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Is focus viable for scourge?


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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> I've been playing power scourge with it again and its pretty fun. Dagger/axe and focus just so i always have Binding of Ipos on me. Shadow Dagger goes really well with it.


When I tried power scourge the f5 skill was doing half the damage per pulse than stated on the tool tip.


Have you noticed this or was something funky just happening to me?

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Yes you can even play focus on condi scourge


Pretty nice to generate lf and good to generate vulnerability


In open world you can play almost everything, cause youre not going to minmax.


So feel free to play with your focus.


Btw. Do i need to play the hot story to get all point of interest in auric basin?

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Until they fix Reaper's Touch I would say no. Reaper's Touch almost never hits unless used in melee range because the projectile is too slow, gets obstructed in clear field and does not home in on the target at all. This has been a problem with Focus on necromancer ever since the launch so do not hold your breath for a fix to it

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Yes, considering the lifeforce, damage, cds, and the updated plague sending will all combined actually make you do more damage than offhand dagger for some time until plague sending cant linger long enough after F5 for your BiP.

Focus 4 is a nice self heal and damage along with an extra shade attack, but you should be in melee range so it can't miss. Focus 5, you shouldn't use unless chasing someone or something or if you need to remove boons asap.

This is for condi builds, for power it's just a big yes as it's our best power offhand imho.

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> @Swadow.6213 said:

> Until they fix Reaper's Touch I would say no. Reaper's Touch almost never hits unless used in melee range because the projectile is too slow, gets obstructed in clear field and does not home in on the target at all. This has been a problem with Focus on necromancer ever since the launch so do not hold your breath for a fix to it


Tbh I just want it to grant 3 might per bounce instead of regen. I'm fine with it otherwise.

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So you really find focus usefull... or playing hipster style... "i just like it..." Spend so much time on necro, that is hard to believe somebody using it... on condi reaper u have warhorn / dagger offhand... so cant count focus possible. And on power reaper ? Still find more usefull warhorn... dunno why use focus...

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warhorn is better in 1vX, focus is supreme for 1v1 (aka bosses, which is the only thing you should care about when making a build).

why so many '...'s?



Focus is DEFINITELY viable. Just not meta, and thus not optimal according to some sheep. Blind meta-sheep who can't read your question will say it isn't viable.

Unless you're running staff, in which case you're already not even near optimal so nothing matters at that point.

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I'm not too sure how I feel about Focus on Scourge, since there are better options for Condition-based builds, but for an all-in sort of dueling spec I've been pretty happy with it. Focus as a weapon on Necromancer, though, is really quite great; It's been my go-to offhand for Power Reaper for the better part of the last year and a half.

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Focus is awful and perhaps the worst and most useless weapon in the game on any profession.


Focus 4 doesn't do its damage unless you are right on top of the target and are the only player or minion near the target. Focus 5 takes a million years to cast and does awful damage except in perfect circumstances.

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In pve focus 4 is pretty easy to play with.


In pvp modes its awesome. Cuz most players will waste a dodge on it.


And there is nothing better than focus 5 while getting kited by an elementalist in pvp. Well on power builds. For a condibuild its not very useful yes

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> @"Oslaf Beinir.5842" said:

> there is not much reason to pick Focus up with Warhorn and Torch around.

> Even Dagger offers better utility.


> You do get bonus cool points for playing Focus though :+1:


Especially with the new legendary focus.


Bit if you want to play a support only scourge build. Focus is highly recommended

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