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Daybreak (spoiler?)


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It was a long fight. I was at the end, almost had the Wyvern dead, and new build reset so I had to start all over again. I don't think so. I had already started the story when restart was announced. Two hours was announced, thought I could do it. I had no idea it would take so long or I would have logged out.


I'm fed up now with this game.

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> @Cryshal.4036 said:

> Maybe it wasn't Daybreak. I'm confused.



Yeah, it was *Daybreak*. I thought that first wretched instance was not only overly long and repetitive, but freakin' HARD.


I was in there on my "easy mode" Necro, and the last battle felt more like an end-of-finale boss fight than the introduction to a new swathe of content. I didn't actually die, but I came close - and I lost track of the number of times that all that kept me alive was Life Leech (Necro downed skill 1). I felt really put off. I'll stick at it, but I'm frankly not looking forward to what else is waiting in the rest of the LS. And I'm absolutely dreading trying to take some of my other, less well-geared characters into the content; I can well imagine taking 2 hours or more.

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> @Doghouse.1562 said:

> > @Cryshal.4036 said:

> > Maybe it wasn't Daybreak. I'm confused.

> >


> Yeah, it was *Daybreak*. I thought that first wretched instance was not only overly long and repetitive, but freakin' HARD.


> I was in there on my "easy mode" Necro, and the last battle felt more like an end-of-finale boss fight than the introduction to a new swathe of content. I didn't actually die, but I came close - and I lost track of the number of times that all that kept me alive was Life Leech (Necro downed skill 1). I felt really put off. I'll stick at it, but I'm frankly not looking forward to what else is waiting in the rest of the LS. And I'm absolutely dreading trying to take some of my other, less well-geared characters into the content; I can well imagine taking 2 hours or more.


I don't know whether it's been retuned - possible - but I Just did it again, with another Necro (similar spec; condi minion-master/reaper, but rather less well geared) and the whole thing went **much** smoother. Perhaps I was simply better prepared for what was coming; perhaps I was more awake. I don't **think** I was ever actually downed even (which, considering my necro's do more damage in that state, and I sometimes deliberately let it happen when I'm low on health and shroud - just so that I can DPS hard back to my feet **and** bounce back healthier than I went down - is a statement in itself).


Although I do think that not only that instance but pretty much all of them in LWS4 are rather over-tuned towards raw damage, be it DPS or condition, for my liking. I've definitely got other L80s that I think are likely to struggle unless I respec for the occasion.

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> @Cryshal.4036 said:

> Not all of us are as young and/or agile as the players who run through all of the game content with no problems.

Don't sell us wrinklies short; I'm retired with grandchildren myself. :) I manage OK. Sure, some of the younger PvP guys would undoubtedly hand me my posterior on a plate, if I gave them the chance - but outside of that, keeping your head and your wits about you is at least as important as mere trivia like raw reaction time. Although I'd recommend anyone to get a gaming mouse, if they don't have one - not having to find the right key or mouse-click the right icon is a real plus.

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I had nowhere near the same trouble..


Ran the whole story through and explored almost all of the new map in several hours with a glass cannon ranger.

I don't think I died once during the story instances..


I play a mix of Range and melee though.. I can understand your trouble if you are playing purely melee..

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> @Teratus.2859 said:

> I had nowhere near the same trouble..


> Ran the whole story through and explored almost all of the new map in several hours with a glass cannon ranger.

> I don't think I died once during the story instances..


> I play a mix of Range and melee though.. I can understand your trouble if you are playing purely melee..


I was mostly trying to stay out of melee range, but there *were* points where the temptation to get in close and unload my necros' shroud damage skills got too strong - and, especially against the various bosses, it was usually a mistake. (Plus the "mere" veteran mobs seemed quite tough compared to even those in the PoF maps - which themselves seemed a step up on previous stuff. I rather hope this isn't the beginning of a march to make the game ever more challenging - that's good for dedicated and committed players, but not so good for keeping a good base of casuals, and it was that, in the end, that finally stopped me playing GW.)


As I said earlier in the thread, in different words - having done them a couple of times now, I felt that the story instances were tuned somewhat toward raw damage output, with decent AoE damage sometimes being highly desirable as well, rather than (say) a build with more survivability but a slower damage profile. Just my opinion/reaction, of course - but I've no doubt that a glass cannon could undoubtedly cut it, if it mostly kept out of the heavy damage zones.


Although for me, figuring out the "best" way to handle a couple of the fights helped a lot (in one case, it was nothing more complex than putting a target on the boss; in the last fight, it was simply knowing what the **heck** to do!). And there were times, too, when deciding which attacks to try and dodge, and which to simply suck up, also seemed more important than usual - too many times I'd dodge repeatedly through what proved to be a a fairly innocuous string of attacks - only to not then have the energy to avoid some much bigger, shortly after. I'd learn as the fight progressed, of course - but the first time in particular, I suffered quite a bit because of that.

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