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LS Season 4 - Is the story a complete joke now? [Spoilers]


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Overall I enjoyed the story although there were things that bothered me.

Brahams entrance scene was one of them, when the ceiling came crashing down I knew what was coming and then he proceded to act as if we were to blame for literally everything that went wrong in his life, then at some point we where at that console and could hear taimi explain how to open the "wall". Our dear friend of course, beeing very useful, started to hit the wall with his mace. Very good Braham, I don't know what I'd do without you, oh wait, I would have one person less who keeps blaming me for whatever reason. Rox unfortunatly didn't have much dialogue.

And then there was Rytlock, since he turned into a "Revenant" he somehow lost everything that made him Rytlock... He didn't hesitate to jump into a rift to get back sohothin but then he came back and is suddenly afraid of everything and keeps telling Canach to hurry up because apparently we can't hold off the enemies much longer. Didn't he use to enjoy a good fight? What happened. Not to mention that the enemies in the Story didn't really put up much of a fight at all.

It's kinda sad that Taimi seems to have the most fighting spirit out of the whole gang, I love Taimi for her enthusiasm, everyone else seems like they're just waiting for a reason to leave or dodge a fight, except Braham, Braham is Braham, he doesn't know what he is doing... and if he does than thats even worse...

We really could use a Norn/Charr with some more enthusiasm, someone who enjoys saving the world at any cost and not a bunch of super cool emo kids that like to play some sort of reserved super hero.

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I can see why people hate Taimi. I used to love her, but this is getting a bit too much - especially that "poke the commander" thing, yes. I'm fine with Canach and others, tho. Their sence of humour is more sarcastic, ironic, and it fits the situation, I see that more like an attempt to bring down the tension in the squad.

I can't agree with you, tho. I cancelled my WoW sub because I couldn't stand this - everyone dying, everything is so serious, even "fun" events are filled with death, war and suffering. I've had enough of it irl. And since HoT went out I'm actually starting to get worried. it all goes the same direction - Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, commanders death... Those figthts with Balthazar, where they always make you feel you're all alone facing this whole madness.

Game should be... an adventure. It doesn't mean it should become all soft or filled to the top with silly things, nor it should be all drama and nothing else.

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> @Harper.4173 said:


> More and more the story feels more and more like a sitcom but without the laughter track.


I agree with you 100%, the script writing is terrible, I cant even listen to it anymore, I was hoping that Taimi would die when she was captured so that it would be one less fail comedian I would have to deal with.

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> keeps telling Canach to hurry up


Yeah because stopping to enjoy the fight is totally in-character for Rytlock when Taimi's in the potential hands of a demented lich. People are aware of how sick Joko is, as they said in the recording. "You can die and then give me the information. The order does not matter."


Rytlock wasn't in a huge rush other than to save the crystallized civilians during the attack on Amnoon. He's still very much a fighter but it's in character for him to not savour a fight when lives are on the line.


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Yeah, let's clone Braham a million times and use him to replace all the other characters, that should be popular with the people who don't want the game to be fun.


I have baggage on the subject. I used to play a game that was a light-hearted comedy with lots of dumb humor and entertaining adventures. Then people started whining on the forum that it was too 'immature' and that unless it got more serious they would quit. Small indy company that listened to the griping. So it went from a comedy adventure to stories about slaughtering baby dragons that had been infected with a virus, and killing someone's lover in front of them because the bad guy had taken over their brain, and enemy turncoats feeling sorry for themselves at you as they sent you out to kill their former buddies.


That's why I'm playing Guild Wars 2 instead of a formerly fun game where I paid for years in advance of premium subscription. I still have over a year's membership paid over there, in case I ever want to wade through emo. So, thanks, but I will fight tooth and nail to keep Guild Wars 2 funny.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> The only story I've done so far was Human up until the mother tree, the Asuran's level 10 story with 2 different krewes, and PoF.


> Not a single one of them was serious or dark or gritty.


> Humans you either start off with Faren stealing your stuff to use it to throw you a party and then laughing off being captured... or as he said "Help! Murder! Mayhem!" and leading to rescuing people and joking about want to have sex with random girls that the rescuers might know.

> Or you're a commoner that have to help the people and the whole "someone's doing something sneaky behind the scenes" is done for laughs and even when everyone is set in disguise for the ending... it was jokes all around.

> Or you're a street-rat and Quinn whole situation was a joke right from waking up with a headache by telling the priestess to check their belongings as he might've robbed them and whether I decide to save him... people make jokes about being sick or... people make jokes about finding one half of him in the road and the other half in the fountain.


> For the human part it really doesn't get much better.... OH and I should state at least for humans, the way I rescue slaves for certain renown hearts is by holding a gun to their head and them thanking me. I'm sure that's not story related but... can't take it seriously either.


> From all forms of the Asura story I've done, not a single moment was serious. It was comical jokes from the beginning all the way to the end of it for the 2 level 10 story versions I've done.


> I do have to say that most of the characters I like try to usually be serious at certain times and make subtle jokes at other times.


The early story is less serious because it is part of a build-up. Things turn much darker and grimmer as GW2's core story progresses. Later on you have some very dark moments - the death of your mentor is one and it was a well done sequence. For me it meant something - and I didn't even choose Tybalt.

The point i'm trying to make is that it might be okay for the story to be light hearted if it's dealing with minor stuff early on - but if the stakes are as high as they are in PoF or in Episode 4 of the Living World - then I'd expect something a bit different.



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> @Maybe.7180 said:

> I can see why people hate Taimi. I used to love her, but this is getting a bit too much - especially that "poke the commander" thing, yes. I'm fine with Canach and others, tho. Their sence of humour is more sarcastic, ironic, and it fits the situation, I see that more like an attempt to bring down the tension in the squad.

> I can't agree with you, tho. I cancelled my WoW sub because I couldn't stand this - everyone dying, everything is so serious, even "fun" events are filled with death, war and suffering. I've had enough of it irl. And since HoT went out I'm actually starting to get worried. it all goes the same direction - Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, commanders death... Those figthts with Balthazar, where they always make you feel you're all alone facing this whole madness.

> Game should be... an adventure. It doesn't mean it should become all soft or filled to the top with silly things, nor it should be all drama and nothing else.


I've seen a similar sentiment expressed by many posters above. Especially mentioning IRL issues. Where exactly do you guys live? What's your daily life like that you can't stand these things in video games?

I mean - most of you I assume live in the western world - the best place to be this day and age. What's made you so traumatized that you can't stand virtual death, suffering and strife? Is the distinction between real and imaginary too blurred?

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> @Cuddy.6247 said:

> > @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > keeps telling Canach to hurry up


> Yeah because stopping to enjoy the fight is totally in-character for Rytlock when Taimi's in the potential hands of a demented lich. People are aware of how sick Joko is, as they said in the recording. "You can die and then give me the information. The order does not matter."


> Rytlock wasn't in a huge rush other than to save the crystallized civilians during the attack on Amnoon. He's still very much a fighter but it's in character for him to not savour a fight when lives are on the line.



The point is - given that the situation is so dire - I would expect them to be more quiet. Canach is well aware of what's going on as well. He doesn't need to be told to go faster every 5 minutes because he's not an idiot. I don't expect him to savor the fight - but I do expect an experienced soldier to shut up and not whine every 5 minutes because he knows Canach and he knows Canach understands the stakes and he's doing all he can.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Yeah, let's clone Braham a million times and use him to replace all the other characters, that should be popular with the people who don't want the game to be fun.


> I have baggage on the subject. I used to play a game that was a light-hearted comedy with lots of kitten humor and entertaining adventures. Then people started whining on the forum that it was too 'immature' and that unless it got more serious they would quit. Small indy company that listened to the griping. So it went from a comedy adventure to stories about slaughtering baby dragons that had been infected with a virus, and killing someone's lover in front of them because the bad guy had taken over their brain, and enemy turncoats feeling sorry for themselves at you as they sent you out to kill their former buddies.


> That's why I'm playing Guild Wars 2 instead of a formerly fun game where I paid for years in advance of premium subscription. I still have over a year's membership paid over there, in case I ever want to wade through emo. So, thanks, but I will fight tooth and nail to keep Guild Wars 2 funny.


You misunderstand me - Braham is poorly done. He's unrealistic even. I wouldn't want him to be "cloned". Just because they're incapable of creating a proper character that's upset doesn't mean that all dark/gritty ideas are bad by default.

I like the game you mentioned - I feel that some of those ideas would be pretty good. I get why you don't like them - but I do.

When people don't like something about the game they complain on the forums (which is what I'm doing). Can't please everyone - but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to influence Anet to make the game more appealing to me and those who see things like myself.


After all - GW2 has changed before - we've had more gear added, we've had raids added, we've had a lot of things changed from the original vision thanks to the forums. I would absolutely love a darker tone. Fight me if you must - I won't hold it against you.

Also - what is it with people not being able to distinguish between a game and real life? How does the game affect you IRL? Can you not separate the two?


**Another point is - the game can be funny and serious too - just at different times. It needs to be serious when things get serious and it can be funny later on. But don't mix them up improperly. **

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> @Harper.4173 said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > Yeah, let's clone Braham a million times and use him to replace all the other characters, that should be popular with the people who don't want the game to be fun.

> >

> > I have baggage on the subject. I used to play a game that was a light-hearted comedy with lots of kitten humor and entertaining adventures. Then people started whining on the forum that it was too 'immature' and that unless it got more serious they would quit. Small indy company that listened to the griping. So it went from a comedy adventure to stories about slaughtering baby dragons that had been infected with a virus, and killing someone's lover in front of them because the bad guy had taken over their brain, and enemy turncoats feeling sorry for themselves at you as they sent you out to kill their former buddies.

> >

> > That's why I'm playing Guild Wars 2 instead of a formerly fun game where I paid for years in advance of premium subscription. I still have over a year's membership paid over there, in case I ever want to wade through emo. So, thanks, but I will fight tooth and nail to keep Guild Wars 2 funny.


> You misunderstand me - Braham is poorly done. He's unrealistic even. I wouldn't want him to be "cloned". Just because they're incapable of creating a proper character that's upset doesn't mean that all dark/gritty ideas are bad by default.

> I like the game you mentioned - I feel that some of those ideas would be pretty good. I get why you don't like them - but I do.

> When people don't like something about the game they complain on the forums (which is what I'm doing). Can't please everyone - but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to influence Anet to make the game more appealing to me and those who see things like myself.


> After all - GW2 has changed before - we've had more gear added, we've had raids added, we've had a lot of things changed from the original vision thanks to the forums. I would absolutely love a darker tone. Fight me if you must - I won't hold it against you.

> Also - what is it with people not being able to distinguish between a game and real life? How does the game affect you IRL? Can you not separate the two?


> **Another point is - the game can be funny and serious too - just at different times. It needs to be serious when things get serious and it can be funny later on. But don't mix them up improperly. **


Yes, you have the right to complain on the forums, and I have the right to oppose your opinion. (Which is what I am doing.)


I am not sure how you feel that I am confusing a game and real life. I enjoy the game because it's funny and entertaining, and you are asking the developers to decrease the aspects of the game I enjoy most.


I feel that the game is already funny and serious, too. And that the current balance doesn't need to be changed.

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As someone who uses humor to deflect serious situations and cover the fact that I actually have no idea what I am going to do and am actually probably panicking internally... I can actually relate to the quips... **especially** Taimi's at the end there. If I just nearly died, but somehow managed to make it out alive, expect a badly formulated and inappropriate joke at my own expense. It's how I'll keep from just breaking down on the spot and lets me move on to what needs to be done.


That said, there is definitely something to be said about **too** much Bathos in writing.

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> @Harper.4173 said:

> > @Maybe.7180 said:

> > I can see why people hate Taimi. I used to love her, but this is getting a bit too much - especially that "poke the commander" thing, yes. I'm fine with Canach and others, tho. Their sence of humour is more sarcastic, ironic, and it fits the situation, I see that more like an attempt to bring down the tension in the squad.

> > I can't agree with you, tho. I cancelled my WoW sub because I couldn't stand this - everyone dying, everything is so serious, even "fun" events are filled with death, war and suffering. I've had enough of it irl. And since HoT went out I'm actually starting to get worried. it all goes the same direction - Eir, Trahearne, Vlast, commanders death... Those figthts with Balthazar, where they always make you feel you're all alone facing this whole madness.

> > Game should be... an adventure. It doesn't mean it should become all soft or filled to the top with silly things, nor it should be all drama and nothing else.


> I've seen a similar sentiment expressed by many posters above. Especially mentioning IRL issues. Where exactly do you guys live? What's your daily life like that you can't stand these things in video games?

> I mean - most of you I assume live in the western world - the best place to be this day and age. What's made you so traumatized that you can't stand virtual death, suffering and strife? Is the distinction between real and imaginary too blurred?


In this economy, living in the West is no guarantee that you haven't had problems... and there's a lot of tragedy in the news even for people who aren't experiencing it firsthand.


> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I don't really care about the story.

> It's nothing special but hey, it's a mmo so whatever.


> I tried to afk in a safe place during the fight with Taimi, but oxygen lvl was stable for about 5 mins.

> Disappointed.


Strictly speaking, the oxygen level probably dropped too fast to begin with. Being in a sealed, confined space like that probably isn't healthy, but it would probably take quite some time for someone to start experiencing hypoxia, let alone suffocate. Particularly since there's still a fair amount of oxygen in what the typical person breathes out (this is how mouth-to-mouth works, after all...)


> @Sojourner.4621 said:

> As someone who uses humor to deflect serious situations and cover the fact that I actually have no idea what I am going to do and am actually probably panicking internally... I can actually relate to the quips... **especially** Taimi's at the end there. If I just nearly died, but somehow managed to make it out alive, expect a badly formulated and inappropriate joke at my own expense. It's how I'll keep from just breaking down on the spot and lets me move on to what needs to be done.


> That said, there is definitely something to be said about **too** much Bathos in writing.


And this is pretty much what I was thinking.


People who are in traumatic circumstances - particularly traumatic circumstances that are drawn out for a long period of time - often do develop something of a "if I don't laugh at this I'm going to break down" response. You commonly see this in things like the banter of soldiers in wartime and so on. There are, in fact, theories that this is one of the evolutionary origins of humour in the first place: as a form of stress relief.


So, to me, the odd one-liner actually fits with the overall dark tone of the story even as it appears to lighten it - because it's not just lightening it for _us,_ it's also lightening it for the characters themselves, who need to be able to laugh at the situation every so often or risk having an emotional breakdown. Braham, in fact, might well be a good example of what happens to someone who goes through all that and who isn't able to stop and laugh at it every so often.

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I could do with less of the snark and the "funny" one-liners for sure. And less condescension and insults from the NPCs, which LS3 was full of and which was one reason why I hated the LS3 story so much, though the maps and some of the background lore were fun.


I have a feeling that the writers looked at Canach's popularity and thought "more like that would be even better then". Except what works for one character does not work for everyone, and what makes one character stand out will just fade into samey-same muck if everyone tries to out-sneer and out-deadpan each other.

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In all honesty, people in high stress jobs, such as paramedics, soldiers etc, are cracking jokes all the time. I have friends of both and they tell me stories of how they're cracking quiet, sarcastic or dark humor jokes while working on a dead body etc. all the time to deal with the stress and distance themselves emotionally. Soldiers facing death and war all the time should be like that whenever there is a moment to catch a breath.. so maybe it's not the frequency. BUT I also felt most of the lines were a bit on the childish end. Understandably we have a range of players but I think most players I've encountered are 20s or at least 18 and above nowadays. The humor can be more witty, slightly darker, and grittier, without being inappropriate, to be immersive

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I personally enjoy the characters diverse personalities, but i'm also someone who's very prone to sarcasm and dark humor in stressful situations IRL. Its a legitimate way to cope or relieve tension.


>@takatsu.9416 said:

>Understandably we have a range of players but I think most players I've encountered are 20s or at least 18 and above nowadays. The humor can be more witty, slightly darker, and grittier, without being inappropriate, to be immersive


I mean, isn't Taimi 16-ish or so? Its kinda fitting for her humor to be that way. Rytlock has the gruff/gritty stereotype covered anyway, he just wasn't under the spotlight in that episode.


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Yes, the writing could be better. Yes, it's a bit eye rolling at times. Yes, the characters have gotten more 2 dimensional. But it's not terrible and it could be worse. But there's a fundamental issue I'd like to bring up that is core to GW2 and why the storytelling has gotten worse, and it has nothing to do with the writers.


We, as players, are disconnected from the characters due to the mechanics of the game. This is because we are literally very far away from them. They've gotten rid of the cut scenes with 2 people talking in 1/4 profile. That had decent animation and forced us to see their expressions. They've also gotten rid of almost all cinematic, which also had close ups. The story telling now is all in game meaning we are high above them. The characters have very little animation. Even if we zoom in as far as possible, it's still too far and the characters are just animating their mouths and using emots. Either that, or they use dialogue bubbles.


What this all means, is that we don't identify with them. It's been known since the dawn of cinema the importance of the close-up. While you need characters that are identifiable, the close-up does a great amount of work to force this. This trend of not using in game cinematics as much started with LS2 and very prevalent now. This is massively hurting the story telling regardless of how good or bad it may be.

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