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Add Key of Greater Nightmares to keyring (suggestion)

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So I first of all just want to say, the patch looks absolutely wonderful and I'm really excited to get into playing it!


The keyring is an especially useful feature and I'm so happy that it's been added, thank you so much for that! I do have one tiny bit of feedback though, and that's that I think it would be useful if Keys of Greater Nightmares were added to it as well. This is partially because they function similarly to machetes and the like, in that they open a specific kind of chest in a specific map, but I think it would be especially helpful for them to be added to the keyring because I know that, nowadays, many people save up their keys and then go down to open the big chest once they have a lot of them, opening the chest a lot of times all at once instead of opening it twice every meta event cycle. Given that this is a popular way to use the keys, I just think they would be a useful addition to the feature and I figured I would bring it up!


Again, great job on the keyring and the patch in general! This patch already has an episode, a raid, and a fractal, but I just wanted to say that I also really appreciate the general quality of life changes on top of that :)

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Guess they just forget about that one.

> Just one question: it is only for keys or also for crowbars and hot stuff?


Yep, HoT stuff is included! Here's the list from the patch notes:

* Zephyrite Lockpicks

* Bandit Skeleton Keys

* Pact Crowbars

* Exalted Keys

* Vials of Chak Acid

* Machetes

* Trader's Keys


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The [Aetherkey](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Completed_Aetherkey "") and [Tarnished Key](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Tarnished_Key "") are also missing.

A-Net, please add

* **Key(s) of Greater Nightmares**,

* **Tricolour Key(s)**,

* **Completed Aetherkey(s)**, and

* **Tarnished Key(s)**


to the wallet. With a hotfix maybe?

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> @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

> The [Aetherkey](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Completed_Aetherkey "") and [Tarnished Key](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Tarnished_Key "") are also missing.

> A-Net, please add

> * **Key(s) of Greater Nightmares**,

> * **Tricolour Key(s)**,

> * **Completed Aetherkey(s)**, and

> * **Tarnished Key(s)**


> to the wallet. With a hotfix maybe?


Oh yeah, that's a good point. I think it would be really useful if they added all of these.

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They added all the keys that don't require a special mechanic.


> * Key of Greater Nightmares

> * Tricolour Key

> * Completed Aetherkey

> * Tarnished Key



All of those require some sort of special mechanic (to use and/or to produce). Additionally, is there any reason to horde the tricolor key? Or tarnished key? those are both things that can be used as soon as they are acquired.


As for Aetherkeys: seems like the better solution would be to change the mechanics. There might have been a reason in the past to dole out atherkeys in pieces, but now it's just annoying: the pieces aren't even vendor trash and are worth pennies. At this point, it would be a better QoL change to simply change it so you can buy them from a vendor at the end of TA/Aetherpath.


Similarly, for a variety of reasons, it's are that anyone does the labyrinth in Silverwastes and in my opinion, the better QoL change would be to eliminate the lesser keys instead. And simply drop greater keys from other sources, e.g. meta plus each round of labyrinth (1 for tier 1, 2 for tier 2, and 4 for tier 3 or something perhaps not so generous). Or make them available in exchange for shovels.



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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" I think that's an interesting idea, but even if they were to change the way the keys drop, I still think it would be helpful to add greater nightmare keys specifically to the keyring just because that's one less item to have cluttering up your inventory and because people tend to hold on to them for a long time and then open the chest a bunch of times all at once. As for the other keys you mentioned, I don't really have an opinion either way. I wasn't around for season 1 and I don't really do dungeons much, and there's no point to having a bunch of tarnished keys anyway since you can only open the chest once per day per account. I do still think having the greater nightmare keys on the keychain would be helpful though.

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> @"thequeenofbees.4250" said:

> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" I think that's an interesting idea, but even if they were to change the way the keys drop, I still think it would be helpful to add greater nightmare keys specifically to the keyring just because that's one less item to have cluttering up your inventory and because people tend to hold on to them for a long time and then open the chest a bunch of times all at once. As for the other keys you mentioned, I don't really have an opinion either way. I wasn't around for season 1 and I don't really do dungeons much, and there's no point to having a bunch of tarnished keys anyway since you can only open the chest once per day per account. I do still think having the greater nightmare keys on the keychain would be helpful though.


There's no question it would be helpful to add it. I'm trying to point out that it's unlikely because of the underlying mechanics connecting lesser & greater keys. I think it's more likely that ANet will tackle that as part of any solution. And that might end up with eliminating the need for a key or by distributing them directly (instead of indirectly, like it is today).


For that matter, there are other key-like objects around that I wish they'd convert to keys (stored in the wallet). In Siren's Landing & Istan, no keys are needed, but

* Bitterfrost requires carrying a torch (not that bad, with mounts, since they are more easily replaced now)

* Ember Bay has a convoluted system that requires completing hearts to expose a vendor to buy "keys" that ... you can only use in hard-to-reach places and have an incredibly horrible, no good, very bad delay on opening

* Draconis Mons has a similar Rube Goldberg system that offers some "keys" from events (and some from heart vendors that you have to unlock). And then you have to use them like Desert Treasure Maps, except that you can lose them if you don't find Zinn's stash.

* Silverwastes uses Shovels that are similar to Treasure Maps, but you can also lose these.


If those mechanics were tidied up, I'd willing to live with having to save room for both greater & lesser nightmare keys.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" Ah ok, that makes sense. What if Anet added the greater keys to the keyring but kept the essences in the inventory? Then, when you combined the essences with a bandit skeleton key, the greater nightmare key would just get directly added to the keyring. The essences can't be used to open anything on their own and are only used for """crafting""" greater nightmare keys so I don't think they should go on the keyring, but it doesn't sound like you want that either. I'd be all for a rework to nightmare pod system in general but even if they don't do that I think it would be helpful to have the greater keys be on the keyring.


I haven't actually done much with Ember Bay's skritt caches so I don't really have an opinion on those. The only problem I could see with adding shovels and zinn's stash keys to the keyring would be that those items work like equippables; when you double click them in your inventory they replace your weapons skills or give you a special action hotkey, whereas the other things on the keyring don't have that kind of mechanic. So I don't really think those could benefit from being on the keyring, especially since you'd have to scroll all the way down and find them in the list every time you wanted to use one, as opposed to how things like machetes and bandit skeleton keys are automatically used when you interact with the thing they open.


Personally I like the torch in bitterfrost and since a big part of getting it is maintaining lighted braziers so that you can easily pick up another torch to continue getting chests, I honestly would prefer that that stays the same. It's such an integral part of the meta even that I don't think somehow converting it to a key would be a good idea personally.

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> Personally I like the torch in bitterfrost and since a big part of getting it is maintaining lighted braziers so that you can easily pick up another torch to continue getting chests, I honestly would prefer that that stays the same. It's such an integral part of the meta even that I don't think somehow converting it to a key would be a good idea personally.


Sure, and it's not even that bad in terms of QoL (especially with mounts).


My main point was that it's among many of the the key-like systems in the game. For me, the Nightmare keys are much less of an inconvenience. They feel a bit like part of the events in the zone. Whereas, the skritt stashes, zinn stashes, & silverwaste shovels feel don't feel integral; they just feel tedious.


So my preference would be to see ANet tidy everything up to be more consistent. And the lesser/greater keys would be just one of the issues they addressed in a more comprehensive mechanic update.

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