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Please improve scaling in core Tyria events :(


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> @leftharted.7102 said:

> that being said; i concur that tuning the events to be harder is kinda unfair to the newbies that aren't geared like the rest of us... I think it would be more fair if us 80s were tuned down a bit... i wouldn't mind the lowbie area event 'seeming' harder, giving us more time to tag the enemies... Maybe at least give their HP a % increase if the area is flooded with people...


Which is why scaling still needs work. One of the features I love the most about GW2 is how scaling is supposed to keep ALL content relevant, it isn't like other MMOs where once you are done with an area you never return to it. Back in my day I used to level my alts to 80 just fooling around in lower level maps, and that didn't grow boring. Nowadays, my 80s have such a boring stroll on low level maps, I don't go back to them unless it's for a daily, and the situation described in this thread just makes my stay even more annoying.


Recently Cursed Shore was the daily event map, and I realized that the same scaling issue is happening there: a dozen or more players AoE-slaughtering trash mobs as they were spawning, not even a single veteran (this was the egg collecting event)! It seems ANet has deliberately dumbed down scaling across all of core Tyria, which I find to be a real shame.


Proper scaling of events would not make them harder for newbies who aren't geared up, since scaling would only happen after 5+ players, and the changes I'd like would happen at +10~+15 participants anyway. I am sure some kind of threshold can be found where regular players doing events wont be negatively impacted. Yet the current situation is awful: can you imagine those same low level, undergeared people trying to get any participation when they see a horde of mounted 80s raptor-smashing every mob in sight? How's that NOT detrimental to the game? :/

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> @leftharted.7102 said:

> Hmm, i agree with the majority of the thread... when doing dailies and their is a flash Mob on every event, its near impossible to tag anything unless you mount-tag...


> i know im part of the problem, but just to get credit ive taken to griffon dive spamming into mobs, only to quickly reset and head to the next spawn and repeat... i kinda sorta have to do this, though, as im a condi Mesmer and struggle with AE tagging...


> that being said; i concur that tuning the events to be harder is kinda unfair to the newbies that aren't geared like the rest of us... I think it would be more fair if us 80s were tuned down a bit... i wouldn't mind the lowbie area event 'seeming' harder, giving us more time to tag the enemies... Maybe at least give their HP a % increase if the area is flooded with people...


> just my 2c.


If the events were scaled off of cumulative player level then the scaling wouldn't change for level appropriate characters, or would even get easier in some situations, whiel still becoming significantly harder for a group of level 80s.

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> @Loosmaster.8263 said:

> Collection are really bad at this. Take Rani's armor in Wayfairers Foothills for example. That one hardly ever gets done because it feels like it scales with players entering the event circle and passing through.


Nobody really like doing Fed-ex type events thus more work for who actaully do it


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A lot of the complaints relate to AOEs. What about giving the bosses an AOE that gives all players a condition that disables their AOEs, including mount tail whips? That would make a huge impact, I would think. It would also give players a chance to actually score some hits before every target is dead.

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