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[POLL] Do you think the new legendary ring should stay locked behind raid?


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First of all, I am a raider. I have my legendary set, I have Aurora, legendary back and weapons, I know what it takes to craft any legendary piece of gear. But even with all this things, I still believe that the legendary armor was more than enough as raids-only reward. I liked how Aurora was made, it mae you go trough all LS3 content to get it. What I did not like it is introducing Aurora at the end of LS3. It would have been funnier if it would have been introduced since the first episode. So now I ask you, my dears, do you think locking the new ring behind the Underworld raid wings is a good thing?

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Ascended rings with AESTHETIC should be from whatever they want.

I am still waiting for offsets with no effects which can be built through jewelcraft or mf, as many as i want ( like armor, backpacks, weapons ).


And most of all, i don't want to see something like aurora.


One of the worst timegame in the whole game.



ANET should realize that QoL items like stats swap should be avaible as they did with weapons, armors and backpacks ( different ways ).

Then, if somebody would like to unlock a specific skin he will decide to pursue a specific path.


But please put generic trinkets :disappointed:

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Raids are done by such a small minority of the player base and things should stop being locked behind them.


No, I will not raid for some shiny cool looking item/aura no matter how many you add - this games player base is unexcusably unfun to attempt to raid with. It's far too much effort and drama to get into raiding in this super casual MMO.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> So now I ask you, my dears, do you think locking the new ring behind the Underworld raid wings is a good thing?


Reddit players are saying that it's not linked to the Underworld, any raid will do ([source](

)). The text talking about unlocking the collection also doesn't say it has to be the Underworld, only says "Defeat a raid boss" ([source](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/home/leaving?target=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.picshare.at%2F1511934203_why.jpg)).


We still don't know what the collection is about. It could be that the only raid-related activity is killing a single boss, or it could be that all the items required for the collection come from raids.


> @flog.3485 said:

> One ring for open world and another ring for raids. Welcome to fairness.


There's no legendary ring available from open world gameplay. Aurora is an accessory, not a ring. Plus, where is the legendary armor available from open world, then?

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> @flog.3485 said:

> One ring for open world and another ring for raids. Welcome to fairness.


Then the first accessory should be available only in sPvP, and the next one only in WvW.

Maybe the amulet can be made available only through crafting (needling all professions to lvl 500 and then craft account bound items with each of them).


It would be fair this way. Right?

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Reddit players are saying that it's not linked to the Underworld, any raid will do ([source](

)). The text talking about unlocking the collection also doesn't say it has to be the Underworld, only says "Defeat a raid boss" ([source](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/home/leaving?target=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.picshare.at%2F1511934203_why.jpg)).


I agree with you here, can someone who killed at least a raid boss tell us what do you need for the collection. I just assumed that hiding a collection behind a raid boss means the collection is for raids.

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I really liked the way Aurora was implemented, as a reward for fully playing all and everything from LS3(and of course the legendary grind which is always a part of it, if you're upset about legendaries costing a lot of currency, legedaries are not for you ;)).

But I thought that they would have to put something new in the new raids, since the legendary armor is fixed to the first 4 wings.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> And most of all, i don't want to see something like aurora.

> Never.

> One of the worst timegame in the whole game.


Aurora was timegated only for the ones who did not do the things when the episodes arrived. When aurora was introduced, I already had the druiding ascended backitem. The only time gated thing were the ascended ingots for collection 2 (I prefered gathering and selling the materials and then buying the ingots, faster this way). The only think I see bad about Aurora was introducing it as a LS3 exclusive item, at the end of LS3. If Aurora would have been introduced with the first episode and the collections would have been slowly unlocked for each episode, it would have been better.




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> @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

> > @flog.3485 said:

> > One ring for open world and another ring for raids. Welcome to fairness.


> Then the first accessory should be available only in sPvP, and the next one only in WvW.

> Maybe the amulet can be made available only through crafting (needling all professions to lvl 500 and then craft account bound items with each of them).


> It would be fair this way. Right?


Or even better for the amulet, instead of crafting it should require placing first (like 100 times) in all adventures (crab toss, keg brawl...).

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> @lokh.2695 said:

> But I thought that they would have to put something new in the new raids, since the legendary armor is fixed to the first 4 wings.


A new mastery track plus new ways of getting ascended gear is enough. If they did not plan it to make 3-4 wings long, it could have been enough. Of what I've heard, this new raid won't be long. It will be around 1-2 wings long.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > @Daniel.5428 said:

> > So now I ask you, my dears, do you think locking the new ring behind the Underworld raid wings is a good thing?


> Reddit players are saying that it's not linked to the Underworld, any raid will do ([source](

)). The text talking about unlocking the collection also doesn't say it has to be the Underworld, only says "Defeat a raid boss" ([source](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/home/leaving?target=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.picshare.at%2F1511934203_why.jpg)).


> We still don't know what the collection is about. It could be that the only raid-related activity is killing a single boss, or it could be that all the items required for the collection come from raids.


> > @flog.3485 said:

> > One ring for open world and another ring for raids. Welcome to fairness.


> There's no legendary ring available from open world gameplay. Aurora is an accessory, not a ring. Plus, where is the legendary armor available from open world, then?


Sorry for the confusion between ring/accessory. One legendary item I wanted to mean.


As a player who only do open world, I don't think is necessary because afaik, legendary stuff only provide a switchable advantage, which is really only relevant in content that requires to min max or to switch constantly. Open world doesn't require any of that.


Furthermore I think it is a fair for a game to lock some prestige items in harder content, if the content the game brought/wanted to bring was always skill based, as opposed to power creep based on extra level to reach/new tier to constantly farm.


Besides, nothing tells you that, at the end of living world season 4, they won't bring in a legendary ring based on currency used in this season.

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> Unpopular opinion(?): None of the Legendary items (including armor) should be locked behind raids.


Yes, W3 and PvP does not have an unique legendary either. The backpiece was available to fractals first, then they introduced the armor just because people were angry...but it's a basic armor with no effects compared to the one in raid. I would like to see 2 legendary trinkets available only in PvP and W3.

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> @flog.3485 said:

> As a player who only do open world, I don't think is necessary because afaik, legendary stuff only provide a switchable advantage, which is really only relevant in content that requires to min max or to switch constantly. Open world doesn't require any of that.


I agree with you in that open world doesn't require min max; but I think it would greatly be improved by allowing us to change our stats more freely. Being able to radically change what stats we have would open up new builds, allowing players to play the same content as a somewhat new experience, which would in turn increase the game's longevity. Ironically this doesn't work so well in raids, considering how people there need specific builds under very specific skill sets, but in the open world that would be great.


In the original Guild Wars, we had an impossibly high number of possible builds, and we could change attributes freely. Many players went through the same content multiple times, each time feeling like it was somewhat new due to using very different builds. This kind of thing helps the game in the long term.


> @flog.3485 said:

> Furthermore I think it is a fair for a game to lock some prestige items in harder content, if the content the game brought/wanted to bring was always skill based, as opposed to power creep based on extra level to reach/new tier to constantly farm.


I agree. I wouldn't mind if the skins were locked behind the raids, but the functionality were available elsewhere. Pretty much like legendary armor - the skin is limited to the raids, but you can get the functionality in WvW and in PvP too. I wish this system was increased to include the most popular content in the game - open world gameplay.


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> @flog.3485 said:

> Furthermore I think it is a fair for a game to lock some prestige items in harder content, if the content the game brought/wanted to bring was always skill based, as opposed to power creep based on extra level to reach/new tier to constantly farm.

> Besides, nothing tells you that, at the end of living world season 4, they won't bring in a legendary ring based on currency used in this season.


An entire armor set with a cool design and animation locked behind raids is pretty prestigious for me. There won't be another legendary ring for LS4, I am sure of it, but even it would be, you have 2 ring slots so you can take 2 legendary rings(not the same legendary). In my point of view, a player who crafts a legendary weapon + 2 trinkets will have more chances to do well in raids than someone with a simple ascended set. Raids are not about following a statis build from a website. There were a lot of situation when I switched my engi gear from viper to sinister or to another condi alternative because I needed more dmg output at the moment.



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As a non-raider, who has been pretty scared to get into raiding due to high LI requirements in lfg and fear of 'not being good enough', I really feel like this ring is the push I need to get into raiding. I'm trying to join a few raiding guilds right now and am intent on giving it a go.


So I do think this is a good move by ANet to build the scene, but I would like some connection to the maps too to feel like they are useful too.


Note: I'm not a completely new player either, I do fractal CMs every day without problem, but there is a lot more stigma around raids than high level fractals.

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> @LanarFalcon.2530 said:

> As a non-raider, who has been pretty scared to get into raiding due to high LI requirements in lfg and fear of 'not being good enough', I really feel like this ring is the push I need to get into raiding. I'm trying to join a few raiding guilds right now and am intent on giving it a go.


> So I do think this is a good move by ANet to build the scene, but I would like some connection to the maps too to feel like they are useful too.


> Note: I'm not a completely new player either, I do fractal CMs every day without problem, but there is a lot more stigma around raids than high level fractals.


I am happy for you for making this decision. People should realise that the only scary thing about raids is it's community and the way they demand things. Just make sure you look videos (or read dulfy guides if available) until you know the mechanics. Then go and train these knowledges until you finally learn the mechanic 100%. Then it's just focus, luck and a good group. I am raiding with LFG since day 1, was never part of a guild/group, and still I have over 200 LI and got my legendary set right when it was introduced because I had everything ready. I do not agree with this ring locked behind a raid, but this doesn't want I won't put my hands on that purple handsome boi!

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I was hoping to be able to obtain a full set of Legendary Trinkets in open World but doesn't look like that's gonna happen..

I wanted to type more but for some reason my cat is angry, there you go anet, you made my cat angry!


Edit: Sorry, false accusation, turned out she was just hungry.

If they're gonna release a full set of legendary Trinkets for both raids and open world than that's perfectly fine but having parts here parts there is just annoying!

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> @LanarFalcon.2530 said:

> As a non-raider, who has been pretty scared to get into raiding due to high LI requirements in lfg and fear of 'not being good enough', I really feel like this ring is the push I need to get into raiding. I'm trying to join a few raiding guilds right now and am intent on giving it a go.


> So I do think this is a good move by ANet to build the scene, but I would like some connection to the maps too to feel like they are useful too.


> Note: I'm not a completely new player either, I do fractal CMs every day without problem, but there is a lot more stigma around raids than high level fractals.


So you will start with raiding because of the ring? Good for you, although I don´t really get it. How exactly does the ring help you overcome your felt inferiority all of a sudden? I don´t mean that in a sarcastic way, just curious.

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