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Impossible to land 100 blades, it needs to be reworked on the next patch.


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Without quickness it is impossible to fully land 100 blades because 100 blades has a cast time of 3.5 seconds and our stuns are maximum 3 seconds. Combined that with human latency and reaction times and you have a very bad designed skill that lands about 4 or 5 hits maximum. This skill needs to be reworked and fixed by the next patch.


How can anet set 100 blades to be 3.5 seconds and stuns be 3 seconds? is that even fair? At least make 100 blades be 3 seconds cast time minimum.

In its current state, the final strike in 100 blades never hits.


Reduce the cast time from 3.5 seconds to 3 seconds or 2.75 seconds to compensate for human latency.

Where is the warrior community? we should unite and demand our skills to be decent at least!


EDIT: An yet, this winter's day patch brings more nerfs to warrior and no fixes to common warrior problems. Where is the warrior community? Do people even play warriors?

Am I the only one playing warrior and noticing breaking bugs like endure pain bug and old skills mechanics like 100 blades?

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> @Interpretor.3091 said:

> Sometimes I get to use 100 blades on downed targets. :D


lol and sometimes not even that, in the case of WvW you get an invulnerability buff right after down and all you see is "invulnerable, invulnerable, invulnerable...."

by the time the invulnerability buff is gone the only attack that hits is the last one on 100 blades.

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When stun, knock was actually a thing, use them to setup strong but slow skill was meaningful. But the increasing short CD stunbreak and giving out ammo type stun break, dodge stun break has made setup with cc no longer meaningful.


I rather bring gap closing skills instead and seems more successful than multiple slow motion stunbreak fodder.

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not sure it ever hit one target ..... but it was a great tagger and choke block.

now stand for 3.5 secs without resistance and fry.

its always been ++dmg but pls dont kite me skill. so balanced

prob needs work like most skills .. I cant see +50% helping with the dmg creep

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Compare it to guardian GS dmg.. i can burst with that weapon so hard with the aoe symbol + whirling wrath (traits that increase symbol dmg and all dmg on targets on symbols) this set can pull off ridiculous dmg.



Or just compare 100b with whirling wrath.. whirling does allot more dps and is a mobile 5 target radius..


100b is a joke. Downed ppl can even be outhealed vs 100b

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> @nicknamenick.2437 said:

> Compare it to guardian GS dmg.. i can burst with that weapon so hard with the aoe symbol + whirling wrath (traits that increase symbol dmg and all dmg on targets on symbols) this set can pull off ridiculous dmg.



> Or just compare 100b with whirling wrath.. whirling does allot more dps and is a mobile 5 target radius..


> 100b is a joke. Downed ppl can even be outhealed vs 100b


Yes even mesmer blurred frenzy does triple the damage, grants invulnerable and immobilizes targets!

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100 blades isn't a bad skill. It's perhaps overly specialized, but it's not a bad skill. You just need to use it right. Even if you don't last the last couple of hits, that's still a solid burst, and you should have stowing your weapon bound to a key anyways, so you can cancel it once your opponent gets out of it.

And, as has already been mentioned, it's quite strong (as I said, overly specialized) in group combat when you get a downed enemy. But that's not primarily for the purpose of killing off the downed person. It's for downing the person who decided to try to rez. There's been more than a few fights I've won that way. (Oh, and that invulnerable buff downed targets get? It doesn't last that long. Just wait a moment after they go downed before you unload 100 blades on them. It's an aspect of the game, and can be easily dealt with, without any issue.)


So, yeah... It's overly specialized, but it's still a decent skill. An increase to its range, or faster cast time would be a nice buff, but all in all... Warrior GS is in a pretty good place right now. The buff would be nice, but it's not really needed.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> Quickness gives +50% attack speed, so Quickness 100 Blades should take about 2.5secs (not 1.75 like you said).


Great Scott! All this time I thought quickness was still 100%, but you are right [quickness was nerfed to 50% in 2013](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickness). This is heavy, I always read the patch notes but then I forgot this nerf even existed because quickness does not have an ingame description of how much the speed is increased.


Anyway, with that info 100 blades casts in 2.63 second which is barely enough to completely land the burst if we take human latency and reaction times in consideration.

All that being said, 100 blades still needs to be reduced from 3.5 seconds to 3 seconds considering that warrior has low access to quickness with high cooldown times. Furthermore, others have already stated the access to stun breaks is too much, thus putting the warrior in a weak or below medium position landing bursts.

> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> When stun, knock was actually a thing, use them to setup strong but slow skill was meaningful. But the increasing short CD stunbreak and giving out ammo type stun break, dodge stun break has made setup with cc no longer meaningful.


> I rather bring gap closing skills instead and seems more successful than multiple slow motion stunbreak fodder.


> @cryorion.9532 said:

> Yes, exactly, before HoT, setting up 100b was about cc at right time... now with all those low CD stunbreaks (or even stunbreaks with no CD...) it is very rare to actually down people with 100b. Even if they added ability to move while casting 100b, it would still be average.

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Part of the problem with gs is the gs trait, which is really good and can create a balance issue when trying to improve gs skills. Gs has good mobility, evade, a ranged cripple, and a rapid attack skill which allows for good might generation with forceful greatsword. It use to be a damage weapon but now it is a utility weapon with the toning down of its skills and the power creep of other classes.


With the power creep of other claases should you be able to move while doing 100 blades? Maybe, but I still have it equipped as a utility weapon. It feels kind of odd that a 2 handed sword is utility ... But that is what they made it.

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It's a l2p issue. Positionning is key.

You want to predict where people are going to be in the next 3-4 seconds, THEN setup yourself accordingly.


Does that mean you're gonna have full hits all the time like in pve ? **nope**. Learn to live with it, or adapt your playstyle.


A favorite dirty trick with power bezerker(spec) with GS was to **F2 to speedup 100b** when you knew the positioning was correct and they were staying in it. the "speedup" caught many people by surprise over time. in other words, _Tactics!_



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In order to make 100b work on single, non-down players, you have to run either Bull's Charge (3 second knockdown) or Mace/Shield (level 3 skull crack).


Unfortunately, due to power creep, most of the classes nowadays have a ton of ways to negate setup attacks because CC greatly increased on HoT's release. Berserker AND Daredevil were the WORST offenders, due to a 10 second and 16 second cooldown stunbreak.


And that's just HoT. If you're opponent is a firebrand, or has firebrand backup, you might as well give up on ANY setup attacks. Aegis and Stability mantras make it nigh impossible to land skull crack or bull's charge and actually make it lockdown the target.


Mirage can stun break just by dodging (elusive mind), not even counting the ability to dodge as much as a daredevil does.

Last Stand warriors auto stun break and grant stability.

Ranger has a multitude of really good stun breaks, in addition to heavy kiting powers (and soul beast makes you unable to block with warhorn support).

Necro is super unsafe to even be in melee range for non-spellbreakers (level 3 mace is not usable if you're a spellbreaker).

Don't expect to ever land skullcrack on a thief of any kind. Unless they are bad (but you can force dodges).


Since these are the most common classes at the moment for pvp or wvw purposes in terms of risk reward, you basically can't expect to ever land MEANINGFUL lockdown in a 1v1, which are mostly nonexistant (you should almost never 1v1 a core warrior as it is a very strong duelist).

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> Quickness is not reducing the cast time of 100 blades to the 1.75 seconds promised, it looks like it reduces it to 2.75, and without quickness it is impossible to fully land 100 blades because 100 blades has a cast time of 3.5 seconds and our stuns are maximum 3 seconds. Combined that with human latency and reaction times and you have a very bad designed skill that lands about 4 or 5 hits maximum. This skill needs to be reworked and fixed by the next patch.


> How can anet set 100 blades to be 3.5 seconds and stuns be 3 seconds? is that even fair? At least make 100 blades be 3 seconds cast time minimum.

> In its current state, the final strike in 100 blades never hits.


> Reduce the cast time from 3.5 seconds to 3 seconds or 2.75 seconds to compensate for human latency.

> Were is the warrior community? we should unite and demand our skills to be decent at least!


100B is fine. Tone down everything else in this game instead.

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