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Why I am thankful for GW2


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Hey all, happy Thanksgiving (here in the US),


Just wanted to say that I am happy that GW2 is up and running. Here are the things that I love about gw2:


I love the art in this game. It is beautiful and a joy to explore. A huge congrats to the art team and direction of this game, I could play these graphics for years to come.


I really like the trait and gear system. It gives so much more flexibility than other games; so much more build crafting and brain stimulation. Yes, there are dead traits and weapons and sigils/runes, but I still love the build potential compared to other games. It really is great!


B2P, no sub and not p2w. Yeah, there has been some pushing of the envelope on the RNG purchasing, but I love that gw2 is not p2w and I can pick it up whenever I want and don't have to cancel a sub or worry about having to pay just to play some content. They really hit the nail on the head with the B2P expac model and buying of cosmetics.


Those are my big three! What are yours?


Thanks again for a great game, Anet!







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This thread does feel like a good opportunity to balance out the feedback :)


And so... I would like to thank ANet and particularly all the people who spent so much time getting it right, for the griffons. It probably sounds silly since there's so much else in it, but they're still by far my favorite thing from PoF - they make the simple act of just running around maps so much more fun. I have also developed a bad habit of repeatedly trying to break out of bounds. Did you know you can get on top of the Balthazar statue in Straits of Desolation if you try hard enough? :mrgreen:

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I am thankful for how in the PvE world, there is no competition and nearly no reason to flame people for tagging a rare mob or etc. I rarely see any toxicity in the game, and this is the only game that I've enjoyed where that's true. The lack of competition and encouragement for teamwork has really fostered a great community here in Tyria.


I am thankful for how everything in the gemstore can technically be bought with gold, so that I don't feel like I am locked out of anything just because of my wallet.


I am thankful for how the devs are really top-notch, such that I am completely oblivious to any hackers, bots, or illegal trading.


I am thankful for how whenever I have a problem or a bug, either Support or the community help me out so that I really don't have that many complaints about the technical side of the game. And when I do, they're usually resolved within a reasonable amount of time.


And I am thankful for this game continuing to exist. Please continue to exist. I need at least one good computer game for my gaming moods.


Thank you, ANet.

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I am thankful a heavy melee no longer required to build defensively, in order to stand inside enemy range to get hit to keep friendies safe. Thats the most stupid kind of game play i’ve ever seen.


I am thankful we do not have to complere with other players in pve, zero pvp beside guildhall in pve open world. I play pve and i am expecting to fight stupid foe, not fighting a soul.


I am thankful we have wvw, a place built for player vs player but in a warfare scale. We can either build for group fight ir duel fight, this makes crafting build more interesting. It also provided some war role for the players that enjoy fighting a soul but hate the limitation of pvp.


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> @Narcemus.1348 said:

> I am thankful for a game world that has been heavily involved in my life for something like 9 years. A world of lore and story that has pulled me in and thus far refused to let me go. A world that continues to inspire me in more ways than I can begin to explain. Thank you ANet.


Agree with this, GWs commitment to long term character development, and avoiding the pitfalls of the power race style mmorpg has given me a great deal of pleasure over the years.

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> @Opopanax.1803 said:

> Hey all, happy Thanksgiving (here in the US),


> Just wanted to say that I am happy that GW2 is up and running. Here are the things that I love about gw2:


> I love the art in this game. It is beautiful and a joy to explore. A huge congrats to the art team and direction of this game, I could play these graphics for years to come.


> I really like the trait and gear system. It gives so much more flexibility than other games; so much more build crafting and brain stimulation. _ Yes, there are dead traits and weapons and sigils/runes_, **but****_ I still_** love the build potential compared to other games. It really is great!


so basicaly you admit something is wrong but love for the game make you blind.



> B2P, no sub and not p2w. Yeah, there has been some pushing of the envelope on the RNG purchasing, but I love that gw2 is not p2w and I can pick it up whenever I want and don't have to cancel a sub **_or worry about having to pay just to play some content. _** They really hit the nail on the head with the B2P expac model and buying of cosmetics.


actually you have to pay just to play some content if you were not there. but ok..... love make you blind 1 more time.



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> @Seyiwaji.4082 said:

> What?

> > @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > Hey all, happy Thanksgiving (here in the US),

> >

> > Just wanted to say that I am happy that GW2 is up and running. Here are the things that I love about gw2:

> >

> > I love the art in this game. It is beautiful and a joy to explore. A huge congrats to the art team and direction of this game, I could play these graphics for years to come.

> >

> > I really like the trait and gear system. It gives so much more flexibility than other games; so much more build crafting and brain stimulation. _ Yes, there are dead traits and weapons and sigils/runes_, **but****_ I still_** love the build potential compared to other games. It really is great!

> >

> so basicaly you admit something is wrong but love for the game make you blind.


> What?

> > B2P, no sub and not p2w. Yeah, there has been some pushing of the envelope on the RNG purchasing, but I love that gw2 is not p2w and I can pick it up whenever I want and don't have to cancel a sub **_or worry about having to pay just to play some content. _** They really hit the nail on the head with the B2P expac model and buying of cosmetics.

> >

> actually you have to pay just to play some content if you were not there. but ok..... love make you blind 1 more time.




Wow - mean spirited award of the year right here.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @Seyiwaji.4082 said:

> > What?

> > > @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > > Hey all, happy Thanksgiving (here in the US),

> > >

> > > Just wanted to say that I am happy that GW2 is up and running. Here are the things that I love about gw2:

> > >

> > > I love the art in this game. It is beautiful and a joy to explore. A huge congrats to the art team and direction of this game, I could play these graphics for years to come.

> > >

> > > I really like the trait and gear system. It gives so much more flexibility than other games; so much more build crafting and brain stimulation. _ Yes, there are dead traits and weapons and sigils/runes_, **but****_ I still_** love the build potential compared to other games. It really is great!

> > >

> > so basicaly you admit something is wrong but love for the game make you blind.

> >

> > What?

> > > B2P, no sub and not p2w. Yeah, there has been some pushing of the envelope on the RNG purchasing, but I love that gw2 is not p2w and I can pick it up whenever I want and don't have to cancel a sub **_or worry about having to pay just to play some content. _** They really hit the nail on the head with the B2P expac model and buying of cosmetics.

> > >

> > actually you have to pay just to play some content if you were not there. but ok..... love make you blind 1 more time.

> >

> >


> Wow - mean spirited award of the year right here.


Right? Some people just can't help but be jerks when others are trying to be nice.


On topic, I'm thankful to Anet for 12+ years of entertainment. I hope it continues for many more years. :)

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> @Seyiwaji.4082 said:

> What?

> > @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > Hey all, happy Thanksgiving (here in the US),

> >

> > Just wanted to say that I am happy that GW2 is up and running. Here are the things that I love about gw2:

> >

> > I love the art in this game. It is beautiful and a joy to explore. A huge congrats to the art team and direction of this game, I could play these graphics for years to come.

> >

> > I really like the trait and gear system. It gives so much more flexibility than other games; so much more build crafting and brain stimulation. _ Yes, there are dead traits and weapons and sigils/runes_, **but****_ I still_** love the build potential compared to other games. It really is great!

> >

> so basicaly you admit something is wrong but love for the game make you blind.


> What?

> > B2P, no sub and not p2w. Yeah, there has been some pushing of the envelope on the RNG purchasing, but I love that gw2 is not p2w and I can pick it up whenever I want and don't have to cancel a sub **_or worry about having to pay just to play some content. _** They really hit the nail on the head with the B2P expac model and buying of cosmetics.

> >

> actually you have to pay just to play some content if you were not there. but ok..... love make you blind 1 more time.




If one can only love that which is perfect then one cannot love.


Acknowledging that something is not perfect, but loving it anyway, is an eyes open love, not blindness. Blindly loving would mean an inability to see the inevitable flaws and imperfections in the thing you love. This is clearly not the case here.

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I'm thankful we have such an accepting community that rejects the toxicity that other MMO's thrive on.


I'm thankful to our forum mods for keeping the forums this way, and I'm thankful for meeting new friends that are okay with me being myself. I have said it before but it is true....what we have here is special and unheard of in this day and age.


I love my GW2 family.

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This game is a huge playground, only getting bigger and more diverse with each expansion. Dynamic levels, random events, joining group events without having to join a group. I'm having trouble grouping old style, it makes me nervous because of my autism. In GW2 we're all family, a family of individuals, when a player goes down you help them up. Not because of a guildmember, a friend. It's a stranger but who cares, he/she needs help.


There's a peacefull harmony in this MMO that I've never experienced in any other. Devs please go on with adding content and expansions!


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Thank you OP for the post...I wish posts like these grabbed the same amount of attention as the really negative ones. I think it is that people are a little slow to post (if at all) when they are happy, too quick to post when they are not. A bit of balance would be good so here is my contribution...


While GW2 has a couple of flaws for me, a solo player/duo/trio player - in the main it has been a game that has kept me entertained since Beta.


I love GW2 for lots of reasons...

* no monthly subscription with free regular content patches

* no need or greed on loot & no node competition

* ability to truly make your pixel doll completely unique starting at the character creation screen. The customisation rocks!

* simple UI...don't need mods to play the thing

* the amount of detail in the artwork is just staggering

* fantastic maps

* ability to belong to multiple guilds

* guild halls

* GW2Community - this for those that don't know, is an EU group set up to run World Events - they are terrific and because of them, I've achieved a fair bit in this game when it comes to the world events. I've not experienced anything like this any other MMO.

* addition of mounts was the best thing ever for this veteran. It makes exploration even more fun than before and map completions that I've been putting off less tedious.

* outstanding customer service

* the super friendly and helpful players I've met in game


I have met quite a few people in GW2 over the years - 2 of which have become really good friends. GW2 is my main social outlet and my place to escape to when things get a bit rough in the real world. You see, I'm a recurrent breast cancer patient - I've had it 5 times since 2008, 3 of those times occurring since GW2 released. I finished up treatment last Autumn for my last recurrence. I don't put my head in the sand at all when it comes to the disease - but sometimes one just needs a bit of a break so getting on my Druid either solo or with a side kick and doing some exploration or pillaging is just the ticket - that and crocheting.


A lot of people have said they don't feel like ANet employees care about the community. From my perspective I don't find that to be true at all. For a couple of years I was involved in the Gamers Giving Back events - Pink Day in LA in Autumn, an MS one (the name completely escapes me) in the Spring. ANet have donated prizes for those events which I thought very, very generous and shows a care for the wider world. Barbie (founder of those events & Gamers Giving back) mentioned to Colin Johanson my name and situation - that year I was actually in chemo when I volunteered to help out with Pink Day. Colin personally sent me a card wishing me well and to keep up the fight - that they all had my back at ArenaNet. I was stunned and touched - that me, one out of millions of players, had been reached out to in this way. Still makes me feel a bit emotional (in a good way) when I think of how receiving that card made me feel on that day.


I have on occasion bumped into devs in game...super, duper nice people behind the characters that love the game and are passionate about their work. So when I see really nasty posts in the forums attacking ArenaNet and other players - it makes me really feel for the ArenaNet people that have to read these forums. Just because ArenaNet employees are are paid to read the comments doesn't make it okay to post something super derogatory and insulting. And ripping apart the posts of other players and responding in a way that is constructed to intentionally cause offense - so not cool. The rude, disparaging, antagonistic comments really says more about the character of the person behind the screen name than it does about ArenaNet as a company or the GW2 community in general - at least to me.


In closing, **a HUGE and heartfelt thank you ArenaNet peoples** for a truly beautiful game and awesome customer service. I look forward to it's continuing evolution in the months and years yet to come. _**And a massively sincere thank you to my fellow players in the community that have been kind to me in game and helped me when I got stuck with something. Players like you contribute to making the game even more enjoyable.**_




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I am thankful for:


* B2P = I can leave for some time and come back whenever I desire.

* No geargrind = After a longer break I can return and have confidence that my gear is still somewhat valid and that I haven't "fallen behind".

* Beautiful enviroments and maps.

* Beautiful music and ambient sounds.

* Fully voiceacted story by quality actors. Performance matters.

* No openworld pvp

* The mostly smooth release of Path of Fire. Probably the least amount of tech issues I've had during a expansion launch in a mmo.

* A very friendly community

* The tremendous work Anet developers and customer service do to make GW2 the best game for me.

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Main points have been mentioned already, I'm just going to add some on it.

I feel thankful when...

- that random black lion chest key drops/is rolled from map completion and I open Total Makeover Kit or the Hair one - and I recall getting one on the other christmas, that was great. I'm some kind of TMK addict D:

- I'm downed and someone helps me

- someone talks to me, I guess. I'm a bit lonely irl so it makes me feel more normal (or better) when a little attention is given.

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