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Excel Birthday Formula


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Have you ever wondered exactly when your character's birthday is?

You can type "/age" and find out how many days it's been, of course, but that's not very informative on its own.


Here's a tip:

Type "/age" and take note of where it says something like, `You have played this character for 43 hours, 20 minutes over the past 735 days.` Next, open an Excel spreadsheet (if you don't have Excel, this probably also works with LibreOffice, though I haven't tested it) and type that number of days into cell A1.

Then type into another cell (B1, for instance) the following formula:


And hit Enter. That's your character's birthday!


I know this may not be a grand revelation to some, but it's a quick and easy way to turn the number of days into an actual date. I hope it helps!

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> @RoyHarmon.5398 said:

> Oh. Well, that's nifty.


> I guess my way doesn't require creating an account or anything, but it's also comparatively limited in scope.


There are a lot of cool things GW2E offers. You can search for items across your account. For example if you forgot where that account bound whatever item was. It has a very handy crafting feature. You can follow your TP buy and sell orders as well as see what is in your TP delivery box and also track items for trade value. If you farm mats there is a gathering tool that shows waypoints for mats you want. There are a lot of good features beyond that. I'm not affiliated with GW2E but have been using it for a long time. It is probably the best overall web tool for GW2. I'd highly suggest looking into it.

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> @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> > @RoyHarmon.5398 said:

> > Oh. Well, that's nifty.

> >

> > I guess my way doesn't require creating an account or anything, but it's also comparatively limited in scope.


> There is a lot of cool things GW2E offers. You can search for items across your account. For example if you forgot where that account bound whatever item was. It has a very handy crafting feature. You can follow your TP buy and sell orders as well as see what is in your TP delivery box and also track items for trade value. If you farm mats there is a gathering tool that shows waypoints for mats you want. There are a lot of good features beyond that. I'm not affiliated with GW2E but have been using it for a long time. It is probably the best overall web tool for GW2. I'd highly suggest looking into it.


And the daily checklist is really great!

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> @Greener.6204 said:

> I always appreciate the use of Excel, and your way is quick and easy (just did it now). Seems so weird to not have any vlookups or pivot tables, though...


Yeah, I know. It felt so weird not to have a MATCH with a SMALL nested in an INDEX function or something.


My typical work with Excel is pretty involved...

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