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How to kill bunker Firebrand?


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**Strip Boons.** Spellbreakers and Necros are really good at this. If you can't strip boons, do burst dmg. Look for a friendly warrior's Break Enchantments or Breaching Strike and then burst as hard as you can. Necro boon strips from scepter 1 and the unblockable marks from their staff helps get through a guardian's spam Aegis.

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> @Ezee.8793 said:

> S/D core thief. Steal boons and unblockable attack.


Yep this. I play a slightly more offensive version of the bunker FB and I fear S/D thieves running the acro traitline. If I was dueling one, I could change a trait and a utility but this is something I won't do if the enemy team has mirages or scourges which gives S/D thieves a leg up against me.

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I like Firebrand. It's powerful in this meta yet it has plenty of counter play. Can't say the same with Mirage though. Especially those in higher tiers that know when and where to place portals coupled with 1v1 abilities. How the heck can you counter those? It's comical that their best counter atm is to play one.

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Aye, I found firebrand to be annoying at times but it's definitely not a problem of being OP, but just that they were better or just as good. FB is the most balanced support I can say. It has the healing , boons and overall support, but it won't outsustain you in a fight because it doesn't have enough damage to do so (like druid). You won't see any butt saving passive procs or sudden mobility outbursts to escape from a thick fight once it goes down. No, I do not play mantra bunker, I am core hammer but I like this avatar. Still, I hope they won't change anything if it comes to firebrand, it's really stable the way it is.

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Boon strip and/or unblockable attacks. 90% of the FB's out there will just repeatedly go down to unblockable attacks all game long thinking their panic blocks will save them when they didn't the first time. I play Herald, and Phase Traversal + almost any other move in the middle of a fight just ruins their day so hard... And that's Herald--imagine what a s/d thief can do to them.

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> @Furious.2867 said:

> I like Firebrand. It's powerful in this meta yet it has plenty of counter play. Can't say the same with Mirage though. Especially those in higher tiers that know when and where to place portals coupled with 1v1 abilities. How the heck can you counter those? It's comical that their best counter atm is to play one.


It has never been seen as a problem for thieves to be their one and only counter while countering all other direct damage prof in the last 4 years.

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