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[POLL] Do you think the new legendary ring should stay locked behind raid?


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> @Lome.8239 said:

> It absolutely should. Let raiders have their raid loot.


> I dont even raid yet but Im tired of people hating on fun, challenging content. If you dont want to do it then dont, but dont ask for raid rewards if you dont want to raid.


Nobody is hating,the problem with raids in gw2 is that their are totally broken.Have you seen the new wing?

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> I have no issue with this, legendary rewards are for people who thrive in ALL parts of the game. Want the legi? learn to raid, or buy a boss kill. Simple!!


The arguement here is that if you want a particular legendary you are forced to do content that 90% or so of the game population do not want to play in, for no other reason than to force you to do the content - the side effect of which at best would be a flood of people joining raids when they dont really give a damn about them > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Just do an easy raid like escort, cairn or MO to unlock it. You can hide how terrible you are by how easy these bosses are. Just blame it on lag.


This is the kind of attitude that pushes the vast majoirty of GW2 away from raiding - EVERYTHING is boiled down to penis measuring and the '_you must be rubbish if you dont want to raid mentality_' Lucky raiders are now going to be flooded with people who dont give a damn about raids but just want a legendary. Well done Anet, unfortunate for raiding fans.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> This is the kind of attitude that pushes the vast majoirty of GW2 away from raiding - EVERYTHING is boiled down to kitten measuring and the '_you must be rubbish if you dont want to raid mentality_' Lucky raiders are now going to be flooded with people who dont give a kitten about raids but just want a legendary. Well done Anet, unfortunate for raiding fans.


This is unfortunate for raiders too. I never had a guild/team to raid with, I wasl always raiding with LFG, since the beginning. This new waves of people who raid for legendary forced most of the LFG community tojoin teams and now is nearly impossible to find some good people on LFG anymore. Even the number of squads looking for more on LFG has reduced.



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I'm 100% against raid locked legendaries. I like Gw2 because of its open world content, this game isn't a WoW clone and shouldn't have raids as an essential thing.

I don't care about stat switching ability actually, it's a good feature but I don't change my build that often. Ascended stat switchability is enough for me.

Plus bloodstone fen accessories are cool enough with easy stat switch. But I do care about collecting cosmetic legendary skins, and locking them behind raid

content isn't cool.

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > @Beanna.6712 said:

> > I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

> Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".



And it's tied to W1-4. Any new raids need to have their own rewards which give players an incentive to play them.


The poll is pointless. Obviously the non-raiders will vote "No" and will be more than the raiders. Obviously this won't lead to anything, because the devs know the necessity of exclusive rewards in high-end content.


Be patient. Like with the legendary armor, ANet will give an alternative acquisition of the functionality after some time.


> @Umut.5471 said:

> I'm 100% against raid locked legendaries. I like Gw2 because of its open world content, this game isn't a WoW clone and shouldn't have raids as an essential thing.


Legendaries never were, and still aren't, essential to this game. They were always a cosmetic, prestige long-term goal.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > @Beanna.6712 said:

> > > I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

> > Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".

> >


> And it's tied to W1-4. Any new raids need to have their own rewards which give players an incentive to play them.


> The poll is pointless. Obviously the non-raiders will vote "No" and will be more than the raiders. Obviously this won't lead to anything, because the devs know the necessity of exclusive rewards in high-end content.


> Be patient. Like with the legendary armor, ANet will give an alternative acquisition of the functionality after some time.


> > @Umut.5471 said:

> > I'm 100% against raid locked legendaries. I like Gw2 because of its open world content, this game isn't a WoW clone and shouldn't have raids as an essential thing.


> Legendaries never were, and still aren't, essential to this game. They were always a cosmetic, prestige long-term goal.


It's essential for me as the only point to play this game to have a character with all the BIS skins in long term. Everyone farm some gold, some achievements etc.

Then why do we farm them since we can't have weapons with better stats? For skins. And if they lock those skins behind raids then we won't have any reason to play this game after some point. I'm currently grinding for Aurora, but don't know what to do after it. You may not think like me but most of the game wants to craft some legendaries in this game and the gold/content grinding for them is their main goal in this game.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > @Beanna.6712 said:

> > > I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

> > Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".

> >


> And the rest of PvE has a backpack and many weapons.


Comparing one side content to the whole of pve? Why don't you compare specific submodes? Because then it doesn't look so good for raids?


Look at it differently:

Fractals have one legendary backpack.

LS have one legendary trinket.

Both expansions together have half a set of legendary weapons

Core game has one set of legendary weapons. Which (due to them being buyable on TP) they share with all of the gamemodes.

Raids however have a set of legendary armor _and_ a legendary ring.


Notice also, that raiders are expected to be able to get "open world" rewards for both core and expacs, as well as do the story, but the opposite is _not_ true.


(also, now compare all that to sPvP, for example)

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I'm a raider, I've killed all bosses before wing 5 multiple times, have the precursor armor for my first leggy armor set, have Ad Infinitum and Aurora, and no, I think that the ring shouldn't be hidden behind raiding.


Each mode of the game has legendary armor tied to it (raids for PvE, WvW now has leggy armor, and so does PvP iirc), but not all of them have legendary trinkets or accessories equal to that of Aurora. Open world PvE is hands-down the easiest mode in the game, and I think that it's important to keep trinkets tied to the same game mode - especially seeing as the Aurora was so easy to get. Keep it consistent.

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I think I'm ok with the new ring being tied to the raids. What I'd like to see, and sort of hope they do, is trade off between 'open world attainable' and 'raid attainable' items. The first ring came from doing all of LS3, the second gets put in raids. Maybe we'll see the first legendary accessory come the end of LS4 and it will work as Aurora did, after which we'll see the second legendary accessory come with a raid wing. I feel that would be a fair balance. I think it's also something that might be semi-sustainable.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > @Beanna.6712 said:

> > > I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

> > Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".

> >


> And it's tied to W1-4. Any new raids need to have their own rewards which give players an incentive to play them.


> The poll is pointless. Obviously the non-raiders will vote "No" and will be more than the raiders. Obviously this won't lead to anything, because the devs know the necessity of exclusive rewards in high-end content.


> Be patient. Like with the legendary armor, ANet will give an alternative acquisition of the functionality after some time.


> > @Umut.5471 said:

> > I'm 100% against raid locked legendaries. I like Gw2 because of its open world content, this game isn't a WoW clone and shouldn't have raids as an essential thing.


> Legendaries never were, and still aren't, essential to this game. They were always a cosmetic, prestige long-term goal.


so what happens in the next expansion raid for rewards?

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Like any other legendary item, you have to see world to get it. Dungeon tokens, gift of battle, crystaline ingots, etc. This ring has bonded to raid. If you really wanna this item you have to prove that you worth it. Ring+Legendary armor+story. Doing raids you will be one step closer to each. Seems good offer to me.

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