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Locking New Legendaries Behind Raids


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> @zealex.9410 said:

> And excuse me but the lvls of toxicity i see from the "friendly, casual, solo gaming" community whenever they cant get something just by afk aa or its locked in lootboxes disgusts me more than anything any delusional raider could put out.


So much this.

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> @CHAO.7956 said:

> I can't believe this is still an issue. No one is locked out from raids, being locked out would be like if anet literally would not let you join raids because your from Ohio. You CAN do raids, you just don't WANT to. That is not being locked out. I personally had no interest in raids for over a year, then the legendary armor came out. Guess what, I liked the look of it so I decided to get into raids. Before that I played pretty much only wvw, pve was boring to me. I wanted Astralaria, crafting Astralaria requires doing a LOT of HoT pve. I was not locked out of pve, I didn't WANT to do pve. But guess what, I also wanted Astralaria, so I put on my big boy panties and did the pve I did not want to do because I wanted Astralaria. I now have Astralaria and have no regrets because I put in the work for something I wanted, even if it was boring along the way.


> So get over yourselves. Honestly, if someone like me who only wanted to play wvw can branch out to pve and to raids to get items I want so can you.


Spamming the same stuff on every raid topic don't make it true. You just refuse to see different perspectives.


Don't wanna WvW? Can still hop on it anytime you want. Same for fractals, same for Open World stuff, same for PvP. And NOT for raids.

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> @Jukens.1693 said:

> > @CHAO.7956 said:

> > I can't believe this is still an issue. No one is locked out from raids, being locked out would be like if anet literally would not let you join raids because your from Ohio. You CAN do raids, you just don't WANT to. That is not being locked out. I personally had no interest in raids for over a year, then the legendary armor came out. Guess what, I liked the look of it so I decided to get into raids. Before that I played pretty much only wvw, pve was boring to me. I wanted Astralaria, crafting Astralaria requires doing a LOT of HoT pve. I was not locked out of pve, I didn't WANT to do pve. But guess what, I also wanted Astralaria, so I put on my big boy panties and did the pve I did not want to do because I wanted Astralaria. I now have Astralaria and have no regrets because I put in the work for something I wanted, even if it was boring along the way.

> >

> > So get over yourselves. Honestly, if someone like me who only wanted to play wvw can branch out to pve and to raids to get items I want so can you.


> Spamming the same stuff on every raid topic don't make it true. You just refuse to see different perspectives.


> Don't wanna WvW? Can still hop on it anytime you want. Same for fractals, same for Open World stuff, same for PvP. And NOT for raids.


And thats to beexpected, raids arent built to be ass accesible as other forms of content. But you bring wvw in the discussion and sure you can enter the map but gl getting into a zerg squad with a non meta class.

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> @Rysdude.3824 said:

> > @Spicy.2481 said:

> > Easy solution to any casual who wants the ring. Unlock the collection by doing escort(literally like an open world pve event.) Find a guy on the lfg after reset who is holding out a cleared instance of hall of chains for ppl to loot the chests either for free or for a small donation(ppl do this a ton for previous wings where you need collection items for legendary armor from "hidden chests"). Easy, you have now acquired all of the raid locked stuff for your legendary ring precursor, now go do some open world.


> Are you volunteering?



Volunteering for what exactly?

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> @zoomborg.9462 said:

> Lul freaking casuals complaining again. This topic has become a meme now, even Anet can't take the complaints srsly at this point.


Yah.. Bet Anet can't wait for them to take a stand and walk away in disgust leaving only the real players to enjoy this game in peace.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> > Lul freaking casuals complaining again. This topic has become a meme now, even Anet can't take the complaints srsly at this point.


> Yah.. Bet Anet can't wait for them to take a stand and walk away in disgust leaving only the real players to enjoy this game in peace.


Open world got an exclusive trinket a few months ago, why do they need another exclusive item now?

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For the record: I'm not a Raider; I mostly play WvW. (I tried raiding once when it eventually came out with HoT and found it wasn't really my thing at that time.) With that said, I don't mind that Anet throws the Raiders, whether a minority game mode or not, a **NEW SHINY** every once in a while. :smile: I think doing this for each game mode does a few cool things:


1. Shows that portion of the GW2 gaming community some love :love: by occasionally adding new exclusive items. It gives them a little _something special_ and another goal to achieve, and **this** makes a lot of players happy regardless of game mode IMO.

2. Gives an incentive to players that really don't play a particular game mode a reason to perhaps revisit it or give it a try anew (because, **MAN**... I want that **COOL, NEW SHINY** :sunglasses:)

3. It can provide new experiences and opportunity for a game mode's population to grow. Once you experience that mode, you may fall in love with it and never go back. (This happened to me with WvW 5 years ago. LOL! :blush:)


In the end, after 2 years, I'm glad Anet has not forgotten the Raiders. Even minorities deserve to have special things! :+1:



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> @"Rising Dusk.2408" said:

> All content should have further exclusive rewards, including legendaries, to justify continued playing of that content.


This is good. I don't play a lot of game modes because I either don't enjoy them or don't have reason to. Give me a reason to and I'll probably play them. I hardly ever play pvp (weird since I like wvw but they are different) but when the pvp legendary back-piece came out I got into it to get the back-piece. Anet spends a lot of time and energy making all these different game modes so of course they'd want to create incentive for people to want to try them all.


Bad things happen to game modes when they are neglected or there is no reason to do them anymore *coughdungeonscough*

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> > > Lul freaking casuals complaining again. This topic has become a meme now, even Anet can't take the complaints srsly at this point.

> >

> > Yah.. Bet Anet can't wait for them to take a stand and walk away in disgust leaving only the real players to enjoy this game in peace.


> Open world got an exclusive trinket a few months ago, why do they need another exclusive item now?


That was LS, not open world.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> > > > Lul freaking casuals complaining again. This topic has become a meme now, even Anet can't take the complaints srsly at this point.

> > >

> > > Yah.. Bet Anet can't wait for them to take a stand and walk away in disgust leaving only the real players to enjoy this game in peace.

> >

> > Open world got an exclusive trinket a few months ago, why do they need another exclusive item now?


> That was LS, not open world.


You're being ridiculous.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> > > > > Lul freaking casuals complaining again. This topic has become a meme now, even Anet can't take the complaints srsly at this point.

> > > >

> > > > Yah.. Bet Anet can't wait for them to take a stand and walk away in disgust leaving only the real players to enjoy this game in peace.

> > >

> > > Open world got an exclusive trinket a few months ago, why do they need another exclusive item now?

> >

> > That was LS, not open world.


> You're being ridiculous.


I always viewed LW as solo instance based content, not Open World, maybe that is what you all call Open world now, but, even so, last I looked anyone could do that content.. so it's hardly exclusive.



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> @Spicy.2481 said:

> Easy solution to any casual who wants the ring. Unlock the collection by doing escort(literally like an open world pve event.) Find a guy on the lfg after reset who is holding out a cleared instance of hall of chains for ppl to loot the chests either for free or for a small donation(ppl do this a ton for previous wings where you need collection items for legendary armor from "hidden chests"). Easy, you have now acquired all of the raid locked stuff for your legendary ring precursor, now go do some open world.


You cannot loot the chests even if you join a cleared instance. Only the ones who get boss credits can see the chests. Even if I join a raid who just killed Desmina, I can't even see the chests. I already did Desmina and River of Souls and I got the first 2 items. Of what I read, the last item is after the last boss of W5.

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> @"Rising Dusk.2408" said:

> All content should have further exclusive rewards, including legendaries, to justify continued playing of that content.


And they do have exclusive rewards, they made new bosses armor and weapons obtainable in the new wing and thats okay. But putting new legs on them is too much, imo they are not making good use of all the effort that went into the this new legendary.

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> @Jukens.1693 said:

> And they do have exclusive rewards, they made new bosses armor and weapons obtainable in the new wing and thats okay. But putting new legs on them is too much, imo they are not making good use of all the effort that went into the this new legendary.

Legendaries are the ultimate in exclusive rewards and are the best at luring players into trying new game modes. There's nothing "too much" about it; in-fact they should do this _more often_ with all game modes.


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> It is sad how raids in their current form have turned GW2 from what many considered to be the most accepting and friendly MMO on the market into one of the most narrowminded and toxic environments in gaming.


Were you here in 2012 when the only "hard" thing to do were dungeons and the only accepted classes was zerker warrior with maybe 1 zerker guard and a zerker mes? Cuz those days were infinitely more toxic than today's raids and fractals. I don't raid often, but i already pugged a few kills, i do fractals often. Tbh, the only 2 problems i see is the LI barrier and the 10-man squad thing, cuz fracs cm (5 ppl) is ez. The other toxic/elitist kitten has always been here.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > > > @zoomborg.9462 said:

> > > > > > Lul freaking casuals complaining again. This topic has become a meme now, even Anet can't take the complaints srsly at this point.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yah.. Bet Anet can't wait for them to take a stand and walk away in disgust leaving only the real players to enjoy this game in peace.

> > > >

> > > > Open world got an exclusive trinket a few months ago, why do they need another exclusive item now?

> > >

> > > That was LS, not open world.

> >

> > You're being ridiculous.


> I always viewed LW as solo instance based content, not Open World, maybe that is what you all call Open world now, but, even so, last I looked anyone could do that content.. so it's hardly exclusive.




but most of the achievments had to be done in open world maps. im confused. is aurora even real?


more serious: anyone? ignoring those who didn´t logged in during ls releases, they defenitly can´t finish aurora. raids on the other hand...

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> @Ziooo.8932 said:

> Were you here in 2012 when the only "hard" thing to do were dungeons and the only accepted classes was zerker warrior with maybe 1 zerker guard and a zerker mes? Cuz those days were infinitely more toxic than today's raids and fractals. I don't raid often, but i already pugged a few kills, i do fractals often. Tbh, the only 2 problems i see is the LI barrier and the 10-man squad thing, cuz fracs cm (5 ppl) is ez. The other toxic/elitist kitten has always been here.


Dont remember it like that... ofc there was speed fullruns.... but that elitism start to appear only coz of youtube DnT and SC videos... but still you can build normal party and do it with no stress... meta as 4x war+1 mes for cof1 farm.... it was there coz ppl still dont know... and it was only % of dungeon parties.

Ive done 1500 dungs after DM title... and i can take newbie friend into party and it was not problem... so i can show them... then they run more often and enjoy it.

Raids ? I took my friend also... was kicked so many times... coz he done only VG few times.( have equip, metabuild, know tactics... kicked before fight starts coz of low LI) so i abandon that crap if i cant play it with my friends... and hate system how they build it. ( to hate starters)


And now they force ppl to go there ? with no other option ? gg



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Ok guys, sorry if i am disrespectful but here are my points. Recently i started doing my legendary. In order to make it i have to play wvw and i absolutely hate it. I know that it is not the same time invesment but its similar problem. Same for aurora, i dont enjoy running around maps. You dont see me rioting on forums. If i had to obtain gift of exploration for shining blade i wouldnt bother either.

Next point: ascended rings have same stats as legendary one so i dont know why you just cannot use like 10 diferent ascended rings (way cheaper anyway).

I am not a raid veteran, but like 2 weeks ago i joined training guild and killed 2 bosses with them. Obviously we were failing alot but it took us less then 2 hours and we went in without knowing anything. Its not like you need to be a god to clear it.

If you want the legendary SKIN you should work for it. If the cost is too much then dont bother. But imagine if everyone had legendary armor/rings/weapons....

If that was the case i would just craft ascended cause the skin would have no value.

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> @intox.6347 said:

> > @Ziooo.8932 said:

> > Were you here in 2012 when the only "hard" thing to do were dungeons and the only accepted classes was zerker warrior with maybe 1 zerker guard and a zerker mes? Cuz those days were infinitely more toxic than today's raids and fractals. I don't raid often, but i already pugged a few kills, i do fractals often. Tbh, the only 2 problems i see is the LI barrier and the 10-man squad thing, cuz fracs cm (5 ppl) is ez. The other toxic/elitist kitten has always been here.


> Dont remember it like that... ofc there was speed fullruns.... but that elitism start to appear only coz of youtube DnT and SC videos... but still you can build normal party and do it with no stress... meta as 4x war+1 mes for cof1 farm.... it was there coz ppl still dont know... and it was only % of dungeon parties.

> Ive done 1500 dungs after DM title... and i can take newbie friend into party and it was not problem... so i can show them... then they run more often and enjoy it.

> Raids ? I took my friend also... was kicked so many times... coz he done only VG few times.( have equip, metabuild, know tactics... kicked before fight starts coz of low LI) so i abandon that crap if i cant play it with my friends... and hate system how they build it. ( to hate starters)


> And now they force ppl to go there ? with no other option ? gg




Yeah, that does happen more often than it should (havent experienced a lot myself, but some friends get kicked from groups even before the raid starts). Tbh, the problem is that, no matter what you say or what you do, raids doesnt have a way for you to show whether you are or arent ready for them. Take t4 fracs: you MUST have AR, which requires ascended pieces, you also NEED to have a high fractal level to be able to see the lfg and join a group. There arent such barriers in raids, anyone can join, so people tend to be more harsh with the reqs and way more toxic and elitist towards newbies (that doesnt apply to everyone).


Edit: 4war+mes was common elsewhere as well, but dungeons skill floor was low(er than today's raids) so it was easier to get into.

I dont enjoy that some content gets locked behind gamemodes i dont enjoy, but hey, at least the gamemodes i like also have content tied to them.


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> @Ziooo.8932 said:


> > It is sad how raids in their current form have turned GW2 from what many considered to be the most accepting and friendly MMO on the market into one of the most narrowminded and toxic environments in gaming.


> Were you here in 2012 when the only "hard" thing to do were dungeons and the only accepted classes was zerker warrior with maybe 1 zerker guard and a zerker mes?

Yes, i was running a bunker guard then, and was frequently running the same dungeons with bearbows and necros in the party. Usually we finished before the speedrunners even managed to get a full party.

Basically, that toxicity, even though it did exist, was easily contained and ignored, and hurt the toxic people more than everyone else. Unlike now.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Ok guys, sorry if i am disrespectful but here are my points. Recently i started doing my legendary. In order to make it i have to play wvw and i absolutely hate it. I know that it is not the same time invesment but its similar problem. Same for aurora, i dont enjoy running around maps. You dont see me rioting on forums. If i had to obtain gift of exploration for shining blade i wouldnt bother either.

> Next point: ascended rings have same stats as legendary one so i dont know why you just cannot use like 10 diferent ascended rings (way cheaper anyway).

> I am not a raid veteran, but like 2 weeks ago i joined training guild and killed 2 bosses with them. Obviously we were failing alot but it took us less then 2 hours and we went in without knowing anything. Its not like you need to be a god to clear it.

> If you want the legendary SKIN you should work for it. If the cost is too much then dont bother. But imagine if everyone had legendary armor/rings/weapons....

> If that was the case i would just craft ascended cause the skin would have no value.


You don't like open world maps and WvW still you can insta join them. But if you don't like to raid this makes it impossible, thats the point.

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> @"Jukens.1693" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > Ok guys, sorry if i am disrespectful but here are my points. Recently i started doing my legendary. In order to make it i have to play wvw and i absolutely hate it. I know that it is not the same time invesment but its similar problem. Same for aurora, i dont enjoy running around maps. You dont see me rioting on forums. If i had to obtain gift of exploration for shining blade i wouldnt bother either.

> > Next point: ascended rings have same stats as legendary one so i dont know why you just cannot use like 10 diferent ascended rings (way cheaper anyway).

> > I am not a raid veteran, but like 2 weeks ago i joined training guild and killed 2 bosses with them. Obviously we were failing alot but it took us less then 2 hours and we went in without knowing anything. Its not like you need to be a god to clear it.

> > If you want the legendary SKIN you should work for it. If the cost is too much then dont bother. But imagine if everyone had legendary armor/rings/weapons....

> > If that was the case i would just craft ascended cause the skin would have no value.


> You don't like open world maps and WvW still you can insta join them. But if you don't like to raid this makes it impossible, thats the point.


You can join raids solo, but you wont complete them that way. Not very different from the fractal or pvp backpacks that also cant be made solo.

You can argue that you can "just lfg" for those, but you can do that for raids as well.

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