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[Suggestion] New gear/items/unlocks for Laurels

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TL;DR: Let's Make Laurels Great Again.


In the first years of Guild Wars 2, Laurels were THE premium currency to obtain nearly the best gear and items in the game. Therefore, you could not have enough of them and everyone was short on Laurels. But since then, many new items have been added to the game and many new currencies and ways to unlock them have been added. Still, we can slowly but steadily accumulate laurels via the daily mechanics.


This leads to the current situation that Laurels have been stacking up without many useful things to spend them on. It would be very nice to see new uses for laurels, allowing them to become top-tier again.


*Possible* suggestions:

* Legendary collection start unlocks (Not the collection-items itself, just the collection unlock)

* Raid mastery track unlock. (For players who want to be max-mastery number without actually raiding)

* The return of [WvW XP consumables](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taste_of_Liquid_World_Experience "WvW XP consumables") for laurels.

* New receipes, miniatures, rare materials, infusions, runes and sigils

* Premium storage bags (between 20 and 28 slots)

* PvP stronghold hero unlocks

* One exclusive, multi-dyable skin for every mount exclusively available with laurels.

* Etc.


Just to mention a few. I'm not saying this exact list should be it. Opinions will most likely differ. But my general point is that I would welcome new worthwhile uses of the Laurel currency to make it valuable again and get the warm and fuzzy feeling again when saving them.

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This would be good.

I would be also up for something mixed like Asccessories ( Laurels + ectos ), in order to provvide a slightly gold/material sink.


About the ones you suggested


>* Legendary collection start unlocks (Not the collection-items itself, just the collection unlock)

>* Raid mastery track unlock. (For players who want to be max-mastery number without actually raiding)

>* **The return of WvW XP consumables for laurels**.

>* **New receipes, miniatures, rare materials, infusions, runes and sigils**

>* Premium storage bags (between 20 and 28 slots)

>* **PvP stronghold hero unlocks**

>* **One exclusive, multi-dyable skin for every mount exclusively available with laurels**.


I put in bold the ones i think would fit the system.


About the others


* **Raid mastery track unlock** would only be a compulsive thing, so maybe instead of 50 laurels, just pay ectos for unlock. Easier.

* A **28 slot bag**, which is soulbound and not account bound, is worth around 80/90g. The price could simply be 25 laurels + 50g or something like this, but even so i fear it could harm the gamble in the casino for supreme rune of holding.

* Legendary collection start unlock needs mastery and a few golds and karma ( 5g + 10k karma... not a big deal ).



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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> as long as it only asks laurels and not yet another currency.......Anet loves to make millions of them and it's getting really annoying.


Usually laurel vendors also require gold for more high-end purchases like the ones I suggest and in case of WvW consumables, Badges of Honor. I think that is fair.

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