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Introducing Players to WvW


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In my experience players are beeing introduced to WvW as "bags of Loot", at least thats how people on my Home-Server refer to new or bad players in WvW and then they'll proceed to flame everyone that isn't in TS and then they'll abandon T3 Towers, complain about "no one called it out" when it's been called out even before the first siege has hit. At that point most players new to WvW realize that maybe WvW isn't as fun as they thought and go back to hitting Chak Gerent really hard.


Personally, when someone asks me about WvW I'd tell them to pick a camp/tower and gather some friends to claim and protect said objectives and try to figure out how to beat those pesky roamers trying to take your precious camp. That's something I enjoy doing with small groups and it benefits the Server.

Although it kinda hurts to log back in the next day just to see that your precious T3 Tower is gone and has not been defended by anyone :/

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Usually I roam with them, introduce them to the world outside the zerg and orange swords. Let them tag along with my small team, try to keep things positive when we get run over 3v50. I'd say 9/10 times they say "that was fun!" and then they want to hang again.


The autopilot zerg fest is brainless. You pull one of these players aside and go deep into enemy territory and show them how effective a small team can be they get hooked instantly to the havoc world. Make them believe they can make a difference on their server though I know sometimes its a blowout, it leads to pretty epic rememberable fights on a small scale. This triggers their interest in how they can make their build better, what they did wrong because the hunger starts....they want to win. They see their party members wrecking people and want to join in.


It's all about indoctrination into the wvw world...ONE OF US ONE OF US.

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> @RodOfDeath.5247 said:

> Usually I roam with them, introduce them to the world outside the zerg and orange swords. Let them tag along with my small team, try to keep things positive when we get run over 3v50. I'd say 9/10 times they say "that was fun!" and then they want to hang again.


> The autopilot zerg fest is brainless. You pull one of these players aside and go deep into enemy territory and show them how effective a small team can be they get hooked instantly to the havoc world. Make them believe they can make a difference on their server though I know sometimes its a blowout, it leads to pretty epic rememberable fights on a small scale. This triggers their interest in how they can make their build better, what they did wrong because the hunger starts....they want to win. They see their party members wrecking people and want to join in.


> It's all about indoctrination into the wvw world...ONE OF US ONE OF US.


Well said! Then they want to help.

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I usually tell them to roam alone & after they get 1shot by thief who then runs away faster than the road runner, they never ever join wvw again... i bet they like it a whole lot.


For example a friend of mine tried gw2 wvw not long ago, I told him to start roam if he wants to learn how to play his class.

1st thing he did was to try get 1 camp because there was a commotion (& other our players were also there), ... needless to say he didn't even manage to get close to the camp before a trash thief 1shot him & ported away.


My friend now doesn't even log into gw2 & lost all interest in the game because of "brokenly op mechanics & bad pvp balance" as he stated it, so there you have it.

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> brokenly op mechanics & bad pvp balance

So he just started playing the game and feels like he is able to judge the balance?

I'm playing Glass Cannon Weaver in WvW (barely 14k HP and no Toughness investment) and I barely ever get 1shot by Thiefs. It does happen yes but most of the time it can easily be avoided. There are way stronger builds than Thief. (1shot Mesmer for example seems way stronger to me) And considering how hard many of those 1shot combos are to pull off flawlessly I would absolutely not call them OP especially since they can't do much other than run away if they fail. At least if you have decent friends around.

If you want to introduce someone to WvW you should never ever tell them to run around alone, especially if they're not skilled enough yet to survive beeing jumped by a random thief.

I'm not saying we have a balanced game here, I'm just saying that introducing a player to WvW by letting him run into a thief alone is probably not the best way, thiefs are really frustrating and annoying to deal with but definitly not OP.

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> @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> I usually tell them to roam alone & after they get 1shot by thief who then runs away faster than the road runner, they never ever join wvw again... i bet they like it a whole lot.


> For example a friend of mine tried gw2 wvw not long ago, I told him to start roam if he wants to learn how to play his class.

> 1st thing he did was to try get 1 camp because there was a commotion (& other our players were also there), ... needless to say he didn't even manage to get close to the camp before a trash thief 1shot him & ported away.


> My friend now doesn't even log into gw2 & lost all interest in the game because of "brokenly op mechanics & bad pvp balance" as he stated it, so there you have it.


No this had nothing to do with "brokenly op mechanics" and everything to do with not having the patience to learn the class he was playing. A person should EXPECT to be killed by better players when he new to the game and killed quickly. If it was the case that a person new to the game trying to take a camp his first time In WvW could prevail against the same, it would be a terribad game which might as well not even have a pvp element.


I died my first time in WvW within a few minutes of coming out of spawn. That was a signal that Ihad better learn how to play rather then just quit because it too hard.

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yeah well he decided there is no point in even trying a game where he could be killed in under 3 seconds without having a reaction time so there you have it - most popular opinion of the new players who try wvw


I cant really blame him about his decision since it's true most of the time, the current balance is terrible with all the evade spamming mirages & thieves around (which is not a difficult build to play i personally have a mirage & its boring as hell, but apparently playing an op spec makes some ppl think they actually got skills xD rofl)

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> @Sasajoe.1509 said:

> yeah well he decided there is no point in even trying a game where he could be killed in under 3 seconds without having a reaction time so there you have it - most popular opinion of the new players who try wvw


> I cant really blame him about his decision since it's true most of the time, the current balance is terrible with all the evade spamming mirages & thieves around (which is not a difficult build to play i personally have a mirage & its boring as hell, but apparently playing an op spec makes some ppl think they actually got skills xD rofl)


So.. you encouraged him to go out alone. Thank you for demonstrating what not to do when others are approached by new people.


Really think you would be best served at a different game.


You are so opposed to a core profession, it has blinded any objectivity.

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