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Core Guardian Spirit Weapons - Am I the only one that is bothered by this?


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Was there a reason why Anet couldn't turn ALL Spirit Weapon skills into AoE skillshot, instead of summoning them in a random location in your/targets' vicinity? It's so unreliable. I was kind of hyped when they first remade Spirit Weapons into what they are now, but it wasn't done right for people to use them as much as Anet had hoped.


Make Sword, Hammer, and Shield to be a skillshot (like the Bow) so that we can actually control where they will hit and they would already be twice as much appealing to use.


Also, why the hell does the Shield often just simply refuses to summon itself in the midst of a crowd? Is that a bug or does the Shield have a shy personality?

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> I wish it adjusted to a ground target skill while summon like the ele elite GS, deal the active skill damage as the initial hit, then it became the existing floating weapon that follow player for the duration. And of course keep its active as ground targeting like the initial hit.


That... could work better than the current situation. Be similar to mesmer phantasms having an effect when summoned.

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Never expect less from ANet on skill design.... they only know how to increase power creep to make game easyer for pve'rs.


Spirit weapons Shield most times dont cast while in combat and enters on CD, hammer cant hit targets, sword is basicly a lamer trap on range that is easilly kited etc...


Oh.. and the trait eternal armor... burn when atacking with 2 of the SW skill....lol...


These utilites dont even work on pve now.... GG ANet


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