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[LORD] -BG- DD P/P PvP in Platinium Tier Season 9 Video 7


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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> And... You are clicking your skills? I mean, don't know if this is how people do, but i just can't see myself doing it.


The next time I see a thief talking about how "thief is the most high skill class ever, and the other 8 are easymode" I'm going to link this video.


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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > And... You are clicking your skills? I mean, don't know if this is how people do, but i just can't see myself doing it.


> The next time I see a thief talking about how "thief is the most high skill class ever, and the other 8 are easymode" I'm going to link this video.


Lold so hard

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> @FOX.3582 said:

> He dies a lot in one or two hits, clicks the skills, has no map awareness whatsoever, etc. This my lads, is GW2 RNG in it's purest form. Some people got carried, some have to carry every match...


I run glass canon build 11000 hp 0 passive mitigation damage from gear or traits so yeah i can barely get hit 3 times in a row max or have few condi applied max. I have only 1 stealth/heal 1 block 3dodge and cleanse 1 condi per dodge (with new UC debuff...). xD I call it a BLITZKRIEG high dps/mobility build glass canon very squishy through... But I have more fun than playing tanks or condi spamfest spe.

For map awareness : we were two thiefs and I was the dps support while the other one focused on flipping stuff back b4 backing up on dps team fight. So I was more focused on fight dps support awareness calling up targets. (red targeting icon on enemy heads for team focused fire - Always used team target call since Anarchy Online, DaoC, CoV/CoH, Eve Online)

There is no "carry" but team play without vocal. ^^

Note the Pro stomp on down necro protected by guard sanctuary in middle of fight at 06:30 ^^ (this is fun)

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> @Titan.3472 said:

> On the way to legendary rank with mouse clicking skills (already been there & done that in early pvp seasons) xD Take notes. And later, after this achievement I will be back at solo roaming ennemies BLs in wvw.


> => PvP is fun.


You mean get carried to legendary ?

Did not know reaching plat at off peak hours was this easy... This must be on NA...

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> @Thani.8569 said:

> > @Titan.3472 said:

> > On the way to legendary rank with mouse clicking skills (already been there & done that in early pvp seasons) xD Take notes. And later, after this achievement I will be back at solo roaming ennemies BLs in wvw.

> >

> > => PvP is fun.


> You mean get carried to legendary ?

> Did not know reaching plat at off peak hours was this easy... This must be on NA...


oh, it's definitely NA

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2 Mistakes OP.


1 : Make sure your video is actually watchable (without giving people a massive headache for trying to do so).

2 : Play Female Human D/P Daredevil or you aren't allowed to play Thief.


> @choovanski.5462 said:

> oh, it's definitely NA


Lol this argument pops in literally every game. Wonder if the very high unemployment rates in the EU have something to do with it. Food for thoughts i guess.

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> @Griever.8150 said:

> 2 Mistakes OP.


> 1 : Make sure your video is actually watchable (without giving people a massive headache for trying to do so).

> **2 : Play Female Human D/P Daredevil or you aren't allowed to play Thief.**


Says who? Also last time i checked Sind's main thief was human male =.=


Salad teefs reunite!


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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @Griever.8150 said:

> > 2 Mistakes OP.

> >

> > 1 : Make sure your video is actually watchable (without giving people a massive headache for trying to do so).

> > **2 : Play Female Human D/P Daredevil or you aren't allowed to play Thief.**

> >

> Says who? Also last time i checked Sind's main thief was human male =.=


> Salad teefs reunite!



Sind's thief is probably a trap.

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You can't be serious? I'm going to give you a play by play, specifically on how you got carried. Lets set aside for now how terrible the enemy team was, and how bad your gameplay is, and just focus on your contribution to the game :


1) Between 0:00 - 0:30 your team is fighting a 4v3 at mid (and winning) while your other thief takes home.

2) Between 0:20 - 0:55 you fight the ranger who you could have killed easily, manage to fight on his capped node AND don't even kill the ranger, while your team is winning the 3v4 (other thief joined mid fight, and necro died) in mid.

3) Between 1:00 and 1:15 you died almost instantly, and get rezzed by your ranger.

4) Between 1:40 - 3:00 You managed to win the mid fight which is a 5v5 (enemies respawning at this point). Failing to even realize you are getting decapped. at home.

5) Bell rings at 3:00. at 3:30 u die to the scourge. Aside from the scourge being a total noob trying to stomp a thief, you again get rezzed by a rally from your teammates. They keep you alive in downstate long enough to do this.

6) Meanwhile, between 3:00 and 4:00 you are getting decapped. Your other thief is trying to counter decap.

7) At 4:10, again you go into downstate, meanwhile having done absolutely nothing so far. and again, your team rezes you. Meanwhile your other thief is doing his best to counter decap, despite having to deal with nearly 3 respawns.

8) 4:50 you go into downstate AGAIN. this time you actually have no teammates to rez you, which is good because they actually go to do something more useful. Mid is now a 2v2 and your thief goes to +1 the fight turning it into a 3v2.

9) at 5:20 you come off respawn, and instead of decapping home, you go to +1 mid to turn it into a 4v2....questionable., because your team would have won the 3v2 anyway. Meanwhile your necro is WINNING the 1v1 at far node, and manages to chase the DH off.

10) at 5:45, you did the only decent play I've seen so far, which is to stomp the ranger in order to rally your other thief (who was downed by the warrior)

11) at 6:00 - 6:15, you and your other thief Crakz go down. Your necro manages to power rez BOTH of you, probably the best play of the game by the necro. At the same time, your OTHER necro is solo capping bell.

12) at 6:30 you manage to shadowstep stomp the enemy necro with keyboard clicks. I'm in shock on how you managed to do this :astonished: , but at least you actually did SOMETHING this time for your team. Your necro after capping bell goes to full cap home.

13) You end up dieing AGAIN, in an attempt to push far. Your other thief Crakz also goes down and is rezzed yet again by the necro.

14) at 7:20 you come off respawn. One of the necro's is down. Your healing necro rezes AGAIN. Props to him because he's putting in work. Meanwhile your other thief gets the decap at far.

15) You score a kill, probably the 2nd kill you've gotten this game. congratz

16) at 9:00 you go down again, and again you are rezzed.


Sorry to ruin the moment for you dude, but this was just god awful. To think players of this skill level are reaching platinum is a joke. Seriously your the type of players i farm in a match and my team still manages to lose somehow. Anyway, you should retitle your video to : "Two scourges face-rolling for me while i do absolutely nothing useful"

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> @Griever.8150 said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > oh, it's definitely NA


> Lol this argument pops in literally every game. Wonder if the very high unemployment rates in the EU have something to do with it. Food for thoughts i guess.


Food for thought? I mean... isn't it obvious?

Only the very best players can play from morning until early afternoon, which is the optimal time for honing your skills to perfection!

And since gw2 is the default leisure activity of unemployed people everywhere in the world there's clearly a causal connection.


Btw, OP has roaming videos on Blackgate, so he is indeed on NA.


> @JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said: ...


This write-up took more effort than the entire gameplay in the video.

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