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Quality Of Life Thread


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Please list what quality of life changes you'd like to see in the game. I would say I would update the thread based on your suggestions, but sadly I cannot because I'm pretty sure I can only update it 15 minutes after I make this. That being said, this is what I would like to see changed.


1) Build Templates - This one has been asked by the majority of the community for some time, and for good reason. Even if you want to stay on the same class but changing your build before the game starts is quite the chore, and usually mistakes are made. I would go as far as to say that people wouldn't mind paying gold for such as change, as long as we had a way to access it.


2) Timers on runes and sigils- This one has been pretty important in my opinion for a while, esp on long cooldown. Esp on elite skills, nobody wants to mentally juggle different cooldowns in their head in a middle of a fight, so this change isn't really too much to ask for. So for example changes like rune of surging 6 and lyssa 6 be shown on your toolbar next to your boons would be a nice change, along with some runes that may not have that functionality regardless of cd.


3) Que system map selection - When the que pops, please make it to where 3 maps pop up, you choose a map, click accept, and the window dismisses, period. Perhaps someone in the office has a que being in the middle of the screen fetish? As long as you keep the same type of system in place the map that has more votes will still have a higher chance of winning still be in play. But please don't force me to watch all the bells and whistles, It's like a child begging for attention that you can't run away from.


4) Communication? - @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" I'd even be willing to make a show like grouch once did if it meant that we could get a dev on every so often to answer questions based on what they had in store for the pvp community, or just their general feedback, etc.


Also please list anything that I may have missed, thanks.




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Some potentially nice features I would like to see are


Save able keybinds.


having some notification that you're out of range to drop a functional portal would be nice.


Notification of rune effects being off cd.


More descriptive timers on effects like endure pain rather than blinking when they will almost expire.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> The stupid queue window blocking half of your screen EVEN after you already clicked accept is unbearable. Please allow us to minimize it.


It took me like 8 months to realize I could click dismiss after hitting accept for the initial queue thing to go away. Wish the same could happen for the map selection though.

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- **observer mode**. I know that there are some official streamer, but what if they put a observer mode with a day-delay? At least on the tournaments or even better also to high plat/legend games. In that way people can watch (and learn) from the best players. The streamers keep their privilege having a x-minutes delay and people can observe the same game the day after.

- **guild rewards** . It's called GUILD wars. Why don't put some rewards for guilds that play AT/MAT? even useless things like skins or whatever. For example why don't give to the guild MAT winner a nicer look to the banners in wvw? in that way guild have an incentive to play both pvp and wvw, two pigeons with one shot.

- **new title**. A title like "champion xxxx" but for AT/MAT, every time you **WIN** an AT or MAT you get one tick to that title, so there will be few "very champion magus" and people will know that they are good at that.

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> @Majirah.5089 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > The stupid queue window blocking half of your screen EVEN after you already clicked accept is unbearable. Please allow us to minimize it.


> It took me like 8 months to realize I could click dismiss after hitting accept for the initial queue thing to go away. Wish the same could happen for the map selection though.


That dismiss button is pretty much useless. You click it, then within 5-10 seconds the map selection comes up, blocking anything in sight.

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