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When do we get to kill Braham?


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> @"UnbentMars.9126" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > Taimi is useful and has a working brain, also she's adorable B) . Braham is a mindless, useless tool :'( . The only solution is to turn him into a dragon minion as I have been saying all along. He would not even change much, he would still be a mindless tool, just less annoying!

> >

> > Depends on what you consider adorable.

> >

> > > @KTap.4381 said:

> > > Not sure we ever will, unfortunately. I believe ANet wants at least 1 of each race to be a main character for story purposes.

> > >

> > > Our only hope would be if they start introducing a new Norn into the main story line. That could signal an end for Braham in the near future.

> > >

> > > That's my 2 cents :p

> >

> > Then give me Zojja back.


> Zojja was worse than Braham ever was


Zojja is effectively dead. Felicia Day is not returning and that is a good thing. She is a terrible voice actress and overall terrible actress.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Gosh you people are bloodthirsty....

> > >

> > > _~smh~_

> >

> > This.

> >

> > I'm really getting sick of seeing these kinds of posts/threads. As much as I hate/loathe/despise Rytlock, I don't go calling for his head on a pike (and if I did it was during an emotional period where I shouldn't have been posting, so I do apologize for that). As much as I don't care for Caithe, I don't want to see her dead. As much as I don't care for Braham's manpain, I don't want to see him dead. I know other people may like these characters. Oh no, I'm showing empathy! I'm putting myself in other people's shoes! It's so rare on these forums it's a superpower! :O

> >

> > What I DO want to see is the writing improve and for Anet to stop aimlessly throwing characters under the bus or into the fridge or into edgelord grimdark cooldude territory just for "muh dramas". You can make something dramatic/tense without having to kill/bus/endanger/personality screw a character. You can tell a good story without having to dependently lean on tropes (tropes themselves aren't bad but like with anything else it's in how and how much they're used and I feel like Anet leans too heavily on some story tropes).

> >

> > What I REALLY want is for Zojja to come back. However, given the way things are going, I don't see that happening and I don't see the story improving. Not for me, at least. :\


> Well, it's a difference between "I don't like this character because -insert random reason- and I don't like this guy because he literally hates me, is working against me, throws accusations, insults commander, tries to kill us all etc...

> Now put yourself in the spot of commander. Let's say this is real world. Would you kill Taimi or Canach or Rytlock just because they can be annoying? Becuase you don't like their voice? Becuase you don't like their lines? Or would you like to get rid of Braham, who insults you, works against you, tries to wake a dragon without any plans whatsoever, blames you for death of his mother and disrespects you by assuming like you don't give a kitten about her etc...?

> Sure, maybe you wouldn't want to kill him in real life, but you would wan't to stop him and then probably avoid seeing him, unless he would go into suicidal mode again.

> So, you people who post like "eh, he's just going through his stage of grieving and blah blah...." I'd like to see you handle him in real life. "Yeah, no worries.... wait he want's to wake up a dragon? He insults us and hates us all? He works against us? Meh, it's all good, let him do whatever he wants. He is still my best friend! I'll wait for the world to end and then we'll have a beer together."


The Commander is supposed to be really bad ass! If it was real life it would be super easy to kill him and have no one bat an eye. Two Dragons and a God, do you really want to mess with that?

Beating the crap out of him is also as this happens to people all the time that get lippy. Especially when they are being ungrateful for everything you have and are doing for them. His behavior is absolutely no excuse and what confuses me is how Rox puts up with it.

I think the thing that is irritating about Bram the most is how ANET basically cows the commander dialogue essentially making them Brams Kitten. That is not a cool experience. A real commander would have put him in his place real fast with the fear of god.

Taimi is a kid and kids do stupid things all the time. Plus I do enjoy how she messes with Phlunt.

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> @"Maskah.1486" said:

> > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> > > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > > Gosh you people are bloodthirsty....

> > > >

> > > > _~smh~_

> > >

> > > This.

> > >

> > > I'm really getting sick of seeing these kinds of posts/threads. As much as I hate/loathe/despise Rytlock, I don't go calling for his head on a pike (and if I did it was during an emotional period where I shouldn't have been posting, so I do apologize for that). As much as I don't care for Caithe, I don't want to see her dead. As much as I don't care for Braham's manpain, I don't want to see him dead. I know other people may like these characters. Oh no, I'm showing empathy! I'm putting myself in other people's shoes! It's so rare on these forums it's a superpower! :O

> > >

> > > What I DO want to see is the writing improve and for Anet to stop aimlessly throwing characters under the bus or into the fridge or into edgelord grimdark cooldude territory just for "muh dramas". You can make something dramatic/tense without having to kill/bus/endanger/personality screw a character. You can tell a good story without having to dependently lean on tropes (tropes themselves aren't bad but like with anything else it's in how and how much they're used and I feel like Anet leans too heavily on some story tropes).

> > >

> > > What I REALLY want is for Zojja to come back. However, given the way things are going, I don't see that happening and I don't see the story improving. Not for me, at least. :\

> >

> > Well, it's a difference between "I don't like this character because -insert random reason- and I don't like this guy because he literally hates me, is working against me, throws accusations, insults commander, tries to kill us all etc...

> > Now put yourself in the spot of commander. Let's say this is real world. Would you kill Taimi or Canach or Rytlock just because they can be annoying? Becuase you don't like their voice? Becuase you don't like their lines? Or would you like to get rid of Braham, who insults you, works against you, tries to wake a dragon without any plans whatsoever, blames you for death of his mother and disrespects you by assuming like you don't give a kitten about her etc...?

> > Sure, maybe you wouldn't want to kill him in real life, but you would wan't to stop him and then probably avoid seeing him, unless he would go into suicidal mode again.

> > So, you people who post like "eh, he's just going through his stage of grieving and blah blah...." I'd like to see you handle him in real life. "Yeah, no worries.... wait he want's to wake up a dragon? He insults us and hates us all? He works against us? Meh, it's all good, let him do whatever he wants. He is still my best friend! I'll wait for the world to end and then we'll have a beer together."


> The Commander is supposed to be really bad kitten! If it was real life it would be super easy to kill him and have no one bat an eye. Two Dragons and a God, do you really want to mess with that?

> Beating the crap out of him is also as this happens to people all the time that get lippy. Especially when they are being ungrateful for everything you have and are doing for them. His behavior is absolutely no excuse and what confuses me is how Rox puts up with it.

> I think the thing that is irritating about Bram the most is how ANET basically cows the commander dialogue essentially making them Brams Kitten. That is not a cool experience. A real commander would have put him in his place real fast with the fear of god.

> Taimi is a kid and kids do stupid things all the time. Plus I do enjoy how she messes with Phlunt.


You assume the Commander is in a position of power over Brahm. Guilds aren't organised militaries - every person is their own.

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I'd not kill Brahm, not worth the trouble. He would simply be ditched somewhere. Perhaps he'd be "accidently" left behind when the pact airship stopped for resupply somewhere remote.


Seriously though, he's dangerous and insubordinate, not someone I'd want in my squad or guild. I'd like my toon to "whup" his kitten good and put him in his place.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I'd not kill Brahm, not worth the trouble. He would simply be ditched somewhere. Perhaps he'd be "accidently" left behind when the pact airship stopped for resupply somewhere remote.


> Seriously though, he's dangerous and insubordinate, not someone I'd want in my squad or guild. I'd like my toon to "whup" his kitten good and put him in his place.


He's powerful and driven, enough so to earn the respect of his people and lead the charge against an Elder Dragon... kinda like a certain other character we know quite intimately.


I think the most recent Living World has shown Brahm to be anything but dangerous, just misguided. He's sure to have his redemption arc sometime in this season, ready to become the Brahm we knew and loved in the next Expac.

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> @"Rennie.6750" said:

> Hopefully never. We need more antagonist NPCs telling us our plans are completely stupid, when they're all yes men it's really boring.


What plans are completely stupid? So far It's everyone else who makes stupid plans not us.

-Trahearne thinking it's a good plan to take the *entire fleet* into unknown territory, we had to clean up the mess that was left behind.

-Braham going on some foolish mission to kill Jormag just because he has 1 magic bow that can make a tiny crack in one of Jormag's 40 feet tall teeth.

-Rytlock keeps ignoring orders from his superiors until it eventually got him arrested.



I could go on for quite a while, but I think you get the point. Everytime someone comes up with a stupid plan and we have to fix the mess, then B-salt comes along, whines about it and blames us.


"So first you put Jormag to sleep with that blasted machine"

_You are darn right. If I hadn't, you might've killed Jormag and destroyed all of Tyria in the process you moron!_



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> @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> > @"Rennie.6750" said:

> > Hopefully never. We need more antagonist NPCs telling us our plans are completely stupid, when they're all yes men it's really boring.


> What plans are completely stupid? So far It's everyone else who makes stupid plans not us.

> -Trahearne thinking it's a good plan to take the *entire fleet* into unknown territory, we had to clean up the mess that was left behind.

> -Braham going on some foolish mission to kill Jormag just because he has 1 magic bow that can make a tiny crack in one of Jormag's 40 feet tall teeth.

> -Rytlock keeps ignoring orders from his superiors until it eventually got him arrested.



> I could go on for quite a while, but I think you get the point. Everytime someone comes up with a stupid plan and we have to fix the mess, then B-salt comes along, whines about it and blames us.


> "So first you put Jormag to sleep with that blasted machine"

> _You are darn right. If I hadn't, you might've killed Jormag and destroyed all of Tyria in the process you moron!_




Yeah, let's indulge in a bickering competition with the 400-pound ManChild while our allies' lives are in danger. That'll show everyone what kind of a hero we are.

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> When do we get to kill Braham?


Why though? He's actually a decent guy. He's having a hard time dealing with the death of his mother. He handled it pretty well, kept his composure in the jungle, and I guess coming back it all hit him at once.


He's grieving and he's lashing out at you a bit because he has such very high standards for you and his own mother highly regarded you; I guess in his grief he doesn't understand how you can kill dragons and gods and somehow missed his mom. He wasn't there when you literally died. You're portrayed as this untouchable god-like figure.


It's easy to get the idea that as the de facto leader you're trying to upstage his mothers legacy. It isn't like that of course.


Destiny's Edge has pretty much fizzled out and all the former members are dealing with new responsibilities or falling under your banner by choice to carry on the work his mother started, but he's a proud norn and once he gets something in his head it can be pretty hard to convince a norn otherwise.


I'm honestly surprised Braham hasn't taken a go at us yet. He's pretty composed for a norn and the recent story proves at the least he doesn't hate us by any means. Braham needs to understand we're not after his mom's legacy. Rather we're a part of it together.


Eir's legacy is a very great one and one that'll endure so long as the good work she started continues.


That legacy includes the PC and Braham together. Not to mention her former guild mates and the new generation that we've cobbled together with Braham. No one is better qualified to stand in Eir's place than her own son. PC can't do that. Only Braham.


Big lug needs to quit seeing us as trying to upstage his mom and recognize that we're a part of her work, together with him.

Now come on! Less broody, more Ku-BRAHAM! :)

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Personally, I would absolutely love it if we could just kill all of the Dragon's Watch or whatever the fuck it's called, along with the cringe banter fest they shove down our throats in the middle of supposedly serious dialogues. They simply are not likable or interesting by any metric. PoF was the last straw, and after a few episodes into it, I've made the habit of tabbing out the moment I see them on my screen.

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Would be real funny to see a dead norn in one of the LW trailers, with no mention of him. He never shows up again, and years later, they give us confirmation that he died.


Seriously though, I just don't want him ruining my fun. This is a game. In real life, I have to put up with people's attitude problems, and at least I can find my own solutions, talk to them. But my PC seems to just accept it as fact. I could've understood a couple outbreaks, but he's seriously off his rockers. He must be under some type of corruption... He practically sacrificed Rox to get his bow enchanted.... I would never accept him again. He's lost my trust, and he adds a certain frustration to playing through the episodes. I would love for it to be corruption, because I used to like his character. When he turned his back on Tyria, leaving us to fight a God on our own, I knew he was useless. Now he thinks he can play the blame game?...


I hope that he falls. Maybe give him one last failure first. Like he loses his bow, and has a chance to save Rox or grab his bow, but he lets her die. A final act before we finally realize he's too far gone. I'm not against banishing him to the mists though. He just needs to be far from me, and the story. We could even make it beautiful, by seeing him reunite with his mom in the mists as his corruption is finally cleansed, and he thanks us.


Tiami, Canach, Rhytlok, Rox, and even Marjory I can tolerate. (I even like the first three) Kas has no ability to handle her emotions and is a serious liability, with Braham being straight up a detriment. It's sad they had him "save" the PC. No way would some rocks have stopped my Holo. I'd have been able to erect a forcefield or something. I much prefer Logan as the guardian than Braham.

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> @"Dashingsteel.3410" said:

> Taimi is the only one I like. The rest can just go away.


Same, honestly. The rest of the cast, dialogue, story - everything is completely insufferable. I even hate my own character. Everything she says is incredibly stupid. It's the most incapable, ill-equipped, unqualified military outfit possible. If I had the choice I wouldn't play through any of it at all.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> Braham will likely be forgiven, just like Caithe.


I don't hate Caithe, but I find her boring out of everyone in Destiny's Edge.


Logan I like. He could be annoying at times, but I can sometimes understand what he goes through. Reminds me of a dude(s) I know.


Rytlock I can understand a bit too. He's seen a lot and at least seems to try and cope with things with being snotty sometimes and sometimes sarcastic. I can relate to this a bit for personal reasons.


Eir seems like the middle one. She's caught up between it all and at times took the blame from both ends. No one's perfect. She's not perfect, but she seemed to get flack at times for mistakes. I have no problems with her.


Zojja could be another hothead just like Rytlock and a bit originally like Braham to Destiny's Edge group over the years after the incident, but at least as a character she still felt a bit laid back and not snotty to every single person she sees like Braham is.


Snaff um... helped progressed Golemancy? I have nothing else I can go by that I know about him.


Caithe is like the boring one out of all of them. I don't miss her, but I don't hate her.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> > > @"Rennie.6750" said:

> > > Hopefully never. We need more antagonist NPCs telling us our plans are completely stupid, when they're all yes men it's really boring.

> >

> > What plans are completely stupid? So far It's everyone else who makes stupid plans not us.

> > -Trahearne thinking it's a good plan to take the *entire fleet* into unknown territory, we had to clean up the mess that was left behind.

> > -Braham going on some foolish mission to kill Jormag just because he has 1 magic bow that can make a tiny crack in one of Jormag's 40 feet tall teeth.

> > -Rytlock keeps ignoring orders from his superiors until it eventually got him arrested.

> >

> >

> > I could go on for quite a while, but I think you get the point. Everytime someone comes up with a stupid plan and we have to fix the mess, then B-salt comes along, whines about it and blames us.

> >

> > "So first you put Jormag to sleep with that blasted machine"

> > _You are darn right. If I hadn't, you might've killed Jormag and destroyed all of Tyria in the process you moron!_

> >

> >


> Yeah, let's indulge in a bickering competition with the 400-pound ManChild while our allies' lives are in danger. That'll show everyone what kind of a hero we are.


I never said we should confront him when we are still in a dangerous and/or urgent situation, obviously we should do that at the end of the mission when the immediate danger has passed. And confronting someone who has repeatedly been verbally antagonizing you isn't bickering considering the fact this person's idiocity is endangering not just his own people, but the entire world.


But yes let's just respond like a weak bumbling idiot like we did back in 'A Crack in the Ice', that will certainly show everyone what kind of hero we are.

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An ally should never get a reaction of "Oh god, why the fuck are YOU here? Can you just go away? Please?" out of me when they reappear. His character has been ruined for me because of his uncalled for shift to being a whiny dick head which is a shame cause I liked him at first. He's so irritating to me now that I kinda don't want him to get a redemption arc, just get rid of him in any possible way.

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