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Outfits packs


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Gonna keep short...just saw today the Marjory Package on the gem store, since i just made a Necro, would be really cool to have the Marjory axe and dagger skins. Now here is my problem...i allready own the Marjory Outfit, i have no desire on getting another one since i would have no use for it...so the question is, why i am being charged of the outfit considering that I allready have it unlocked?

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> @Felipe.1807 said:

> Gonna keep short...just saw today the Marjory Package on the gem store, since i just made a Necro, would be really cool to have the Marjory axe and dagger skins. Now here is my problem...i allready own the Marjory Outfit, i have no desire on getting another one since i would have no use for it...so the question is, why i am being charged of the outfit considering that I allready have it unlocked?


There are four possibilities:

* It's an oversight: they forgot to adjust the price dynamically based on what's been unlocked already

* It's a bug: they set out to adjust the price appropriately, but it's not working.

* It's a UI problem: the price does get adjusted when you actually pay, but never shows during the process.

* It's intended. For some reason, they expect people not to mind.


In the first two cases, you _should_ be able to get some sort of discount by creating a support ticket and explaining the discrepancy. The third case is the same, except the discount gets applied before you even get a chance to contact Support.


The fourth case requires believing that the people running the gem shop have it in for us (or at least, don't care so long as the income is high). Even in this case, I imagine there's a decent chance that the support team might be able to help, if the request is phrased graciously.


In all cases, you'd have to take a leap of faith that you'd end up paying something less than 1600 gems for the package.

(I don't think I would, but then, I've yet to see any bundle from the gem shop that was worth the cost, even though many of the bundles are deeply discounted relative to the cost of the contents. That is, it's cheaper for me just to buy the 1-2 items I want separately.)

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The only issue I see honestly is usually when they sell a bundle, those items should be sold separately too unless it's something exclusive.

Like if a bundle has maybe an exclusive item within it, you have to get through the bundle but like the backpack/glider/outfit/armour/nose hairs of the person to make a voodoo doll/etc, should be sold one by one at just a higher price.

As bundled things usually are lower than things sold alone. Whether digital or physical.

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> @Lome.8239 said:

> Its pretty simple, actually.

> Its a bundle. A bundle is a group of items sold together at a discount.

> You dont get to pick the bundle apart and choose what you want like a sandwich shop. You buy the bundle or you buy the individual items.


Actually, several bundles in the game already adjust (lower price) to account for things in them you already have unlocked. This thing isn't gw2 giving us a hard time...first comment nailed it, it is more than likely a bug. (note: i say several because i can't account for most bundles, all of the ones i've seen so far though have adjusted to what I have unlocked so.)


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> @Lome.8239 said:

> Its pretty simple, actually.


> Its a bundle. A bundle is a group of items sold together at a discount.


> You dont get to pick the bundle apart and choose what you want like a sandwich shop. You buy the bundle or you buy the individual items.


and if the individual items were available i am sure he would buy them instead.......

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