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Current 5 man meta for dungeons especially low levels 1

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Any recommended best team comp for efficient way of clearing dungeons?

currently what i think the best is

Druid (for might)

Chrono (boon of cause)

DH for most of the dps(fast burst dps and many utility)

Still considering warrior for the banner, but most low level dungeon doesnt stay still and require your teammate to take the other banner for you.

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Dungeons are so outgeared content, you can take just about anything unless you want to do certain skips where certain classes are needed.



- power classes expecially on downscaled dungeons since at current damage levels condi just takes to long

- nothing which requires big setups. Most bosses die in 5-10 seconds when run down by 5 classes

- thief is often useful for stealth skips, mesmer for portal skips

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Knowing the mechanics is far, far more important than the builds. Two good players can clear most paths quicker than a team of 5 unfamiliar with the route (aside from the few remaining spots that can't be passed without extra bodies). If I'm taking new people, I'd rather they bring builds comfortable to them so they can learn the fights; if they are old hands, I don't care what they bring.

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Probably something like this if you want to go for the most efficiency during a full dungeon tour:

Chrono - buffs and the portal (portal skips, though now doable by anyone with the portal device)

Daredevil - burst and stealth (stealth skips)

Berserker - banners, EA and easy CC

2x Dragonhunter or Weaver - burst and might pre stacking

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the meta comp changes if you want just daily run or a world record

basically if you go for world record, you would take a mesmer (or white mantle portal device but it would be unrestricted).




1 power herald (CC + boons)

3 DH (burst + quickness)

1 thief (stealth)


1 DH (or thief?) can be replaced by power druid (or even soulbeast with stanceshare? idk im not ranger expert)




that being said, it really doesn't matter if you run 3DH or 3ele or 3 power necro. Dungeon bosses have low hp, the border at which power burst makes bosses die in 3-10 secs is small. anything works - just drink your pots and wear your slaying sigils.


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I suggest the following:

1 power herald (CC, boons, crit damage)

1 thief (stealth, basilisk venom) or 1 holosmith (stealth, higher damage than thief) or 1 mesmer (stealth, portal, brings minimal damage)

3 DH (highest burst for dungeons) or 2 DH + 1 warrior (banners) or 2 DH + 1 Ele (personal preference)


Keep in mind that the dungeons that don't require full 5 party members can just be done with 2 dragonhunter using harpy feathers..

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