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AikijinX 1 Shot Thief/Daredevil Roaming/Outnumbered Vol. 6


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This is pretty awesome guys, thanks for keeping the thread alive!


> @Volrath.1473 said:

> ever considered using D/P in a DE build?

> i'm running it and it works very well ;)


Not really my Cup of tea. S/D has much more versatility and utility with it's functions. I am able to "Mark" my target, thus inflicting them with a bunch of covering conditions, while chunking abit of hp out of them solely by using that mark, and they'd be stunned for a good duration of the time-- which in turn would give me good cleave opportunity (via lesser haste, or rage sigil), and I can blink back out if need be, refresh mark, and do it all over again. ----Or I can just range them as you saw in the montage and avoid close combat in general.


Easiest targets for range openers: Guardians, Necromancers

Classes that require Abit of effort in range openers: Engineer, Ranger, Revenant, Thief

Classes that require Alot of effort in range openers: Warrior, Mesmer


> @Theandil.6045 said:

> nice nice .. but still prefer D/D in WvW over everything :3


Yeah D/D is still really nice, but if they strengthened utility of the weapon set, then there would be hope again.


> @Star.8401 said:

> This is awesome, makes me almost want to pick up my thief again


I'm really glad I have inspired and motivated you!, Awesome dude!!> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> Keep smashing on with Core thief and Deadeye!


Will do brotha! Next montage will solely be based on core S/D and D/P. I may add some DE clips maybe. But it's mainly core S/D game play.> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> Still need to duel ya bud. I beat ya many times as you have beaten me. My downside....i'm a filthy skill clicker.


Yeah man of course i'm always down for duels. I do remember the duels, but i also remember I had told you about my lagging issues i was experiencing that day. :) Gitgud don't click. haha

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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > Still need to duel ya bud. I beat ya many times as you have beaten me. My downside....i'm a filthy skill clicker.


> Yeah man of course i'm always down for duels. I do remember the duels, but i also remember I had told you about my lagging issues i was experiencing that day. :) Gitgud don't click. haha


HAHA, was great running with ya mate. Thanks to that DE I changed my DrD build a bit. Can't believe you let 2 thieves beat ya when your partner dodged off the wall :p

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I've been using that setup for DE since PoF launch, it's been very effective. Though I sometimes swap RFI with SoA depending on expected condi bombs. For your initial burst attempts I recommend trying to use skirmisher's shot during your quickness instead of double tap. I've found that against most competent opponents, the aftercast plus slightly longer cast on double tap allows your victim to react before taking damage from the second double tap. Obviously your opponents might differ, but from what I have seen, I land more damage with skirmisher shot spam during the initial burst than I do with double tap.

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> I've been using that setup for DE since PoF launch, it's been very effective. Though I sometimes swap RFI with SoA depending on expected condi bombs. For your initial burst attempts I recommend trying to use skirmisher's shot during your quickness instead of double tap. I've found that against most competent opponents, the aftercast plus slightly longer cast on double tap allows your victim to react before taking damage from the second double tap. Obviously your opponents might differ, but from what I have seen, I land more damage with skirmisher shot spam during the initial burst than I do with double tap.


I'm glad that you had a similar turn out in terms of builds. Yeah I also devised this build fairly early at pof launch. During beta i had the idea of this concept in my head, i just really only executed and created the idea at launch. :) Thanks for the advise ^^. Maybe we can test our builds out against each other.


> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > > Still need to duel ya bud. I beat ya many times as you have beaten me. My downside....i'm a filthy skill clicker.

> >

> > Yeah man of course i'm always down for duels. I do remember the duels, but i also remember I had told you about my lagging issues i was experiencing that day. :) Gitgud don't click. haha


> HAHA, was great running with ya mate. Thanks to that DE I changed my DrD build a bit. Can't believe you let 2 thieves beat ya when your partner dodged off the wall :p


Youuuuuuuuuu let me die! LOL. Falling off a tower wall like a scrub. lel. I was like "Shit why're they both on me now, haha, where's smurf"

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Great video man! I just came back after about a year or so away from the game and it feels good to jump back into WVW. Do you feel core S/D outperforms DrD S/D or vice versa (in wvw)? S/D has always been my favorite playstyle and im running almost identical to your DrD S/D build and setup (Scrapper runes instead and all Marauder but may make some changes as these are what I was using before I quit).


At any rate, keep up the great videos!

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> @Slugonaut.9841 said:

> Great video man! I just came back after about a year or so away from the game and it feels good to jump back into WVW. Do you feel core S/D outperforms DrD S/D or vice versa (in wvw)? S/D has always been my favorite playstyle and im running almost identical to your DrD S/D build and setup (Scrapper runes instead and all Marauder but may make some changes as these are what I was using before I quit).


> At any rate, keep up the great videos!


Core fares better in a 1v1. DrD fares *far* better in a 1vX. Mainly due to just EA and CV.

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> @Slugonaut.9841 said:

> Thanks @"Turk.5460" S/D feels pretty good compared to where it was before I left. Nice to have options as well, I think I may replace the Scrapper runes though just not sure with what.


Im glad you enjoyed the video !!, And my personal opinion is S/D core out performs DrD S/D in Duel and 1vX scene., and you can never go wrong with scholar runes ^_^.

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why do you give such importance to the "stun", you use sigils that grant stun duration and more dmg vs stuned targets but in the builds (DE) you have one single stun that lasts a bit more that 1 sec, i understand you can use it twice due to mercy but still... are these stuns so vital for the build to work?

tyvm :)


Edit: Just went back to your vid to see how you use Mercy and you only used it twice. BUT i noticed you also used a DIFFERENT DE spec were you dont have Trickery, you only have 12 init points, what were you using instead? acro? DA?

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> @Volrath.1473 said:

> AikijinX.6258

> why do you give such importance to the "stun", you use sigils that grant stun duration and more dmg vs stuned targets but in the builds (DE) you have one single stun that lasts a bit more that 1 sec, i understand you can use it twice due to mercy but still... are these stuns so vital for the build to work?

> tyvm :)


> Edit: Just went back to your vid to see how you use Mercy and you only used it twice. BUT i noticed you also used a DIFFERENT DE spec were you dont have Trickery, you only have 12 init points, what were you using instead? acro? DA?


In the clip where you saw me with the 12 initiative, that was during beta weekend. At the time I was using DE, CS, DA. I had the concept of this build worked out during Beta weekend, But after game launch i tested out a few more ideas, and decided Trickery was the better more sustainable route to take, and offered more complimentary damage to my build via (Bewildering Ambush). The build it self isn't a condition build. What I call this build is Power Interrupt. Taking Bewildering ambush as a cover condi to my interrupt is something necessary because, who wants to have confusion or like torment on them? Those condi's are annoying and lethal. I think of this build like the warrior Mace cancer interrupt spec, but from farther range if need be.


I put importance on stun because stunning someone in a fast pace combat kind of game like this one makes a difference. A 1 second stun can turn a whole fight around , because the amount of skills or skill damage that can be used during a stun, is unimaginable. However, I have to take a look at the Stun from Unforgiving, and see if my duration sigils actually change the number that is given in the trait descrip.


Thank you for the awesome question, and acute attention skill, where you picked up on the build change.

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> @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > @Volrath.1473 said:

> > AikijinX.6258

> > why do you give such importance to the "stun", you use sigils that grant stun duration and more dmg vs stuned targets but in the builds (DE) you have one single stun that lasts a bit more that 1 sec, i understand you can use it twice due to mercy but still... are these stuns so vital for the build to work?

> > tyvm :)

> >

> > Edit: Just went back to your vid to see how you use Mercy and you only used it twice. BUT i noticed you also used a DIFFERENT DE spec were you dont have Trickery, you only have 12 init points, what were you using instead? acro? DA?


> In the clip where you saw me with the 12 initiative, that was during beta weekend. At the time I was using DE, CS, DA. I had the concept of this build worked out during Beta weekend, But after game launch i tested out a few more ideas, and decided Trickery was the better more sustainable route to take, and offered more complimentary damage to my build via (Bewildering Ambush). The build it self isn't a condition build. What I call this build is Power Interrupt. Taking Bewildering ambush as a cover condi to my interrupt is something necessary because, who wants to have confusion or like torment on them? Those condi's are annoying and lethal. I think of this build like the warrior Mace cancer interrupt spec, but from farther range if need be.


> I put importance on stun because stunning someone in a fast pace combat kind of game like this one makes a difference. A 1 second stun can turn a whole fight around , because the amount of skills or skill damage that can be used during a stun, is unimaginable. However, I have to take a look at the Stun from Unforgiving, and see if my duration sigils actually change the number that is given in the trait descrip.


> Thank you for the awesome question, and acute attention skill, where you picked up on the build change.


Have you ever compared the effectiveness of taking more dazes in place of the stun off BV? I was thinking as example of the overall effectiveness of two uses of Shadow meld with a DAZE from stealth at two seconds per using tactical strike every 45 seconds versus 1 stun(unblockable) with BV every 40. I currently use BV myself as I was never big on stealth with s/d . My gut feel is it not so much the unblockable of BV missed as it is the abilty to interrupt a meld so easily but wondered if you tried that route.

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> @babazhook.6805 said:

> > @AikijinX.6258 said:

> > > @Volrath.1473 said:

> > > AikijinX.6258

> > > why do you give such importance to the "stun", you use sigils that grant stun duration and more dmg vs stuned targets but in the builds (DE) you have one single stun that lasts a bit more that 1 sec, i understand you can use it twice due to mercy but still... are these stuns so vital for the build to work?

> > > tyvm :)

> > >

> > > Edit: Just went back to your vid to see how you use Mercy and you only used it twice. BUT i noticed you also used a DIFFERENT DE spec were you dont have Trickery, you only have 12 init points, what were you using instead? acro? DA?

> >

> > In the clip where you saw me with the 12 initiative, that was during beta weekend. At the time I was using DE, CS, DA. I had the concept of this build worked out during Beta weekend, But after game launch i tested out a few more ideas, and decided Trickery was the better more sustainable route to take, and offered more complimentary damage to my build via (Bewildering Ambush). The build it self isn't a condition build. What I call this build is Power Interrupt. Taking Bewildering ambush as a cover condi to my interrupt is something necessary because, who wants to have confusion or like torment on them? Those condi's are annoying and lethal. I think of this build like the warrior Mace cancer interrupt spec, but from farther range if need be.

> >

> > I put importance on stun because stunning someone in a fast pace combat kind of game like this one makes a difference. A 1 second stun can turn a whole fight around , because the amount of skills or skill damage that can be used during a stun, is unimaginable. However, I have to take a look at the Stun from Unforgiving, and see if my duration sigils actually change the number that is given in the trait descrip.

> >

> > Thank you for the awesome question, and acute attention skill, where you picked up on the build change.


> Have you ever compared the effectiveness of taking more dazes in place of the stun off BV? I was thinking as example of the overall effectiveness of two uses of Shadow meld with a DAZE from stealth at two seconds per using tactical strike every 45 seconds versus 1 stun(unblockable) with BV every 40. I currently use BV myself as I was never big on stealth with s/d . My gut feel is it not so much the unblockable of BV missed as it is the abilty to interrupt a meld so easily but wondered if you tried that route.


Yeah thats a good thought, But my style of action and opening fights isn't to stealth. It's to proc B.V first and foremost, (because it applies to what my build is designed to do) get within range of 1500, and out of range of their 900-1200 attack opener's and get a good burst on them in the beginning from Range. Tactical striking someone with help of Shadow Meld is good and all, but way too risky. One hit from anything on a Thief half your hp is gone. I'm thinking in terms of fighting warriors. Getting tactical strikes on them is so risky, because of their GS whirlwinds, and spellbreakers "F" abilities. Just so risky. So i rather take B.V.


Having Bassi venom is very beneficial, because if you're fighting thieves and you mark them before they go into stealth, press your f2 and it will automatically track the thief while in stealth. That way they'd get stunned by your B.V without needing to see or target them. They'd also get a 2nd stun by my trait "unforgiving", Which stuns Newly Marked Targets.


B.V really is effective, because "Be Quick or be dead" gives me the ability to down HP in the short amount of stun time, and then use the mercy utility and do it all over again, minus the B.V.

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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> I didnt realize that Rifle 2 tracked (unless you mean to channel it before they go "stealth")


> Edit: I re-read it....F2 tracks lol.


Yeah brotha, F2 tracks in stealth ^_^. I usually like to save my bassi venom for when my enemy stealths. I proc Bassi venom, and then F2. They're Petrified, and more than likely run out of their stealth by then, and then I burst em.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> Interesting... have you reported this tracking bug?


Unless said otherwise by anet ill take it as is. (I was unaware of whether it actually was a bug or not, but then I did research and fact checked)--- Skill working as intended as stated below.


(12/28/17) Edit: Quoted By Anet- "Deadeye Stolen Skills: These skills can now be used while jumping or during skills that jump into the air. Fixed a bug that allowed stolen skills to be wasted by casting them on targets other than your mark. Stolen skills will now always be cast on your mark even if your mark is not your current target."


(((*Stolen skills will now always be cast on your mark even if your mark is not your current target*)))

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