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Observing AT‘s


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Why are we still not able to observe AT’s and why are streamers allowed to do so?

But even more why can’t we get a tournament bracket like this one? This would be so much more convenient and it‘s kinda already in the game. Please change the tournament tree finally and if you don’t want us to observe the games at least give us the ability to see all players who are in a team when clicking on a team in the bracket

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> @Xibalbar.7459 said:

> I would also take a look, but i guess its better for high numbers in twitch to lure new players into the game. If its a closed club it makes no sence in all. I understand the idea behind.

I really don’t think that this is the reason or idea behind it…

I don’t get how they don’t see how impactful that would be for pvp. People would spectate games and see from first person perspective how good players play.

Not everyone’s class has a good/regular streamer.

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Supposedly we can't match observer due to technical limitation.

On this note, i would pay for xpac/pvp add-on that would add all the nice pvp related features that everyone asks for (see build templates) and finally separates pvp class balance from pve and p2win tactics of Anet.

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I would love to be able to spectate tournaments. The only issue I can see aside from technical limitations would be the possibility of cheating by having voice com's with someone spectating the enemy team. I've heard of people suggesting a delay on spectating, just not sure if that would be enough.

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You can only fit a few spectators into a PvP match, and spectators currently are held to an ethical standard, can't spectate those who didn't consent, or in any tourney you're participating in.


AT's would be rife with cheating and the technical limitations are stronk right now.


Probably no public spectating ever, twitch.tv via streamers is how the monthlies get streamed and viewed by all. If ArenaNet worked on an ingame delayed feed of tournies, what would they forego creating for us?

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> You can only fit a few spectators into a PvP match, and spectators currently are held to an ethical standard, can't spectate those who didn't consent, or in any tourney you're participating in.


> AT's would be rife with cheating and the technical limitations are stronk right now.


> Probably no public spectating ever, twitch.tv via streamers is how the monthlies get streamed and viewed by all. If ArenaNet worked on an ingame delayed feed of tournies, what would they forego creating for us?


Come on Chaith lol. What do they create for us now. Sadly you are right but its a pathetic right because they do so little for the spvp community at a super slow pace. They would be stretching tiny resources even further.

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> You can only fit a few spectators into a PvP match, and spectators currently are held to an ethical standard, can't spectate those who didn't consent, or in any tourney you're participating in.


> AT's would be rife with cheating and the technical limitations are stronk right now.


> Probably no public spectating ever, twitch.tv via streamers is how the monthlies get streamed and viewed by all. If ArenaNet worked on an ingame delayed feed of tournies, what would they forego creating for us?


What are the technical limitations? It worked in the original GW with delay, and lol as if pvp even gets content anyway but true this would actually get the pvp team off their asses instead of chilling in the break room all day laughing at forum posts.

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> @Shaogin.2679 said:

> Yeah, it would probably interrupt our frequent balance patches.


> @brannigan.9831 said:

> Come on Chaith lol. What do they create for us now.


+1 Internet cool points by sneering at things :tired_face:



> Sadly you are right but its a pathetic right because they do so little for the spvp community at a super slow pace. They would be stretching tiny resources even further.


Yep. Ben P. has stated recently that while there's no PvP overhaul coming, there are some improvements in the pipeline.



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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> You can only fit a few spectators into a PvP match, and spectators currently are held to an ethical standard, can't spectate those who didn't consent, or in any tourney you're participating in.


> AT's would be rife with cheating and the technical limitations are stronk right now.


> Probably no public spectating ever, twitch.tv via streamers is how the monthlies get streamed and viewed by all. If ArenaNet worked on an ingame delayed feed of tournies, what would they forego creating for us?


Can't be that hard. GW1 had delayed rebroadcasts years ago for halls. Lots of people would watch those matches.

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> You can only fit a few spectators into a PvP match, and spectators currently are held to an ethical standard, can't spectate those who didn't consent, or in any tourney you're participating in.


> AT's would be rife with cheating and the technical limitations are stronk right now.


> Probably no public spectating ever, twitch.tv via streamers is how the monthlies get streamed and viewed by all. If ArenaNet worked on an ingame delayed feed of tournies, what would they forego creating for us?


I know youre trolling but you gotta admit the timeline graph is the greatest thing to grace this esports game

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> > @Shaogin.2679 said:

> > Yeah, it would probably interrupt our frequent balance patches.


> > @brannigan.9831 said:

> > Come on Chaith lol. What do they create for us now.


> +1 Internet cool points by sneering at things :tired_face:



> > Sadly you are right but its a pathetic right because they do so little for the spvp community at a super slow pace. They would be stretching tiny resources even further.


> Yep. Ben P. has stated recently that while there's no PvP overhaul coming, there are some improvements in the pipeline.




i wouldn't hold my hopes for "improvements" for the PvP community , you and I both know most the times these so called "improvements" are made they end up actually hurting the game more. If these so called bots/hacks don't ever get resolved for Spvp/WvW then i don't see the point in making any improvements at all.


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