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the odd clickbate title

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last 30 days of my gw 2 time after 3 years , trying to find out whats going on in game with my 5 80's and find a elite spec for me but this game's forums right now has contagious disease ..everyone literaly everyone thinking serious about their class is broken their class's design is not complete , or some other class is broken and their design is not complete..i myself a returner last 30 days tried


thief who needs thief ? ( some other class can do better in terms of teamplay / broken / not finished desgin / something missing in their kit )

revenant herald not exist in pve renegade not exist in pvp ( some other class can do better in terms of teamplay / broken / not finished desgin / something missing in their kit )**

elemantalist tempest deserves die bcos ( some other class can do better in terms of teamplay / broken / not finished desgin / something missing in their kit )

weaver ( some other class can do better in terms of teamplay / broken / not finished desgin / something missing in their kit )

ranger druid ( some other class can do better in terms of teamplay or dps or support / broken / not finished desgin / something missing in their kit )

beast ( some other class can do better in terms of teamplay / broken / not finished desgin / something missing in their kit )

necro both spec ( some other class can do better in terms of teamplay / broken / not finished desgin / something missing in their kit )


seriously is there anyone / class is happy and have their place in pve / pvp e without have to farm all those freakin 3-4 man boss HP challanges to get 2nd elite spec or and have to have 3 different gear sets and realy NOT THINKING some other class cant do better ???


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**last i paragraf i read on forums about elemantalists **


" _It is just that in the past damage didn't get that high and when it did it got nerfed.

Elementalist used to be able to cleanse nearly all condis... Now... Scourge applies all conditions in seconds... Can't cleanse that as an elementalist... I tried to spec for it and it worked for 10 seconds before I ran out of cleanses and died in seconds.


Elementalist also doesn't do a whole lot of damage neither in condi nor in direct dmg. Only exception is S/F fresh air. But if you've ever played it you'd know: You have to press a whole lot of buttons to be able to do hardly any damage while with a thief it is simply spamming three and dodging away.


While guardian... S/T burn guardian. Use either a meditation or sword 2 to teleport and damage and burn foes after which you can use.... any skill and it would be enough to down nearly anyone of the zerker spec. (Works great on Deads thieves).


Ranger I feel like now are the most balance. They do decently as druids. They do decently in direct dmg and they do decently on the conditions. They have dodges and evades; pets taking dmg for them. Or you can just run a tanky beastmaster and have your pet do all the dmg for you.


I could go on and on but really.... Elementalist needs to learn that it can't run around in close or far-combat with just a piece of cloth to defend himself with. Especially with the super long casting times the elementalist has and long cooldowns._"


**and when you go this so called great classes feedbacks they are thinking elemantlist included others are good and they are trash .. lol**

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so... what are you saying?

No class is viable, no class is complete and any class can do better than another class in pve/pvp.


I am confused.


All classes can be utilised in all forms of the game, but like any othe MMO players tend to hive around Meta's for a variety of reasons.. speed runs, clearing effeciency, DPS min max'ing and many sit in map chat asking what is "best class, best dps " and think by copycatting someones perceived meta it will make them a god, then find out that one person's build/playstyle that is might be awesomesauce to them doesn't necessarily have the same effect on you/others, then come to the forums screaming the game is broken and classes are outta whack.

Find something you enjoy playing, join a guild and run your content rather than trying to PUG elitist raids, speed run dungeon clearing LFG's etc .. or make your own LFG's and state what you want then maybe, just maybe you might enjoy the game a little more.

As for PvP .. Well in all my years of gaming I still haven't found a PvP format that wasn't full to the brim with intolerance of other players builds/playstyles and when I spend too long in that format I kinda start getting that 2time to move on" itch myself


Balance is a fickle thing in any MMO, is ever changing, ever evolving and there is no perfect answer to enable balance to be... balanced cos as soon as this gets a little more balanced new content, new classes/new elites will just throw out the old again and in with the new once more.

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> @vizjaqtaar.8620 said:

> **last i paragraf i read on forums about elemantalists **


> " _It is just that in the past damage didn't get that high and when it did it got nerfed.

> Elementalist used to be able to cleanse nearly all condis... Now... Scourge applies all conditions in seconds... Can't cleanse that as an elementalist... I tried to spec for it and it worked for 10 seconds before I ran out of cleanses and died in seconds.


> Elementalist also doesn't do a whole lot of damage neither in condi nor in direct dmg. Only exception is S/F fresh air. But if you've ever played it you'd know: You have to press a whole lot of buttons to be able to do hardly any damage while with a thief it is simply spamming three and dodging away.


> While guardian... S/T burn guardian. Use either a meditation or sword 2 to teleport and damage and burn foes after which you can use.... any skill and it would be enough to down nearly anyone of the zerker spec. (Works great on Deads thieves).


> Ranger I feel like now are the most balance. They do decently as druids. They do decently in direct dmg and they do decently on the conditions. They have dodges and evades; pets taking dmg for them. Or you can just run a tanky beastmaster and have your pet do all the dmg for you.


> I could go on and on but really.... Elementalist needs to learn that it can't run around in close or far-combat with just a piece of cloth to defend himself with. Especially with the super long casting times the elementalist has and long cooldowns._"


> **and when you go this so called great classes feedbacks they are thinking elemantlist included others are good and they are trash .. lol**


But you just wrote a wall of textt telling us that Necro was useless, rangers wee useless, thieves useless, eles useless, revenant useless, ... so what isn't useless then by default.. I am confused still

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> @Bloodstealer.5978 said:

> > @vizjaqtaar.8620 said:

> > **last i paragraf i read on forums about elemantalists **

> >

> > " _It is just that in the past damage didn't get that high and when it did it got nerfed.

> > Elementalist used to be able to cleanse nearly all condis... Now... Scourge applies all conditions in seconds... Can't cleanse that as an elementalist... I tried to spec for it and it worked for 10 seconds before I ran out of cleanses and died in seconds.

> >

> > Elementalist also doesn't do a whole lot of damage neither in condi nor in direct dmg. Only exception is S/F fresh air. But if you've ever played it you'd know: You have to press a whole lot of buttons to be able to do hardly any damage while with a thief it is simply spamming three and dodging away.

> >

> > While guardian... S/T burn guardian. Use either a meditation or sword 2 to teleport and damage and burn foes after which you can use.... any skill and it would be enough to down nearly anyone of the zerker spec. (Works great on Deads thieves).

> >

> > Ranger I feel like now are the most balance. They do decently as druids. They do decently in direct dmg and they do decently on the conditions. They have dodges and evades; pets taking dmg for them. Or you can just run a tanky beastmaster and have your pet do all the dmg for you.

> >

> > I could go on and on but really.... Elementalist needs to learn that it can't run around in close or far-combat with just a piece of cloth to defend himself with. Especially with the super long casting times the elementalist has and long cooldowns._"

> >

> > **and when you go this so called great classes feedbacks they are thinking elemantlist included others are good and they are trash .. lol**


> But you just wrote a wall of textt telling us that Necro was useless, rangers wee useless, thieves useless, eles useless, revenant useless, ... so what isn't useless then by default.. I am confused still


ahh im NOT saying that they are useless ppl saying but everyone is saying their main class is useless and some other class is better .. overall how canit be possible that every class in this game is broken .. THATS what i am trying to say.. that wall text was a quote from someone else's post .

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> @CreedOfGod.9764 said:

> I just broke 1k hours, so I'm not new to the class, and have to say it has been a blast up until the past few months. Class feels like it's straight up trash and i'm getting steamrolled in 9/10 fights in WvW with any non thief. I usually play power D/D, which is know isn't great in its current state, but I've also been feeling the heat with other weapon sets. It requires so many skills to set up good bursts, but other classes can use less abilities and get better or the same damage. I could play Mesmer (which can do everything a thief can and more) but Thief has been the only class I really enjoyed playing mechanically.



look .. just another example of a class's player thinkng their class is trash and other class is better ( mesmer in this case which if you go mesmer right now they think their class is trash and they have no spot etc etc . ... it's just dramatic..its very interesting

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Every game has a vocal section who thinks their class is broken and everyone elses needs nerfing. Anet knows this, most of us have seen the same comments in every class based multiplayer game ever. Nothing here is new and nothing will ever change no matter what Anet or any other game dev does with balancing (and likely the reason why they almost never get involved in discussions over balancing)


Really though, it is prob better to change the odd clickbait title..

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So OP you are merely just rehashing other posts to make your own post about class imbalance or is it your posting about other players perceived class imbalance or.. just posting a thread for the sake of it.

I fail to understand what your wanting from this posting or what your expecting from it.

As for your thread title... hmm says nothing but troll post to me.

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So your point is basically: "If everyone says that their own class is trash, then how is someone supposed to go to the forums to LEARN about their classes ?"


As someone once said: "If everything is broken, does that make it balanced?". I think I would disagree in this case though.


Honestly, I've found that MMO's gets proportionately more fun, the more you ignore the "community" and their perceptions. Ignore the forums opinions and play what you want. Sometimes if you're looking for a specific piece of info, the forum can be useful. But in general, I find most MMO communities to be completely useless to give objective thoughts about balance, class design, fair opinions, etc.


The one thing I learned in WvW is that the "class" doesn't make you win, nor does the "build" unless you're fairly evenly skilled. The player skill makes or breaks it, so if you're good enough you can make just about anything shine (as long as you put some thought into your build).

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> @joneirikb.7506 said:

> So your point is basically: "If everyone says that their own class is trash, then how is someone supposed to go to the forums to LEARN about their classes ?"


> As someone once said: "If everything is broken, does that make it balanced?". I think I would disagree in this case though.


> Honestly, I've found that MMO's gets proportionately more fun, the more you ignore the "community" and their perceptions. Ignore the forums opinions and play what you want. Sometimes if you're looking for a specific piece of info, the forum can be useful. But in general, I find most MMO communities to be completely useless to give objective thoughts about balance, class design, fair opinions, etc.


> The one thing I learned in WvW is that the "class" doesn't make you win, nor does the "build" unless you're fairly evenly skilled. The player skill makes or breaks it, so if you're good enough you can make just about anything shine (as long as you put some thought into your build).


This is me.

Went from a Minion Master Necro, to a Minion Master Reaper and thought it utterly sucked... then sucked more with the shroud change... and now a Minion Master Scourge and I'm the happiest creature in Tyria now.

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