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Clandestine Real Money Trading through the Trading Post?

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Has anyone noticed how there are always common weapons being sold for impossibly high prices in the Trading Post?


A screenshot from just now:


![](https://i.imgur.com/bMly0Dh.png "")


What is this? Looks like something way too expensive and way too common to be a joke.


Feels like this is a way for sites that clandestinely sell gold to bypass the mail blocks. Instead of sending gold to someone directly through mail, which ArenaNet could easily detected, they may be asking a player who's buying gold with real money to put something for sale for a very high price, and then buy it, transfering the gold indirectly. We can't report this because we don't know who the seller or the buyer are.


Is there any way for us to deal with this kind of thing?

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Is there any way for us to deal with this kind of thing?


I think that ArenaNet are the only ones who can deal with real money trading like this. They can track these trades quite easily.


Just don't get involved by buying, for example, a 500g level 61 blue staff. ;)

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These definitely could be used for gold selling, they're prime candidates since there's often just 1 on the TP at a time so the seller can set whatever price they want and the buyer (gold seller) will be able to make sure they buy the right one.


But most of these are unlikely to be used by gold sellers for the simple reason that they haven't sold. If they were listed by someone who had just paid for a chunk of gold I'd expect the gold seller to buy the item, completing the transaction, ASAP. Unless of course they were cheating their customers and never had any intention of handing over the gold (entirely possible for people operating an illegal business), or were banned before they could make the trade.

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