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[NA][PvX} We don't have a guild....we have a family

Magical Things.8465

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> @ANSGaming.9735 said:

> Hello. I'm very new to GW2, but not MMO's in general. Your Guild sounds perfect, could I get an invite?


> ""We do ask for 50% rep to encourage building friendships and helping each other"" <<< What does this mean?


> Thanks


It means that 50% of the time your in game you represent the guild. I will explain in game. Will send invite in just a few min

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> @"Magical Things.8465" said:

> > @ANSGaming.9735 said:

> > Hello. I'm very new to GW2, but not MMO's in general. Your Guild sounds perfect, could I get an invite?

> >

> > ""We do ask for 50% rep to encourage building friendships and helping each other"" <<< What does this mean?

> >

> > Thanks


> It means that 50% of the time your in game you represent the guild. I will explain in game. Will send invite in just a few min


Sounds good. Got the invite. Thank you.

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> @alex.9875 said:

> Would be a honor to join your family !


> Mainly raiding : Scourge, chrono n druid


> Experienced with w1-4


> Willing to work on w5 !


> Invite me if interested


Your welcome to join us but we haven't gotten a comp group yet for raids. Something we're working towards but not ready today. Let me know if you still want an invite

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