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Bots in pvp?


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me and a team mate killed someone and they said we had bots in are team i thought she was just making up an excuse why she lost. that got me to thinking this is not the first time someone has said that on losing teams even when my team has lost someone has cried bot. i skipped last season but the season before that i never heard that. people just rage about other things. so i have to ask have bots entered pvp at some point for this to even be a thing to say? i almost said it after a loss because i have seen it in chat so many times just to see what its like but everytime i go to type it it just sounds childish

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About a week ago, a friend of mine duo'd with me in ranked and we somehow ended up going against a team that had 4 bots on it.




They all ran together in the same exact line. My buddy somehow figured out how to trip a glitch on them by running around a fence. He owned home point while 3 of them just followed him as he ran in a right circle and they wouldn't attack.


What's even more surprising (and suspicious) is that the bots weren't in a party together.

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Yes there is an infamous bot already but we aren’t allowed to “shame” it on the forum (but how can one shame something with no feelings?)


It’s somewhat efficient because it plays a lower skill floor yet very effective entry level-ish spec.


Aside from bots, I’ve seen speed hacks and teleport hacks but just don’t bother reporting because nothing will be done anyways.

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> @zoopop.5630 said:

> > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > This should be handled now, I just initiated a wave that should clean this out. Please do keep reporting them, we are always watching.

> > ![](http://i.imgur.com/MAw3OOS.gif "")

> >


> why do i find this hard to believe it was noting more then sarcasm ?


Because up until now, they've allowed bots to run rampant for so long despite overwhelming evidence from numerous topics containing video footage and screenshots. Then all of a sudden, someone initiates a ban that somehow manages to discriminate botted accounts with no basis or evidence? If it's that easy to do, then why not perform this housekeeping for PvP/WvW more often?

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> @SaltyDogs.9073 said:

> > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > This should be handled now, I just initiated a wave that should clean this out. Please do keep reporting them, we are always watching.

> > ![](http://i.imgur.com/MAw3OOS.gif "")

> >


> How are you determining what is and isn't a bot? Does this purge ban the account tied to the bot?


Well he will obviously not answer that question lol


If he told that to everyone then the same people using bots will just adjust their algorithm to avoid those search methods.

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Need to know if they are perm bans on the accounts or just a slap wirsts moment like when the trolls who match manipulate just got a laugh off "ban" after ruining seasons worth of pvp for thousands. If it's a slight wrist slap ban then nothing will change and they will be back like the match manipulation trolls.

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> @Zlater.6789 said:

> > @SaltyDogs.9073 said:

> > > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > > This should be handled now, I just initiated a wave that should clean this out. Please do keep reporting them, we are always watching.

> > > ![](http://i.imgur.com/MAw3OOS.gif "")

> > >

> >

> > How are you determining what is and isn't a bot? Does this purge ban the account tied to the bot?


> Well he will obviously not answer that question lol


> If he told that to everyone then the same people using bots will just adjust their algorithm to avoid those search methods.


That sounds like something a _bot user_ would say to me...

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> @SaltyDogs.9073 said:

> > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > This should be handled now, I just initiated a wave that should clean this out. Please do keep reporting them, we are always watching.

> > ![](http://i.imgur.com/MAw3OOS.gif "")

> >


> How are you determining what is and isn't a bot? Does this purge ban the account tied to the bot?


Yes, technically it bans the account.

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