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Season 1 turned into a summary, will older seasonals cease to exist while new seasons are created?


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Maybe a silly question, but does ANet plan to turn S2 into a summary, just like S1 as soon as S4 is completed?

I remember what happened to Lion's Arch during S1, and the slowly rebuilding of LA. I was there but was too busy lvling all my toons to lvl 80 at that time :)

So I assume reason for removal of S1 is a rebuilt LA?


I'm just a litle worried S2 will go as well when future seasonal content makes progress. I like this game too much!


- Grampybone.

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As far as I know, no they should not, explanation follows:


The first season was entirely open world and temporary dungeons. This included the Frost and Fire world events, the Aetherblade worlds events, The toxic alliance world events (Kessex Hills being exploded) and ended with the total destruction and invasion of Lions Arch, all open world. IIRC due to people missing out on events and old zones, Anet decided all further seasons would be permanent, hence the story chapters, new separate zones instead of existing ones being changed, and some of the original events becoming fractals, laurel merchants, etc.

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Not to worry, the reason S1 was lost is because of its format. They forgot to make the content replayable and put everything in existing zones.

As of such, replaying would require them to remake everything which is an undertaking they can’t afford.

Alas, its a tragedy, but its also a lesson. You cant have a truly living world in multiplayer games as there are always people coming in later

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> @Techstriker.4130 said:

> As far as I know, no they should not, explanation follows:


> The first season was entirely open world and temporary dungeons.


Not quite. The main storyline was in instances, but these instances were tied to achievements (think Knight of the Thorn instances, but account based rather than character), and these achievements disappeared every month along with the open world events which were flavor for the storyline (think of Dry Top's events and the like).


As said, Season 1 was built to be temporary, while Season 2 and later were built to be permanent. But contrary to common belief, Season 1's main story was mostly in the open world - only 5 of the roughly 25 (so 1/5th) of the updates had main story solely or primarily in open world (The Lost Shores, Tequatl Rising, The Origins of Madness, Escape from Lion's Arch, and Battle for Lion's Arch).

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