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Is LS3 worth buying now?

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I've been planning on getting the 2800 gems thing to buy a 2000 gem *account jump start* with 2 extra bags and bank tabs and 800 gems leftover to buy LS3 because i wanted Trailblazer's trinkets and you can't get them anywhere else... I know there's an NPC that sells selectable stats trinkets, rings etc for unbound magic and whatever, and i planned on getting LS3 for that. Until now that is. Anet gave us mist talismans and trinkets in fractals, and i just bought both trinkets and selected trailblazer's stats. I know mist talismans were obtainable in WvW but i'm saving my skirmish tickets for the legendary armor so i didn't want to waste them on trinkets and rings. I'm thankful for the fractal option.


Is there anything else of note that i can get in LS3 that is "must have"? Because i only considered it for the trinkets.

Right now, LS2 also costs 800 gems and in LS2 i can get core tyria mastery points by doing the story. And i'm really struggling with core tyria mastery points right now, i'm stuck at legendary crafting 3, it's trained but i can't get it, no mastery points.


Should i get LS2 instead? Or is LS3 a more "vital" purchase? What's there to get in LS3?


I do plan on getting both eventually, but right now i'm looking for the "most bang for the buck" type of deal. Since i now already have trailblazer's trinkets thanks to new fractals, should i get LS2 and get core tyria mastery points, or is LS3 still a better choice? Also, is the *account jump start* a good deal overall? I'm looking for storage space mainly, this seems like it's a good deal. Is it?


Please advise! Thank you!

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> Is there anything else of note that i can get in LS3 that is "must have"? Because i only considered it for the trinkets.

> Right now, LS2 also costs 800 gems and in LS2 i can get core tyria mastery points by doing the story. And i'm really struggling with core tyria mastery points right now, i'm stuck at legendary crafting 3, it's trained but i can't get it, no mastery points.


> Should i get LS2 instead? Or is LS3 a more "vital" purchase? What's there to get in LS3?


> I do plan on getting both eventually, but right now i'm looking for the "most bang for the buck" type of deal. Since i now already have trailblazer's trinkets thanks to new fractals, should i get LS2 and get core tyria mastery points, or is LS3 still a better choice? Also, is the *account jump start* a good deal overall? I'm looking for storage space mainly, this seems like it's a good deal. Is it?


Honestly? I say 3 has a lot more bang for your buck (even though I unlocked them all on release so never had to pay). Let me see if I can give you reasons that may help you decide - one way or the other.


LS2 adds two maps, but makes them available to all players, whether they have the content or not (the story instances DO help you learn the connecting passages in Dry Top, though). LS3 adds six maps, and owning the chapter is a requirement for getting in (at least, as far as I know - will a TTF allow someone in content they don't own?).


Similarly, most LS2 rewards can be earned without owning the chapters, since they are map rewards. (The exclusive story rewards do include ascended trinkets required for upgrading Carapace Armor to Luminescent, and the two items to start the item creation chain for the Mawdrey backpack and Mawdrey II bloodsotne eater.) LS3's rewards, again, require having LS3. (Today's update does, however, dissociate the Gen 2 legendaries from this exclusivity. The legendary trinket, Aurora, though, is 100% entwined with LS3 content.)


Being 6 chapters instead of 8 makes LS3 cheaper, if that's a concern.


The mastery points do make a case for either: LS2 if you need Core points, LS3 if you need HoT points. (Neither are strictly necessary, although it does give options if other sources are beyond your reach.) The addition of nine Core Mastery Insights takes a little pressure off, but as I remember how many core MP are tied to fractals, it does make a reason to get LS2 if you need it.


In the end, I like both, but I think I personally like LS3's stuff more. Entirely a subjective opinion, so not a thing I'm going to try to sway you with. Your choice is your own, and if any of the info I provided helps, go for it.


Regarding the account bump package, it's a good deal; two bank tabs and two bag slots would cost 2000 gems /by themselves/, so anything else the package throws in is effectively free (GW2 Wiki estimates it as 3350 gems in value, but that does not count the dyes since regular dyes aren't sold on the store).

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Thanks. I need 5 more mastery points for Legendary crafting 3, and i have no idea where else to get the rest. I've done most of the fractal ones, few collections and the rest i see are tied to LS2 story. Some like, don't get hit by weapons test are too hardcore by me, or the dolphin one. The rest require a lot of money for collections. :neutral:


I wasn't aware you could reach Dry top without owning LS2, how do i go there?


As for the mastery points, i don't really need any, i've leveled most of what i'm using, and the rest is just there to be leveled whenever. I'm not going to be crafting a legendary anyway (i'm doing a WvW legendary armor first) so i don't exactly need the mastery, but i hate seeing the bar not going anywhere lol. Maybe i'll just try to get the 5 core ones and leave it at the last legendary training.


Mawdrey II would help me with some mats for the legendary armor though, and i already have too much bloodstone dust on my alt, i'd love to get rid of that. I have over 5000 bloodstone dust that i have no idea what to do with... And i see Mawdrey gives some random mats for that, that could prove useful in the long run. It's good that you mentioned it, i completely forgot about that. But that also takes a month to complete and requires a lot of crafting itself so i don't know if it's exactly worth it...


So much to think about lol. :sweat_smile:

Well i'm definitely getting the account bump package, and i'll see about which LS to get.


Or should i skip the LS entirely for now and get something else for 800 gems? Can either LS be helpful in making legendary WvW armor?

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LWS3 also has 4 gizmos (sentient oddity, sentient singularity,...) that eat bloodstone dust and empyreal fragments,... and give fluctuating mass (which can give usefull crafting material). the gizmos can be earned by collecting items on the map (interacting or as loot in events). LWS3 maps are also good for karma farming with the karmic retribution map specific bonus, unbound magic has numerous uses such as obsidian shards.


teleport to friend does not work on LWS3 maps if you don't have LWS3.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> Thanks. I need 5 more mastery points for Legendary crafting 3, and i have no idea where else to get the rest. I've done most of the fractal ones, few collections and the rest i see are tied to LS2 story. Some like, don't get hit by weapons test are too hardcore by me, or the dolphin one. The rest require a lot of money for collections. :neutral:


> I wasn't aware you could reach Dry top without owning LS2, how do i go there?


> As for the mastery points, i don't really need any, i've leveled most of what i'm using, and the rest is just there to be leveled whenever. I'm not going to be crafting a legendary anyway (i'm doing a WvW legendary armor first) so i don't exactly need the mastery, but i hate seeing the bar not going anywhere lol. Maybe i'll just try to get the 5 core ones and leave it at the last legendary training.


> Mawdrey II would help me with some mats for the legendary armor though, and i already have too much bloodstone dust on my alt, i'd love to get rid of that. I have over 5000 bloodstone dust that i have no idea what to do with... And i see Mawdrey gives some random mats for that, that could prove useful in the long run. It's good that you mentioned it, i completely forgot about that. But that also takes a month to complete and requires a lot of crafting itself so i don't know if it's exactly worth it...


> So much to think about lol. :sweat_smile:

> Well i'm definitely getting the account bump package, and i'll see about which LS to get.


> Or should i skip the LS entirely for now and get something else for 800 gems? Can either LS be helpful in making legendary WvW armor?


Here you go: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dry_Top#Getting_there


(Personally, I would purchase LW Season 3 over LW Season 2; you get no new maps with S2, you get 6 new maps with S3, if nothing else.)


Good luck.

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I found the Living World Season 3 maps among the best content of the entire game. I absolutely recommend it when you like PvE play.


If you just want the LW Season 3 trinkets, be sure that you know you will need to complete the Chalice of Tears jumping puzzle to get them. This is one of the hardest jumping puzzles in the game and only a part of the playerbase will have the skill level required to complete it.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> I found the Living World Season 3 maps among the best content of the entire game. I absolutely recommend it when you like PvE play.


> If you just want the LW Season 3 trinkets, be sure that you know you will need to complete the Chalice of Tears jumping puzzle to get them. This is one of the hardest jumping puzzles in the game and only a part of the playerbase will have the skill level required to complete it.


I'm confused by this statement. You can purchase LW Season 3 trinkets from NPCs in maps with map currency and Unbound Magic without ever setting foot in the Chalice of Tears.

For example: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar_Rakka

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> I found the Living World Season 3 maps among the best content of the entire game. I absolutely recommend it when you like PvE play.


> If you just want the LW Season 3 trinkets, be sure that you know you will need to complete the Chalice of Tears jumping puzzle to get them. This is one of the hardest jumping puzzles in the game and only a part of the playerbase will have the skill level required to complete it.


As pointed out, this is simply not true.


The only thing which requires the Chalice of Tears jp is the legendary trinket because completing the jp is part of one of the achievements.

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Well, i'm getting the 2800 gem package and the account thing for the 2 bag and bank slots.


As for the LS. I'm leaning towards LS3 more then, seems like more bang for the buck. But i don't really care about ascended trinkets there though, i can already get those in fractals, and now i can even get ones with the selectable stats from fractals so i don't know.


Lately, i'm mostly doing WvW so i might hold on to those 800 gems and purchase LS3 later or something. Or buy it now and have some extra content to do when i'm bored.

I'm definitely not buying LS2 since the only reason i was considering it was some core tyria mastery points, and i've looked at my achievements tab and counted about 15 core achievements that grant mastery points that i could do without LS2, so i'll just do those instead when i need them.


I guess it's settled then, account jump start and LS3. :smile:

Thanks to everyone for commenting! :smile:

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> Well, i'm getting the 2800 gem package and the account thing for the 2 bag and bank slots.


> As for the LS. I'm leaning towards LS3 more then, seems like more bang for the buck. But i don't really care about ascended trinkets there though, i can already get those in fractals, and now i can even get ones with the selectable stats from fractals so i don't know.


> Lately, i'm mostly doing WvW so i might hold on to those 800 gems and purchase LS3 later or something. Or buy it now and have some extra content to do when i'm bored.

> I'm definitely not buying LS2 since the only reason i was considering it was some core tyria mastery points, and i've looked at my achievements tab and counted about 15 core achievements that grant mastery points that i could do without LS2, so i'll just do those instead when i need them.


> I guess it's settled then, account jump start and LS3. :smile:

> Thanks to everyone for commenting! :smile:


Don't forget to buy the copper salvage omatic before anything else!

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > Well, i'm getting the 2800 gem package and the account thing for the 2 bag and bank slots.

> >

> > As for the LS. I'm leaning towards LS3 more then, seems like more bang for the buck. But i don't really care about ascended trinkets there though, i can already get those in fractals, and now i can even get ones with the selectable stats from fractals so i don't know.

> >

> > Lately, i'm mostly doing WvW so i might hold on to those 800 gems and purchase LS3 later or something. Or buy it now and have some extra content to do when i'm bored.

> > I'm definitely not buying LS2 since the only reason i was considering it was some core tyria mastery points, and i've looked at my achievements tab and counted about 15 core achievements that grant mastery points that i could do without LS2, so i'll just do those instead when i need them.

> >

> > I guess it's settled then, account jump start and LS3. :smile:

> > Thanks to everyone for commenting! :smile:


> Don't forget to buy the copper salvage omatic before anything else!


That costs as much as the entire LS3. Is it worth it?

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