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Spirit shards! How do I get them :(

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Just keep leveling! Put on some XP boosters and do events, world completion, do world boss trains, etc. Be sure and do your dailies, and keep boosters and/or food going as you play regularly to keep the XP flowing and you should have a ton of shards in no time. I have more than I know what to do with. Hope this helps!

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One thing to consider: If you have HoT then you need to train all your mastery tracks before you can get spirit shards from XP. I currently can't get them that way because I don't have enough mastery points to finish either the core or HoT masteries. (That's entirely my choice, getting the points isn't a problem but I don't need spirit shards or the mastery tracks so I've been focusing on other things.)


Other than that it's doing the daily achievement, using up Tomes of Knowledge and simply playing on a level 80 character since they're a random drop from all enemies. You can get Tomes from login bonuses so even if you don't do anything else you will eventually build up spirit shards, but that could take a long time. You can get many more tomes by playing WvW and PvP since all the reward tracks give them.

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Map completion on each of the racial starting zones (Queensdale, Metrica, Caledon, etc), and the cities. Each of those will net you at least one spirit shard. That should be 11 per toon (5 from the starting maps, 5 from the home cities, 1 from Lion's Arch).


Edit: I was being braindead when I wrote this. This will get you transmutation charges, not spirit shards. I blame my braindeadedness on doing the complete HoT story twice this past weekend.

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> @"yakuza snowdragon.4639" said:

> Ok sorry if it's been covered but how do you get spirit shards without grinding for a year? I know they come from bags etc etc but is there no way to get them without grinding for months? 1 shard per tome is a joke? Any help would be appreciated!


You'll need to complete all masteries for what ever part of the game you are in. The easiest and fastest one is probably the Elonian Desert as all the masteries are pretty damned cheap and fast to level.


You then need to gain experience in that area.

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It will be slightly easier with tomorrow's patch if you don't have the Raid mastery line unlocked. They're going to hide that one like they did the Griffon track until you actually unlock it, allowing you to gain Spirit Shards in HoT.


Now, once you *have* unlocked it, you will need to complete it to once again earn spirit shards.

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