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Goodnight Sweet Prince


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PvP is dead beyond repair at this point. I haven't played in several days but the last time I was on, the top 10 was a complete meme, 80% of good PvP players went to PvEsports or stopped playing, last patch was bad, people expected Arenanet to put out a good balance patch, A Y Y L M A O, Arenanet didn't nerf scourge, nerfed all the classes that counter scourge and mirage, buff mirage, all the classes that were useless are still useless, only classes are scourge, scourge support bot (firebrand), mirage with occasional decap bot thief. It's just going to be randoms farming leaderboard thinking that it means something while Abjured comes back once a month to take monthly because nobody cares enough to contest. GG Anet, I've finally moved on from this game because I've realized that I'll never have the fun in this game that I used to back in base game days, when dueling arenas were full of skilled players, where all classes had multiple builds, where there were competitive players fielding teams and practicing/scrimming, where you could actually play any class you wanted and not be completely countered/worthless. I'll always miss Hambow, DD ele, Cele engi, SD thief, shatter mes, but those specs will never come back the way that they used to be. Honestly towards the end of HoT era before PoF, balance was actually becoming good, but of course Arenanet has to ruin their own game for some reason.


Thanks for the good times boiz,


Teef Teef Teef Teef #3 Thief NA 2014

Legendary Jagdtiger #1 Warrior NA 2017

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Cheaterboard has been a complete joke on the community since season 5. As for the game it's self. PvP as far as gw2 goes is dead "competitively". Unranked is now the place to play and enjoy whats left of the on life support game mode. Ranked is for afk/pve reward hunters, match manipulators, toxic players, and just over all try hards.


I go unranked and enjoy my time knowing i may have to carry 4 puggers vs a 5 man team. less afks , leavers, trolls, and mach manipulators there and more actual players wanting to pvp. Ranked wont be fixed till the hammer comes down on the cheaterboard people (never will happen just wrist slaps) and they move on from conquest the most uncompetitive zzz ZZZ zzz ZZZ game mode made.

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Well put.


I miss shatter mesmer something fierce. I played ~800 games on classic shatter mesmer and less than 300 since. Mirage would have been a step in the right direction if they didn't push it heavily to be a condi class.


Anet's balance team is a joke. They've never been stellar and they're getting worse. To nerf Spellbreaker, they nerf core warrior? They ignore the issues with Scourge's low as fuck shroud costs and massive damage? They nerf Renegade, an elite spec that's worse than running core? Mirage gets a buff? Before they were just slow, now they're actively trolling the whole community, not just PvE. Not only are they trolling the community, they're doing a disservice to the developers that designed the skills. There are 5 weapon skill slots at any given time for every player, but in PvE auto-attacking is optimal? Ability combos have basically disappeared since HoT and the ones that players invent get nerfed with little exception. Condi abilities have gotten to the point that they do more burst damage than a Deadeye, and any non-guardian build that can negate that gets nerfed. There is so much depth and potential in Gw2's combat system, but an inept balance team has blown it with things like "instant cast condi bombs" and "spamming>well timed ability use" with rare exception. I swear if the balance team was designing a shooter, they'd make headshots do less damage.


I've played with and against you before Teef and it's sad to see another player of your caliber go, but it's only fair. It feels like the only people in PvP are either new to it or close to quitting.

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Anet is a toxic or a good for nothing company. Don't feed them with money cause they do nothing for PVP. They are just trolling us or they are tottaly lazy ppl I don't know.

But I do know they are killing PVP with this attitude.

If you really want to do this Anet then kill it fast plz. don't cause any more suffering.

(If u moderate this Anet we will know you read the forums! You just don't do your job which is costumer support. This is My opininon and you can't delet it anyway)


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