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Here's how I would nerf scourge:


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@"reikken.4961" Here's your problem... You started being wrong in the title.

Your mindset is wrong from the get go, you're not supposed to nerf Scourge, but balance the game.

Your suggestion isn't actually bad, and the game has tech for it, but your title and the mindset that created it, deflated your credibility.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> @"reikken.4961" Here's your problem... You started being wrong in the title.

> Your mindset is wrong from the get go, you're not supposed to nerf Scourge, but balance the game.

> Your suggestion isn't actually bad, and the game has tech for it, but your title and the mindset that created it, deflated your credibility.


Just to make sure, do you realize that the first post is more than two months old?

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> @"Patrick.2987" said:

> Shade skills should not apply any conditions. They have a good supportive usage and maybe need a buff in barrier scaling with healingpower and f5 barrier beeing an aoe. Weapons and utilities have enough condition damage already.


Patrick, please remember that Necro is the only profession that relies half on conditions and half on shroud for its sustain. Blind, weakness, chill, and cripple provide sustain when not in shroud and replace blocks, invuln, control effects, and mobility.

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Would the extra reaction time being given just mean that its would be even more punishing to get hit with as the slower effective time for the shade would need to be compensated in some way putting on more condi's at once or more stacks at once?


Necro is one of the few professions that has a hard time being described as face roll imo as its very slow in all of its cast times regardless of which spec or build you use. On top of all of that scourge has the job of managing life force resource cost. Managing slow cast times, with life force cost, with area of effects and enemies attempting to blow your face off while you are a glass cannon spec nerfing it even more would just be down right disrespectful.


Its already questionable when it comes to the reward scourge gives for all the extra management it requires over core and reaper necro. As it does not have tools to buy time such as shield blocks, mass evades, invuln, or stealth giving players time to assess a situation should odds tip against the scourges hands.



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