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Want to trade Windswept Haven for... (Spoilers)


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It's about the same size as Guilded Hollow and Lost Precipice and has twice the intricacy of Windswept!


Seeing all the beautiful areas in the new map, like the Astralarium and Fahranur really makes me wish they had added a little bit more to Windswept or gave it a bit more environment variation or something.


I don't expect this to ever be an option, or anyone on the dev team to actually consider adding this for a guild hall option especially as there is no guild development anymore, but just felt like expressing it.


On a serious note though, 12 holo-dancers for one guild hall decoration? Even if it is interactable and has nice effects, really guys? We can't get more non-potted tree types or building structures but you'll happily toss in a grindy 600 gold cost decoration that will take months and months to get as a majority of the rest of the guild that could theoretically help you get it aren't even overly interested in Guild Halls OR decorations?


Lastly, on a positive note, Domain of Istan is definitely one of the best maps made in the game and aside from my guild/guild hall related complaints, great job with this patch! The verticality is amazing on griffon, and the variation in environment makes it really fun to explore. Beautiful assets as well! (If only I could craft some of these amazing assets. :-P)


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