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I think everyone can agree that Debi Derryberry is (STILL) the best VA in this game. [Spoilers]


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When I heard this scary Taimi's voice in Daybreak I was so frightened!! "He's coming!"!!!


When I listened to Taimi while she was imprisoned in Scruffy 2.0 and was about to die, I felt like Debi was in the same situation!!


@"Gaile Gray.6029" If you have any contact with Debi, please tell her- she is outstanding, absolutely brilliant!


I just felt it all over my body... WOW I'd have never thought that I'd be so scared! And that is all thanks Debi Derryberry!


Good job!


edit: added "still"

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I love Taimi and agree she nails _Taimi_'s voice perfectly, especially in this episode.


On the other hand, I hate hate hate Braham at this point but am forced to give his VA props. [sam Riegel](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sam_Riegel) does so well in making Braham the emo-queen he has become (complete with the "it's all about me, isn't it?" attitude). And, he's also the voice for some completely different personalities:

* Everyone's favorite capitalist Evon Gnashblade,

* HoHo Tron's least favorite minstrel, Marcello DiGiacomo

* Braham's favorite frog, Tizzlak

* Not to mention countless Djinni, guards in the Primeval Tombs ("you'll pay for this"), and many many other anonymous NPCs


(I blame the director for instruction Riegel to make Braham such a ... we need a better hero, don't we?)


PS the other supporting role actors also cover lots of other roles, some well, some... not so much. Derryberry voices Belinda Delaqua (Jory's sister), Valette Wi, and countless anons. Sumalee Montano (Jory) has her voice all over LS4.1. And oh my Steve Blum has Rytlock *and* Phlunt.


tl;dr love Taimi & Derrberry. And the game also has a ton of other VA talent.

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Debi Derryberry is a fantastic voice actress with a long resume. Her performance as Taimi is always on spot and perfectly conveys the personality of the character. I always enjoy hearing her. So please, @Gaile Gray.6029, if you can manage this, have Debi know that her work is simply awesome.

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Oh yeah I was genuinely concerned about my small asuran friend, which is why I could by no means take a break between those story instances.

I am one of the few that doesn't hate Braham (entirely.... yet) but I did want to slap some sense into him when he blamed me for Taimi being in danger.... like I care about her too you big dimwit.

I do hope he comes around eventually and redeems himself. He is just in a phase.... right...

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> I don't know who does the voice, but I've always loved the male Norn VA.


> In dialogue, the combat sounds are less than stellar (but I've grown numb to being annoyed by them, LOL).


Matt Mercer. Same guy who voices McCree in Overwatch.


He's fantastic.

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I can't agree to this simply because there's way too many talented people not limited to the following people providing voices in this game


Crispin Freeman, Matt Mercer, John DiMaggio, Steve Blum, Sam Riegel, Paul Edding, Tara Strong etc....


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I'm not a Canach fan but whoever does his voice is 100x better.

Pretty sure that's John DiMaggio (aka Bender from Futurama and Reaper in Overwatch)


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This game has a lot of great VA talent working behind the scenes. I don't know if Debi Derryberry is my favorite, but she's excellent. Taimi's lines in the new living world episode were delivered so well. It sounds silly, but to me it was almost like hearing an actual terrified child; it even gave me a real (but quickly over) feeling of dread and frustration at not being able to help.

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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> This game has a lot of great VA talent working behind the scenes. I don't know if Debi Derryberry is my favorite, but she's excellent. Taimi's lines in the new living world episode were delivered so well. It sounds silly, but to me it was almost like hearing an actual terrified child; it even gave me a real (but quickly over) feeling of dread and frustration at not being able to help.


This - I thought the voice acting came pretty close to giving the player the same “Panicked” debuff that the PC gets during the penultimate instance.

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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> This game has a lot of great VA talent working behind the scenes. I don't know if Debi Derryberry is my favorite, but she's excellent. Taimi's lines in the new living world episode were delivered so well. It sounds silly, but to me it was almost like hearing an actual terrified child; it even gave me a real (but quickly over) feeling of dread and frustration at not being able to help.


The worst (i.e. best) moment was when she digressed into worrying about why the countdown went from 75% to 70%. That was totally genius asura in panic mode, worrying about absolutely the wrong thing

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> I can't agree to this simply because there's way too many talented people not limited to the following people providing voices in this game


> Crispin Freeman, Matt Mercer, John DiMaggio, Steve Blum, Sam Riegel, Paul Edding, Tara Strong etc....


> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > I'm not a Canach fan but whoever does his voice is 100x better.

> Pretty sure that's John DiMaggio (aka Bender from Futurama and Reaper in Overwatch)



Keith Ferguson is the VA for Reaper.

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> @Lome.8239 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > I'm not a Canach fan but whoever does his voice is 100x better.

> > Pretty sure that's John DiMaggio (aka Bender from Futurama and Reaper in Overwatch)

> >


> Keith Ferguson is the VA for Reaper.


So he is, got them mixed up for some reason. Either way John does voice Canach and Bender.

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> @Arden.7480 said:

> When I heard this scary Taimi's voice in Daybreak I was so frightened!! "He's coming!"!!!


> When I listened to Taimi while she was imprisoned in Scruffy 2.0 and was about to die, I felt like Debi was in the same situation!!


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" If you have any contact with Debi, please tell her- she is outstanding, absolutely brilliant!


> I just felt it all over my body... WOW I'd have never thought that I'd be so scared! And that is all thanks Debi Derryberry!


> Good job!

That whole scene was kind of a carbon copy from ls2 where you and Braham save Taimi. It was the same voice acting, tone, etc...she did then. I mean it was ok...but it felt like such a repeat. It bothered me through the whole thing.

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I'd rather forget it! My chest went cold when we had to survive Scruffy's barrage. I was starting to panic, myself. That was too good a job for my heart to handle...I second that it sounded like a real child in danger. That didn't have to be on an actual timer for me to rush.


I could say the same about most of them. There's always a slight edge in Caithe's voice that betrays her sadness. I can piece the female sylvari's growth by her voice, from the carefree sapling to the overburdened Commander. I miss hearing Zojja's snarky one, the equal snark in Canach's doesn't fill the void. Anise's sultry tone~ It was fun listening to those two banter in season 2.

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I can't stand her voice! I absolutely hate her VA, she's utter annoying with her dumb speeches, always and I mean **always** ruining every story episode because of her ''_OH HEY COMMANDER, *BBBRRRZZ* HA-HA I LOVE YOUR SARCASM, SCRUFFY AND I ARE THE BEST HIHIHI *BBBBRRRRR* -TAIMI OUT_''


No thank you.

During the LS4 ending I was hoping and kept wishing Taimi would've been sufficated inside of her golem and died, SADLY she managed to survive. :angry: I was literally waiting to see if the oxygen would go down if you didn't do anything about it, lmao

Urrrgh, hate her voice so much, :rage:

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> @Alga.6498 said:

> I can't stand her voice! I absolutely hate her VA, she's utter annoying with her kitten speeches, always and I mean **always** ruining every story episode because of her ''_OH HEY COMMANDER, *BBBRRRZZ* HA-HA I LOVE YOUR SARCASM, SCRUFFY AND I ARE THE BEST HIHIHI *BBBBRRRRR* -TAIMI OUT_''


> No thank you.

> During the LS4 ending I was hoping and kept wishing Taimi would've been sufficated inside of her golem and died, SADLY she managed to survive. :angry: I was literally waiting to see if the oxygen would go down if you didn't do anything about it, lmao

> Urrrgh, hate her voice so much, :rage:


You're awesome.

Don't need scruffy as that wasn't sarcasm.


> waiting to see if the oxygen would go down if you didn't do anything about it, lmao

I'm sure quite a few did.

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Taimi's voice actress is very talented indeed.


I just hate the character. I was hoping she would die. I hope she will go away trying to deal with how it's her fault that Joko had access to a lot of asura gates and so could send his army to Tyria, killing who knows how many people, just because Taimi was too weak and afraid of death. She should have set her golem to self destruct and incinerated herself, so the only thing Joko had to awaken would have been dust.


The next episode appears to be all kinds of fun, between Braham and Taimi being at the center of the plot.

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I loved what she did with Taimi's voice in the last two story instances. I genuinely felt urgency/pressure to go and help her asap.


I always liked Taimi (even though she treats my ->ASURA<- like an idiot when she's explaining things). I can be put quite easily into "defend that somewhat annoying but yet helpless brat mode" when it comes to her -> but this just felt so much worse than e.g. when she got attacked by Aetherblades in Dry Top - but in a good way.


I caught myself repeatedly checking whether there was some kind of timer/indicator for the oxygen levels during the fight and even though there wasn't I rushed - a lot - just to get her out of there. When it was over I immediately checked on her before even considering to talk to the rest of the group. So I guess this can indeed be called a job well done.


Still, I somewhat hope that this "near death experience" affects Taimi's character in some way or form and maybe brings her down to earth a bit - her attitude was a tad too much for a while now.

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_~ignores the three haters in the previous comments~_


I finally got to finish this last night and I, too, felt the urge to rush to her aid, starting with her initial pleas during the previous fight. I was becoming frantic and not very careful during the countdown fight as it went on. Hooo boy!


I was bonding with her so hard afterwards.

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