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[Feature Request] - Wrapping Paper

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**Request:** Add the ability to 'giftwrap' items before mailing them to another player.


**Implementation:** You would purchase 'wrapping paper' for a currency (like Snowflakes) from a Wintersday vendor. After double-clicking the wrapping paper, you then click on the item you want to place inside the 'container.' Item must not be soul/account-bound (obviously). Item will be placed in said container with an icon that matches the wrapping paper purchased (if you wanted to have different colors of paper/ribbon. The item could then be mailed to another player. When the other player double-clicks the container in their inventory, it unpacks in the inventory like any loot bag.


**Reason:** While it might seem like a frivolous/silly request, it adds a little bit of fun to the tradition of gift-giving during Christmas/Wintersday. It's been a feature I've been wanting for a very long time, as it adds a touch of excitement to the occasion rather than just sending them a mail and them immediately seeing what you got them. If possible, it'd be nice to see this snuck into the Winterday update, so I can send 'actual' gifts to my friends.

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In online games that do have gift-wrapping and boxes you can buy to leave as presents in people rooms (Okay GW2 don't have rooms but still I guess gifted and closed in the inventory to look like a present until they double click), it still felt like wasting a bit of money because most of the time the lame boxes/wrapping are the ones that people don't want because it looks... well cheap.

The better ones always way too expensive though.


In the end, I think just being able to gift/mail someone something they would like is a bit more exciting whether I'm receiving or giving.

Giving I feel like "That money I wasted on wrapping, I could've used to get the person maybe something else even if it's little" and when I'm receiving I'm thinking "You really should've just given me unwrapped because I feel bad that you had to waste your money just to make it look fancy and pretty much get discarded in the end anyway".


And yeah GW2 money sense could go either way of gold or gems, but it's still meh...

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> In online games that do have gift-wrapping and boxes you can buy to leave as presents in people rooms (Okay GW2 don't have rooms but still I guess gifted and closed in the inventory to look like a present until they double click), it still felt like wasting a bit of money because most of the time the lame boxes/wrapping are the ones that people don't want because it looks... well cheap.

> The better ones always way too expensive though.


> In the end, I think just being able to gift/mail someone something they would like is a bit more exciting whether I'm receiving or giving.

> Giving I feel like "That money I wasted on wrapping, I could've used to get the person maybe something else even if it's little" and when I'm receiving I'm thinking "You really should've just given me unwrapped because I feel bad that you had to waste your money just to make it look fancy and pretty much get discarded in the end anyway".


> And yeah GW2 money sense could go either way of gold or gems, but it's still meh...


I think I should probably mention that when I'm talking about buying it from a Wintersday vendor, I'm not talking about a gold or a silver. I'm talking about a few copper. Wrapping paper in games like World of Warcraft has never been expensive. The fact that it has a cost is just for an easy way of getting it into players' hands. It's a fun touch to add to things. I don't mean for it to be a "gemstore" item, just a bit of 'flavor' for players to add to their gifts. If something costs 32 copper, for example, or even 1 silver, I highly doubt someone is going to be thinking , "Why didn't you get me something better instead of spending 32 copper/1 silver on wrapping paper."

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What I would really like is an option to buy presents from the store and keep them until a later date when you could mail them out. Often times I see an item come into the store which I would like to purchase as a future present for maybe a guildies birthday that's coming up in a few weeks/months. But there's just no option to do that.


Maybe we could purchase the item and have it sent to us, but instead of it being account bound or soulbound it would have the designation of a gift so you would have to send it to someone for it to be used.

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> @Vash.2386 said:

> What I would really like is an option to buy presents from the store and keep them until a later date when you could mail them out. Often times I see an item come into the store which I would like to purchase as a future present for maybe a guildies birthday that's coming up in a few weeks/months. But there's just no option to do that.


> Maybe we could purchase the item and have it sent to us, but instead of it being account bound or soulbound it would have the designation of a gift so you would have to send it to someone for it to be used.


That would be nifty - you should make a thread for it! Or perhaps make a post in the Gem Store Suggestions thread.


> @Toolbox.9375 said:

> I've been wanting this functionality for a while, myself. X) Maybe make it purchasable with snowflakes; Lord knows I get too flippin' many of those every Wintersday.


I like this idea. Snowflakes would be the perfect currency for it. I'd say perhaps even "craftable" with dyes, but that might be pushing things. I'd be happy for just a few art assets, and the functionality of players being able to pack items into a container to be opened by another.

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I think it's a good idea. Seemingly minor flourishes like this can really help people get into the game and foster community and whatnot, and there's no time more appropriate than Christmas for that.


Heck, if anything I'd want to extend it beyond just Wintersday, and have a more general thing with more specific options. Maybe a basic wrapper that can be placed in the Msytic Fountain with specific items to make event/season specific paper--Snowflakes as mentioned for Wintersday, maybe cake for Birthdays, etc.)

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> @Cronos.6532 said:

> Wintersday Mail Carrier and Red Envelope Mail Carrier serve the purpose enough. Really glad I bought them.


Eh, I disagree there. That is just a "delivery" thing, and easily missed. I mean honestly, I barely notice mail carriers, either receiving or sending. I don't think it really answers the feature request I'm making here. The chance it might work is if they happen to be paying attention, or even looking at the screen at the time, and don't have their characters covered up with numerous other windows like bank/trader/etc. Actual gift wrapping that you can mail to someone would work better for a "present."


My argument would be that just leaving things as they are now is akin to saying, "Why bother wrapping anything when you can just send someone stuff." Sure, wrapping anything in real life or in a game is ultimately unnecessary. I'd rather not judge life by what's absolutely "necessary" though, for the sake of a bit of fun.

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> @Zeivu.3615 said:

> PSO 1+2 had some sort of giftwrapping feature, but it resulted in some glitches where users could not open the giftboxes if certain items were added to them. From a programming standpoint, It might be easier to hide the item icon from the mail we get.


Possibly, yeah, but that entirely depends on how their internal systems work. A bug in one game does not guarantee a bug in another game, as they may be coded entirely differently. We can reverse-engineer some of the systems behind it by what we see, but we already have loot boxes/bags in the game with predefined loot rather than from a random loot table, so it'd be a matter of utilizing that system with an interface that allows a player to "pack" an item. It's hard to say what would work, or be necessary, without knowing how their server-side code handles things, or if they already have systems in place that could be easily repurposed.

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