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Suggestion for next expansion


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When the next expansion is released disable the new elite specs in ranked pvp. I know this kind of code doesn't exist yet, otherwise it would be obvious to do use it, so get your developers and make a code like this. This way the next elite specs won't overload ranked with their super power. Then give some time for the next elite specs to be evaluated in un-ranked, and not allow them in ranked until they are properly balanced. OK scratch that, they will never be properly balanced, because you got to sell the expansion right?, so until they are not completely overpowered is better.



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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> When the next expansion is released disable the new elite specs in ranked pvp. I know this kind of code doesn't exist yet, otherwise it would be obvious to do use it, so get your developers and make a code like this. This way the next elite specs won't overload ranked with their super power. Then give some time for the next elite specs to be evaluated in un-ranked, and not allow them in ranked until they are properly balanced. OK scratch that, they will never be properly balanced, because you got to sell the expansion right?, so until they are not completely overpowered is better.


> Thanks.




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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> When the next expansion is released disable the new elite specs in ranked pvp. I know this kind of code doesn't exist yet, otherwise it would be obvious to do use it, so get your developers and make a code like this. This way the next elite specs won't overload ranked with their super power. Then give some time for the next elite specs to be evaluated in un-ranked, and not allow them in ranked until they are properly balanced. OK scratch that, they will never be properly balanced, because you got to sell the expansion right?, so until they are not completely overpowered is better.


> Thanks.


A+ for honesty.


The next expansion, if any, should be on the back burner until the game is straightened out. I listened to an ANET official tell a crowd that the company would continue to put out products at a "furious" pace. If that's the culture, rapid regular LW episodes and expansions... It tells me two things:


Most of the resources are likely focused on PvE products and sales.


PvP balance is likely to take a back seat. Big, loud and flashy sells. The new elite specs are the SUVs and raised trucks of PvP.

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