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[Vid] Fear the reaper Part 2! (power reaper wvw/pvp post patch)


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Hey everyone, been a while :)


I just had to play reaper after the patch and it's amazing. IMO they have nailed the reaper concept now and the extra LF degen rly isn't that bad. So I made a video :p



Hope you all enjoy, pvp and wvw roaming build can be found in the description! :)


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I won't deny it. I get a burst of thrill every time I see you combo skills with wurm. I've never seen anyone who does it better than you. It was especially sweet when you caught that thief with it.


Unfortunately I need to get to the bad parts because power Reaper needs help defensively.


The spellbreaker that you said was easy at the 4 min mark...he didn't even run the 50% HP damage immunity trait...


There is a trend to why most of your opponents fell. They didn't negate your shroud burst which is not difficult to do.


Having said that, full props to your superb setups that allowed you to land those bursts =]

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> @Holl.3109 said:

> Hey everyone, been a while :)


> I just had to play reaper after the patch and it's amazing. IMO they have nailed the reaper concept now and the extra LF degen rly isn't that bad. So I made a video :p




> Hope you all enjoy, pvp and wvw roaming build can be found in the description! :)

> -Hollts


i was waiting it with anticipation :-D

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> @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> I won't deny it. I get a burst of thrill every time I see you combo skills with wurm. I've never seen anyone who does it better than you. It was especially sweet when you caught that thief with it.


> Unfortunately I need to get to the bad parts because power Reaper needs help defensively.


> The spellbreaker that you said was easy at the 4 min mark...he didn't even run the 50% HP damage immunity trait...


> There is a trend to why most of your opponents fell. They didn't negate your shroud burst which is not difficult to do.


> Having said that, full props to your superb setups that allowed you to land those bursts =]


Don't worry I just put that spellbreaker clip in there for fun, I probably wouldn't win versus some good SB's.

And yup, the only thing people have to do is kite shroud, so I use every possible way to get close to them!

Thank you :)

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> Personally, i couldn't get past the 2minute mark. Its easy to beat people that arent even trying to avoid your damage. Not exactly skill based when the people you are killing doesnt seem to even know what the dodge button is. The Wurm teleport and Chilled to the bone combo was pretty cool but thats about it.


I felt Holts did a good job setting up most of his bursts though which made it harder for his opponents to react.


Another good way I found is to shroud burst your enemy when he is bursting you himself.


When he is bursting you, he usually won't be defending and it is much easier to land a devastating shroud burst on him.


I like to take stuns from my opponents and invite them to burst me. Then shroud to stun break and burst them back as they are dumping their combo on me.


Almost always takes a chunk out of their HP.

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> @Holl.3109 said:

> > @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> > I won't deny it. I get a burst of thrill every time I see you combo skills with wurm. I've never seen anyone who does it better than you. It was especially sweet when you caught that thief with it.

> >

> > Unfortunately I need to get to the bad parts because power Reaper needs help defensively.

> >

> > The spellbreaker that you said was easy at the 4 min mark...he didn't even run the 50% HP damage immunity trait...

> >

> > There is a trend to why most of your opponents fell. They didn't negate your shroud burst which is not difficult to do.

> >

> > Having said that, full props to your superb setups that allowed you to land those bursts =]


> Don't worry I just put that spellbreaker clip in there for fun, I probably wouldn't win versus some good SB's.

> And yup, the only thing people have to do is kite shroud, so I use every possible way to get close to them!

> Thank you :)


Sorry, I guess I overreacted when I saw that SB part haha. Took it too seriously. I always overreact when I watch your vids as you have a wide viewer base and while I'm always very glad to see more player made content for necros in general, I'm sometimes worried deep down that popular videos like yours might make ppl think 'okay Reaper is in a good spot'. Or 'condi Reaper needs nerf' etc.


I love how your play style fits the current Reaper predicament though. Using wurm to flash into combat and dropping your huge Reaper combo burst. It is truly a joy to watch. It helps reduce the reliance on Reaper shroud as defence and I would even hazard to add spectral walk into your build to get out if things go south.

Like spectral walk > wurm > burst > spectral walk return.

Your mobile style of combat is truly inspiring. I've seen many more Reaper roamers in WvW using wurm too after your video came out.


So please keep those videos coming despite all our negative feedbacks =p

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Nice Vidz as always Hollts, working and playing myself on a Power Reaper build now. Roaming the borders and duelling on it aswell, killing Scourges with ez actually, its a fair bit more squishy then yours but its damn fun and highest dmg Iv done on this gimped class ;)


It envolves combining Spell breaker Runes + Spiteful Talisman + it triggers the Chilling Nova after the Boons are gone. Its lovely


Looking Forward to more Vidz

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The Wurm -> CttB! combo looks always nice but is gimmicky. The setup time is just too long. The fact that you still destroy players with it, shows how bad your oppoents in the video are (guess that was unintended). I am asking for a Wurm cooldown reduction to less than a second for months now. This would improve the class so much and solve so many mechanical issues - but I guess ANet is afraid of Power Reaper Wurm burst gank squads that can retreat immediately with Spectral Walk.


I've tried for days to put Axe/Wh+GS in a viable build when facing a skilled Daredevil or even Deadeye. It does not work. Focus is desperatly needed. It's also a lot more comfortable than Wh against Holos, Heralds, Rangers... everything. Wh4 is as useless as Focus4. You never interrupt anything these days because of 24/7 Stab/Immune/Evade/Invuln. If the cooldown was 15 instead of 30 seconds I might change my opinion. And Focus5 is much more useful than Wh5 in most scenarios.


But you are right that "Consume Conditions" + "Plague Signet" + "Well of Power" makes you immune to Scourges long enough to kill them easily (the most important part is to get rid of that perma weakness when they are running Tailblazer/Dire). Facetanking their condi spam while busting them is hilarious.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > Finnaly a good power reaper vid.


> those people not kited or countered shroud... its easy that way...


> any half decent PvP player will laugh and troll the hell out of a Reaper when he goes shroud......




Or just burst hin out of shroud. That seems to bee pretty easy these days. And i dont believe, that the dmg reduction while in shroud is worki g right now.


Yesterday a dragonhunter ported onto me withe the intervention skill, then pressed this blocking sword skill and i was out of shroud. And i got 18k one or so.


So i guess there is no dmg reduction in times like this

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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> The Wurm -> CttB! combo looks always nice but is gimmicky. The setup time is just too long. The fact that you still destroy players with it, shows how bad your oppoents in the video are (guess that was unintended). I am asking for a Wurm cooldown reduction to less than a second for months now. This would improve the class so much and solve so many mechanical issues - but I guess ANet is afraid of Power Reaper Wurm burst gank squads that can retreat immediately with Spectral Walk.


> I've tried for days to put Axe/Wh+GS in a viable build when facing a skilled Daredevil or even Deadeye. It does not work. Focus is desperatly needed. It's also a lot more comfortable than Wh against Holos, Heralds, Rangers... everything. Wh4 is as useless as Focus4. You never interrupt anything these days because of 24/7 Stab/Immune/Evade/Invuln. If the cooldown was 15 instead of 30 seconds I might change my opinion. And Focus5 is much more useful than Wh5 in most scenarios.


> But you are right that "Consume Conditions" + "Plague Signet" + "Well of Power" makes you immune to Scourges long enough to kill them easily (the most important part is to get rid of that perma weakness when they are running Tailblazer/Dire). Facetanking their condi spam while busting them is hilarious.


I agree that it is gimmicky and if you dont down the person, then its not going to land again, it also helped that the person wasnt paying any attention to him what so ever, landing it on someone who is facing a different direction, attacking someone else isnt that hard. Would it have gone the same way if they were fighting each other? Ranger does have quite a few stun breaks and avoidance skills so i do think had it been 1 Vs 1 then that combo likely wouldnt have worked.


These kind of builds wont work against most semi decent players. As they will know when to kite. They will have stun breaks and range abilities. These kind of builds are basically "look how much damage i can do against bad people" the big numbers and everything are cool and all but the skill level of the people being faced is something important and most were just flat out bad.

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