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Disappearing POI, HP, and Vistas


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Hey guys and gals, Have any of you noticed that of all of your gained POI, HP, and Vistas that some times, some of them have disappeared or you have lost credit for doing them and you are forced to go back and redo them? Me and my girlfriend have both encountered this problem. Is it a game glitch, or what?

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I've only had this happen when I dc and a rollback happens. Even then it's very rare. A week or two ago I recall doing an HP in Tangled Depths (The Mushroom adventure one) and strangely I dc'd after getting the HP and completing the adventure (I completed the adventure after acquiring the HP). When I came back, I still had the bronze chest but I'd lost the HP. Others in the map reported similar occurrences.


Oh! On the super off chance that you're brand new, are you logging onto different characters? Each character's map completion is separate.

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There's also been a change to the HoT HP icons. Now the repeatable ones (the ones that spawn enemies) have a small infinity symbol and look like it's not yet earned. In reality, you've already earned the HP, and it's emptiness indicates you have not killed it for the daily reward.


However since the change, I have noticed a bug where my commune HPs also look like that. Happened several weeks ago and have not seen it since so I assume it was patched.

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I've only had this in the cases where ANet has added more things to the game. For example the first zone for the Charr, had added 2 hearts and a poi iirc back when I was doing world completion on my first guy (I'm slow). I was doing the last maps, the WvW ones back when they counted. And when done with them, couldn't understand why I didn't have 100%, and had to go around and hunt up a few things ANet added since then.


But once you got a map 100% it stays that way (on that character), even if they add more things, you've already gotten the reward and the credit for the 100% of that map.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> I remember seeing a post on the old forums a few weeks ago where a player finally hit 100% map completion, then a few hours later it bumped to 99% and they couldn't figure out why, not sure if they're related or not though.


With the last patch they added a new PIO in Lion's Arch for everyone. So this happened to everyone. It was Ellen Kiel's office in Lion's Arch.

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They changed the way hero points are displayed recently so that it looks like you haven't done them even if you have Just mouse over the number on the map next to hero points and the ones you actually need will flash.


This makes it clearer to people that HoT hero points which are repeatable can still give you a reward for that day.

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