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Just bought 120$ in gems last night


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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > Point of this thread...?


> the world is too cynical these days, its nice to see someone feeling proud and getting pleasure from investing in the game we all love.


Agreed. With how cynical everyone is these days, it's all too easy for the more sadistic among us to take advantage of that.


and that's why i remain content and happy - someone else can be cynical for me while i take my vacation and live stress-free.

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> @Seaunicorn.9317 said:

> My thumbs up to OP. It's always good to see people supporting the game, in their own small/big way to ensure gw2 runs free of subscriptions or in-game ads (Canach selling us Veggie Pizza from a certain conglomerate - after every boss fight!)


"I'm hungry, i'm going to grab a pizza from (insert company here). Coming Commander, or is the mighty Godslayer too good to eat with the rest of us petty mortals?"

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > the world is too cynical these days, its nice to see someone feeling proud and getting pleasure from investing in the game we all love.

> >

> > Right?

> >

> > I have my arguments with GW2. Many, many arguments, but I won't deter someone who genuinely enjoys it. @"Justine.6351", thanks for your contribution. :+1:

> >

> >

> >


> yep same here, im an elementalist/mage at heart, but in GW2 it seems to be that ranged spellcaster = play like a hyperactive yoda, but thats a different story, still love the game, warts n all :)


I really have to agree with the warts and all statement. It's impossible to satisfy everyone and there are times I've been upset, (I'm talking to you 60ish keys and no backpiece/glider combo I REALLY wanted to name my most recent experience), but that being so it's a great game and a huge breadth of content and I'm still playing and have and will continue to do so. Especially with how things have been going since LWS3 started.

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> @Tkosh.1923 said:

> I knew the micro transactions could be worse than a Wow subscription! You can easily spend way more a month here lol.

Like you don't have microtransactions in WoW next to the subscription fee...


And microtransactions are way better than a subscription. I have never paid a single cent for this game apart from the base game as it is absolutely unneccessary for me. With a subscription fee, I wouldn't be able to do that. Not to mention here the microtransactions are purely cosmetical, and you can buy literally everything with gold as well (I have a few gemstore purchases which I bought with gold exchange for fun)

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