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Missing Keys from the Wallet

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I didn't see any threads like this up just yet, and I wanted to compile a list of keys (or key-like items) that weren't included in the wallet.


I don't want to include Fractal Encryption Keys, Black Lion Chest Keys or the golden version in this list because they don't open an in-world chest like the crowbars/chak acid/etc, they open items that are also in the inventory with them.


So far what I've noticed missing is:


Ancient Asuran Power Sources

Completed Aetherkeys

Key of Greater Nightmares

Treasure Hunting Kits (not sure how we'd be able to use them if they were stored, but they fall under the rule so *shrug*)

Silverwastes Shovels (similar to the Treasure Hunting Kits)


Let me know if I'm missing any others.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Ancient Asuran Power Source, Treasure Hunting Kit and Silverwastes Shovel are all consumables you need to activate, they're not spent by interacting with something in the open world.


> Completed Aetherkeys and the Key of Greater Nightmares though both could stand to be added.


The Nightmares one indeed.

Not sure about Aetherkeys if would be worth the shot.

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