playerbase actually plays them.


I really think more people play WvW than raids, yet WvW is not on any recent patch notes...

Oh well...


It is what it is, for now i can just afk while participation goes away.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> >

> > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> >

> > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.


> Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.


Yes, but I'm still taking up a slot. That's bad for my world, if I understand how it works.


Plus, I do stay by the keyboard. I'm just less attentive for a half hour.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> > >

> > > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> > >

> > > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.

> >

> > Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.


> Yeah, but your game and your computer have to be running that time, and there's afk players using a slot in the map.

> If anet ever adresses WvW at all (they're not particularly interested in anything except fractals or raids it seems), pips and rewards should be looked at at some point, i mean, i don't mind the grind that much, but i have to spend close to half an hour for the participation to go down after i'm done playing essentially... So far, that isn't interrupting my normal routine, but i can see it being annoying for people.


> Maybe let us get all the rewards instantly when we leave map, then make participation impossible for the exact amount of wind down time left, like if you had T6 participation, you leave to LA and get all the pips, chests, reward tracks (QoL window details your earnings), then you get a participation cooldown of 25 minutes or however long it would have taken you to afk a map. That way, you can't just barge right in and earn participation again, exploiting the system, and the maps are free for players who are actually helping. After 25 minutes, you can enter WvW again.


> Something like that.


Yeah, I suggested something list this on the old forums. And, for the same reasons.


I would, however, prefer that if they do the lockout, they should warn you as you leave. And, DON'T trigger this feature if you are being timed out by the system.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > It takes about 25 minutes to wind down after achieving 195. But, you'll get booted at 15 minutes, if you are AFK.

> > >

> > > Whatever you do, don't implement a macro or other program/device to move you. You likely will get caught and banned for it.

> > >

> > > Personally, I think they should let you keep earning your pips after you log out or change characters. The way it is now, I have to sit around for significant time to get all the points. So, my inactivity costs my team a slot on that map for a half hour. I don't much care for WvW, so it doesn't bother me. But, it should bother those who actually like WvW.

> >

> > Auto running into a wall with your heal skill on auto cast does it.


> Yes, but I'm still taking up a slot. That's bad for my world, if I understand how it works.


> Plus, I do stay by the keyboard. I'm just less attentive for a half hour.


If you read other posts by me in this thread, go to Obsidean Sanctum so you ARENT taking up a spot.

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