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When do we get to kill Braham?


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It would be the same annoyance that Taimi's golem always has to be destroyed. Anyone keeping count? So she's always delegated to exposition character because of this, yet I'd be against her dying with no Asura that could reasonably take up the role, Zojja has been soo absent since HoT she's no longer the icon representing Asura.


Eir is dead, and with Braham gone who then picks up the mantle for the Norn? It's really disappointing to see soo little representation of a race in the game. Eir was mostly carving statues, unless you actually played a Norn. Then she was a mentor and friend who always had time to help you forge a legend. Eir's gone and that's going to put the Norn in a bad place if Braham is suddenly the enemy now. From a story stand point that would mean possibly losing the Norn as allies (though Anet would never actually do this as it would be a huge blunder). Mainly many Norn players wouldn't be happy with their race being excluded from the story.


From a story standpoint it would require a new Norn to pick up the mantle, that would lead to Anet allowing it to happen in story. So who could you pick? Nobody's going to have the relevance of Eir's own blood, let alone trying to sell Braham has lost favor with the Norn. It's a difficult spot, but killing off Braham won't help current story problems. There's already a large imbalance in representation vs Destiny's Edge. There was one of each race and that made it feel balanced on representing each race, now there's two humans and charr every other race is delegated to one rep. Cut out any but the multiples and you could make the player base feel isolated that plays that race. I don't like Brahams actions, but the alternative of no Norn would be worse.


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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Gosh you people are bloodthirsty....


> _~smh~_




I'm really getting sick of seeing these kinds of posts/threads. As much as I hate/loathe/despise Rytlock, I don't go calling for his head on a pike (and if I did it was during an emotional period where I shouldn't have been posting, so I do apologize for that). As much as I don't care for Caithe, I don't want to see her dead. As much as I don't care for Braham's manpain, I don't want to see him dead. I know other people may like these characters. Oh no, I'm showing empathy! I'm putting myself in other people's shoes! It's so rare on these forums it's a superpower! :O


What I DO want to see is the writing improve and for Anet to stop aimlessly throwing characters under the bus or into the fridge or into edgelord grimdark cooldude territory just for "muh dramas". You can make something dramatic/tense without having to kill/bus/endanger/personality screw a character. You can tell a good story without having to dependently lean on tropes (tropes themselves aren't bad but like with anything else it's in how and how much they're used and I feel like Anet leans too heavily on some story tropes).


What I REALLY want is for Zojja to come back. However, given the way things are going, I don't see that happening and I don't see the story improving. Not for me, at least. :\

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> I'm really getting sick of seeing these kinds of posts/threads. As much as I hate/loathe/despise Rytlock, I don't go calling for his head on a pike (and if I did it was during an emotional period where I shouldn't have been posting, so I do apologize for that). As much as I don't care for Caithe, I don't want to see her dead. As much as I don't care for Braham's manpain, I don't want to see him dead. I know other people may like these characters. Oh no, I'm showing empathy! I'm putting myself in other people's shoes! It's so rare on these forums it's a superpower!


I wish the Awakened would try to capture Taimi, and then, from the inside of her golem, she would realize she had no escape. So, instead of allowing herself to be captured and tortured by Joko, only to possibly be killed by him and then be used against her people, she would choose to sacrifice herself. She would self destruct her golem, incinerating herself and killing her Awakened attackers. It would save a lot of lifes, since Taimi's mind would be lost to Joko.


...But, Joko wouldn't let this pass. He would still awaken her remains - dust, basically. And while it wouldn't have enough of a mind to give him any piece of information, it would have enough self awareness and enough of a mind to scream (mentally only, of course, dust does not have a mouth), for eternity. Joko would then give the commander a nice ribbon-shapped box containing Taimi's awakened, ever suffering ashes. And the commander wouldn't be able to do anything about it, because how do you destroy ash?


And if you think that's too much torture kitten, it's less bad than what ArenaNet did to some of the GW1 characters.



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I am not sure that Joko could reanimate something reduced to ashes.

His soldiers are made from corpses... no corpses, no party...


Btw, to me is important that they keep the courage to let characters die.

Eir's death was unexpected, but somehow i knew that taimi was not in danger.


As many said the dubber did a good work, but the one who moved the commander already knew that she couldn't have been killed, so it was all meh...


So, though i still miss Scarlet, i would like to see victims among the main characters... not only the filler ones...

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Guess how to dupe us out of more gems ANET? Make the players decide, we "donate" the gems, and once a limit is reached the fate of each character is decided, who dies, and who dies first. If that was ever implemented, you could expect each character to die eventually and first it would be Braham and Rytlock, besides ANET will make more money than with skins by killing these characters, it's a genuine concern for the future of the story, they ruin everything there is to it, more people would be willing to see those suckers dead than pay for shiny skins.

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Welllll. Taimi first, part of me was sarcastically saying "oh, no Joko got her, oh no, her oxygen is running low"

She didn't care when we died

She didn't care when she kept getting the party in danger.



seriously, make it stop.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Here is a more humane solution. Braham is practicing with his fancy new bow...and has an accident...he takes an arrow to the knee :3 ! He then has to go into early retirement =)


Sounds good! Let's steal all of their sweet rolls! As for the topic, itself, I don't like Braham he's a bit _too_ childish, I guess. Hopefully he will turn into a good character we don't loathe.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Gosh you people are bloodthirsty....

> >

> > _~smh~_


> This.


> I'm really getting sick of seeing these kinds of posts/threads. As much as I hate/loathe/despise Rytlock, I don't go calling for his head on a pike (and if I did it was during an emotional period where I shouldn't have been posting, so I do apologize for that). As much as I don't care for Caithe, I don't want to see her dead. As much as I don't care for Braham's manpain, I don't want to see him dead. I know other people may like these characters. Oh no, I'm showing empathy! I'm putting myself in other people's shoes! It's so rare on these forums it's a superpower! :O


> What I DO want to see is the writing improve and for Anet to stop aimlessly throwing characters under the bus or into the fridge or into edgelord grimdark cooldude territory just for "muh dramas". You can make something dramatic/tense without having to kill/bus/endanger/personality screw a character. You can tell a good story without having to dependently lean on tropes (tropes themselves aren't bad but like with anything else it's in how and how much they're used and I feel like Anet leans too heavily on some story tropes).


> What I REALLY want is for Zojja to come back. However, given the way things are going, I don't see that happening and I don't see the story improving. Not for me, at least. :\


Well, it's a difference between "I don't like this character because -insert random reason- and I don't like this guy because he literally hates me, is working against me, throws accusations, insults commander, tries to kill us all etc...

Now put yourself in the spot of commander. Let's say this is real world. Would you kill Taimi or Canach or Rytlock just because they can be annoying? Becuase you don't like their voice? Becuase you don't like their lines? Or would you like to get rid of Braham, who insults you, works against you, tries to wake a dragon without any plans whatsoever, blames you for death of his mother and disrespects you by assuming like you don't give a fuck about her etc...?

Sure, maybe you wouldn't want to kill him in real life, but you would wan't to stop him and then probably avoid seeing him, unless he would go into suicidal mode again.

So, you people who post like "eh, he's just going through his stage of grieving and blah blah...." I'd like to see you handle him in real life. "Yeah, no worries.... wait he want's to wake up a dragon? He insults us and hates us all? He works against us? Meh, it's all good, let him do whatever he wants. He is still my best friend! I'll wait for the world to end and then we'll have a beer together."

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Am I the only person who likes Brahm, and would like to help him get over the rough patch he's currently going through? If not for the guy who helped you kill a freaking elder dragon, think of it as a favour to his late mother. Y'know, that person who took you into her guild and helped you kill another Elder Dragon?


In my headcannon, Brahm just wants to be us - he idolises us, and wants to build a legend as gradious as ours. He's too proud to admit it, however, and his admiration simmers into frustration as the chances to prove himself to us slips away time after time. Once he gets over this character arc, I'm sure he will shine as his own person.

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Honestly, I felt like giving Rytlock a trophy for shutting Braham up in the last story instance. XD


Still, my personal gripe with Braham goes along the line of thought that serialkicker mentioned above. In real life, you often work with people you may like, dislike or simply feel indifferent to, but it's a different matter when they act in a manner that sabotages not only your own actions, but also endangers the greater good. I certainly don't want to kill the people I dislike or whose viewpoint I disagree with, but when that person goes off the rails and endangers not only themselves, but those around them, does it become a question of merely tolerating them anymore? Do you tolerate a drunk driver who is speeding down a highway at 140 km/h, putting themselves and other drivers in danger? I'm sure the answer for most logical thinkers would be "no".


Right now, that's how I see Braham. He's the reckless drunk driver who is hurtling down the road at breakneck speeds to his own demise, heedless of those around him or of the consequences of his actions might entail for them. While our player character has had to deal with various setbacks and alter their plans for dealing with the elder dragons as new information about the consequences of their deaths comes to light, Braham can only complain about the fact that he didn't get to bash Jormag's head in, regardless of the collateral damage it would cause to the rest of the world.


Braham's a loose cannon, and what irritates me more than his reckless behavior, is that our player character seems happy to just allow it to continue. We didn't tolerate Balthazaar when he went off the rails and endangered everyone else in his goal to kill the Elder Dragons, so why would we tolerate it from Braham, especially when the former was the God of War, and the latter certainly is not? That's really all I'd like to see from the story, for our character to put their foot down and ensure Braham knows we're not tolerating his outbursts anymore. Maybe then he'd start to see sense, when he realizes we're not willing to play the role of the punching back for his angst anymore.

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Yes, he's still a jerk, but didn't anyone notice how quickly he shut up once Rox mentioned how many times the Commander had saved his ass, well rolled his eyes and then shut up...I didn't hear a word out his mouth the rest of the story...except the end, maybe, don't even recall that either.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> Yes, he's still a jerk, but didn't anyone notice how quickly he shut up once Rox mentioned how many times the Commander had saved his kitten, well rolled his eyes and then shut up...I didn't hear a word out his mouth the rest of the story...except the end, maybe, don't even recall that either.


I noticed that reaction to what Rox said. I really do think he will come around. Yes he is a fool currently and should be dealt with.... but not by killing him.

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> @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > @Zaklex.6308 said:

> > Yes, he's still a jerk, but didn't anyone notice how quickly he shut up once Rox mentioned how many times the Commander had saved his kitten, well rolled his eyes and then shut up...I didn't hear a word out his mouth the rest of the story...except the end, maybe, don't even recall that either.


> I noticed that reaction to what Rox said. I really do think he will come around. Yes he is a fool currently and should be dealt with.... but not by killing him.


PoF Spoilers him against that one boss that got nerfed and then bring him back a changed person.

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> @Loboling.5293 said:

> I heard a great idea, have his behavior be tied to a slow corruption of Jormag he's going through. He's been trying to fight Jormag, and it's said those who fight him become his lieutenants. Finally, by the end of living world season 4, he should be the final boss. My 2 cents, but I'd love to kill him, but he'll need something like dragon corruption to rival the Commander.


That would fit my suspicion about that mask he wore in Bitterfrost Frontier. The whole "thief" thing made no sense, since the Sons of Svanir had neither a reason to suspect that their shaman's "assistant" was AWOL (since we only got the elixir ourself and there is no reason to assume that a Son of Svanir would have got it faster) and even less reason to assume it was Braham in disguise... unless he was spotted stealing something else of them in which case they might get that idea. And the thing he might have stolen is this mask with that strange green glow that absolutely does not fit his normal colour scheme.

Now, if that mask was a carrier of corruption it could possibly lead into this dragon lieutenant scenario.

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I didn't used to have any animosity towards Braham, but ever since the middle of HoT he's been *completely* unlikable. Even in his most recent appearance where they tried to bring him back into the picture, *nooope.* Big'ole nope. Just pack it in, Braham is not happening, and I don't even want them to attempt some sort of tragic redemption for him, just give us "where's Braham?" "he got eaten by a bear."

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> I didn't used to have any animosity towards Braham, but ever since the middle of HoT he's been *completely* unlikable. Even in his most recent appearance where they tried to bring him back into the picture, *nooope.* Big'ole nope. Just pack it in, Braham is not happening, and I don't even want them to attempt some sort of tragic redemption for him, just give us "where's Braham?" "he got eaten by a bear."


I would feel bad for the bear.

More of the likes of


"Has anyone seen Braham?"

"Isn't he always with Rox?"


Then Rox say, "While we was scouting, one of the Icebrood got to him after we was ambushed."

then Taimi can say "Did you poke it?"

then Rox say, "Once, just for you."


Then the main character will say, "Oh well... we should head to our destination."


and Braham is never ever brought up ever again. Not even in flashbacks or anything. Just wiped clean.


...then do the same to Taimi and we'll be good.


"Oh, Taimi's golem imploded within itself. We think it has something to do with those steampunk creatures."

Which leads to the Steampunk arc and she's never spoken about again.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > I didn't used to have any animosity towards Braham, but ever since the middle of HoT he's been *completely* unlikable. Even in his most recent appearance where they tried to bring him back into the picture, *nooope.* Big'ole nope. Just pack it in, Braham is not happening, and I don't even want them to attempt some sort of tragic redemption for him, just give us "where's Braham?" "he got eaten by a bear."


> I would feel bad for the bear.

> More of the likes of


> "Has anyone seen Braham?"

> "Isn't he always with Rox?"


> Then Rox say, "While we was scouting, one of the Icebrood got to him after we was ambushed."

> then Taimi can say "Did you poke it?"

> then Rox say, "Once, just for you."


> Then the main character will say, "Oh well... we should head to our destination."


> and Braham is never ever brought up ever again. Not even in flashbacks or anything. Just wiped clean.


> ...then do the same to Taimi and we'll be good.


> "Oh, Taimi's golem imploded within itself. We think it has something to do with those steampunk creatures."

> Which leads to the Steampunk arc and she's never spoken about again.


I would thumbs up that, but Taimi is pretty much the *only* character I love in the game.

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